部分: 阅读理解(共两节, 满分37. 5分)
第一节(共10小题; 每小题2. 5分, 满分25分)
阅读下列3篇短文, 从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
Do you love outdoor challenges? And there are a bunch of really awesome hiking challenges out there now that will not only inspire you to get outside more and push yourself physically- but also provide you access to an awesome community of hikers and often-times hiking groups focusing on the same challenges.
The goal of the 52 Hike Challenge is to get you outside moving every week for an entire year. The difficulty and length is entirely up to you. but the point is to get out and to get moving! Register online now and the resources on their website allow you to track your journey as you complete each weekly hike and earn completion badges as you go.
We Hike to Heal is a month-long women's empowerment and wellness campaign that organizes group hikes all over the world on the last Saturday of March. The organization's mission is to encourage women all over the world to tap into the healing and empowering influences within themselves and the Great Outdoors. You can join the movement for free in the link above and find free group hikes that will be happening all over the world.
This event is put on by CureSearch on February 4th every year, a non-profit organization dedicated to finding a cure and a way to raise money for children s cancer. To join this ev
ent that supports an incredible cause, you attend an informational session, register and get your own online fund-raising page and raise money to support your trek for children's cancer research.
This challenge is great because it is so simple. The goal is to get outside every day and walk a mile. This challenge focuses on small efforts that, over time, have big results and focuses on, creating healthy habits to benefit your mind, body, and soul. To join all you have to do is register, join the Face book group, and start moving.
1. Which of the hiking challenges is specially intended for women?
A. We Hike to Heal    B. The 52 Hike Challenge.
C. Cure-search Ultimate Hike.    D. The 365 Mile Challenge.
2. What do all the challenges have in common?
A. Money-raising.    B. Badge-earning.
C. Internet-related.    D. Gender-based.
3. How many challenges could you attend if you hope to work out regularly?
A. Only one.    B. Four.
C. Three.    D. Two.
【答案】1. A    2. C    3. D
Once a month, I volunteer at a meal center to help serve food to people who are in need. Despite the many other things that I need to do, I really look forward to meeting and serving these people, even if only briefly. Although my motivation begins with wanting to help others and be grateful for what have been given, it is joy that helps bring me back when I am very busy. I first noticed this some time ago: at the end of our shift (轮班), after
the kitchen and dining room have been cleaned up, I would experience a lightness of being.
A few years ago, as I was researching how kindness affected health, I came to learn that volunteerism was associated with a markedly lower risk of dying. One recent and large European study found that self-reported health scores were apparently better in volunteers than non-volunteers. Depending on the study, the decrease in death rates ranged between 20 to 60 percent or so.
How could volunteering decrease the risk of death? There are several factors at play. The first, and most primary, is decreased symptoms of stress and uplifted mood. Secondly, people who volunteer regularly also make more effort to take care of themselves. Finally, people who volunteer may be more physically active. Volunteers have an obvious increase in walking each day compared to those who did not volunteer.
To try to tie this together, volunteering likely exerts (施加) its positive health effects by con-neeting people to others and to an activity that they find meaningful. Achieving conne
ction, purpose and meaning is critical to reducing stresses of life-particularly loneliness. Since stress is a major cause of disease, especially heart disease, the ability to satisfy the need for connection, purpose, and meaning can bring about beneficial changes for people. And when there is purpose and we are con neeted to others, we take care of ourselves.
4. How does the author feel about doing a volunteer job?
A. Surprised.    B. Pleased.   
C. Tired.    D. Annoyed.
2022年广东公务员考试报名5. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A. The positive health scores of volunteers.
B. The relationship between kindness and health.
C. Volunteerism’s positive effect on volunteers’ health.
D. A study on volunteerism in some European countries.
6. What does the underlined word “critical” in the last paragraph mean?
A. Negative.    B. Different.   
C. Contrary.    D. Important.
【答案】4. B    5. C    6. D
Faming is a tradition among many in South Dakota, one that is not always easy to keep in the family. But one family has survived four generations and hopes to continue long into the future. The year was 1933 when Ed VanderWal's father first stepped onto the farm. Now 80 years later, Ed carries the passion(热情) his father gave him for farming every day while working the fields on the family farm in Volga.