1. how far 距离多远
2. take the bus 乘公共汽车
3. get to school 到校
4. spend time 花时间
5. go to the zoo 去动物园
6. the more,the better 越多越好
7. come true 实现
8. have a good time 玩得开心
9. look like 看起来像
10. be ready 准备好了
11. would like to do sth 想要做某事
12. as a result 结果
13. too…to 太……而不能
14. on the one hand 在一方面
15. be/get ready for 对……做好准备
16. in the middle of 在……中间
17. make/let sb do sth 让某人做某事
18. on the weekend 在周末
19. be able to 能够
20. be afraid of 害怕
21. have a good/bad day 过得开心/糟糕
22. be careful 当心,小心
23. be covered with 被……覆盖
24. be famous for 因……而著名
25. be full of 充满……的
26. feel/seem/look+adj 看起来……
27. in the sky/on the ground 在天上/在地上
28. in the future 在将来
29. in the sun 在阳光下
30. be sure to do sth 确定做某事
公共英语考试报名时间31. of course 当然了
32. on fire 着火
33. be late for迟到
34. on time准时
35. go shopping去购物
36. be different from与……不同
37. be similar to与……相似
38. have a picnic野炊
39. much too太……
40. instead代替;反而,却
41. none一点儿也没有,毫无
42. all day整天,一整天,一整天;整日,终日。如:He studies English all day。他整天都在学英语。We work all day。我们整天都在工作。All day he worked。他整天都在工作。It rained all day。雨整天都在下着。all day+表示“在一天里”的时间状语,表示“整天”之意。如:all day Sunday,all day long,all day last等。若表示“整日”、“整天”之意,在表示时间的名词词组之前无需加介词。但是如果时间状语表示“在某一天”,则须用介词on。如:all day on Monday,all day on Sunday等。但是,如果表示星期的名词词组前有连词and连接时,则不用介词on。如:We worked all day and night。我们白天黑夜地工作着。He studied hard all day and night。他白天黑夜都在努力学习。We were busy all day and night。我们白天黑夜都在忙碌着。另外,all day也可表示“整天”、“整日”、“整天”之意,此时它为副词短语,通常放在句末或句首。如:The train kept stopping at stations all day。火车整天不停地停在车站上。All day they worked in the fields。他们整天在地里干活。All day he lay in bed。他整天躺在床上。另外,all day也可表示“一整天”、“整天”之意,此时它为副词短语,通常放在句末或句首。如:He walked for two hours,and all day he had a headache。他走了两个小时,结果整天头痛不已。He played cards all day and didn't do any work。他整天打牌而不干活。He lay in the sun all day without doing anythin
g。他整天躺在太阳底下什么也不干。另外,all day也可表示“一直”、“始终”、“老是”、“始终如一”之意,此时它为副词短语,通常放在句末或句首。如:He was all day thinking about the problem。他整天都在思考这个问题。The children were all day playing in the garden。孩子们一直在花园里玩耍着。She was all day helping her mother with the housework。她一直在帮妈妈做家务活儿。The children were all day in the street playing with their friends。孩子们一直在街上跟朋友们玩着游戏。