A) 听录音,选择与其内容相符的图片。每小题读两遍。(5分)
(  )1.
A                  B                  C
(  )2.
A                  B                  C
    (  ) 3.
A                    B                C   
(  ) 4.
A                B                  C
(  )5.
A.                B.                  C.
B) 听句子,选择其恰当的应答语。每小题读两遍。(5分)
(  )6. A. Its a cup.              B. Its blue.                  C. Its fine.
(  )7. A. My name is Sally.    B. She is my sister.        C. Yes, she is.
(    )8. A. Its on the table.        B. They are in the box.        C. They are yellow.
(    )9. A. In my room.            B. Some boys and girls.    C. Its my family photo.
(    )10. A. Yes, I can.            B. M-A-P.                C. Its a map.
C) 听对话,选择正确的答案。对话读两遍。(5分)
(    )11.Where is Ginas watch?
A. On the bookcase.        B. In the bookcase.            C. Under the bookcase.
(    )12.What color is her watch?
A. Blue.                      B. White.                C. Pink.
(    )13.    What is found?
A. An English book.    B. An English dictionary.    C. An English note book.
(    )14. Whose(谁的) is it?
A. Jenny Greens.            B. Jenny Smith.            C. Emma Green.
(    )15. How will Alan find her?
A. Go to her home.            B. Write her an e-mail.        C. Call her.
D) 请听下面一段短文,完成句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。短文读两遍。(5分)
16. Peters telephone number is ____________.
17. Here is a photo of Peters ___________.
18. His bed is ___________and it is near the window.
19. In the desk is his ____________.
20. You can ___________ a dog in the photo.
(    )21. A. black          B. same            C. plane            D. baseball
(    )22. A. room            B. look            C. school            D. ruler
(    )23. A. ring              B. pink            C. parent            D. morning
(    )24. A. these          B. bed          C. evening          D. he
(    )25. A. purple          B. first            C. her              D. color   
(    )26. —His________ is number is 3375688.  — OK. Ill call him later.
A. room                B. phone          C. QQ                D. ID
(    )27. —________ is she?  —She is my friend, Lily.
A. What                B. Where            C. Who              D. How 
(    )28. Jim lost his key and he must _________ it.
A. look                B. think              C. find              D. say
(    )29. —Hi, Amma. Are these your brothers pens?  —Oh, no. Theyre not ________.
A. mine                B. yours            C. hers                D. his
(    )30. Oh, Tom! I dont think you are a _________ boy. Look at your books. Theyre everywhere.
A. clean              B. tidy              C. bad                  D. happy     
(    )31. Nancy is a good student _________ she also likes to help others (别人).
A. and                  B. so            C. but            D. or
A) 请先阅读下列短文,掌握其大总,然后从各小题所给的从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(每小题1分,共10分)
Mrs. Black has a very nice watch. She   32  it from her father as a birthday gift (生日礼物).
One day, she puts her watch   33  the TV before cleaning the house.   34  when she comes back, it is not there. She isnt   35  . When her son Edward comes from school, he   36  his mother what happens and he has a good idea.
He puts his watch on the TV and hides(躲藏) himself behind the door. The window is open, and he sees a bird fly into the room and take his   37  away. The color of the bird is
  38  . He remembers (记得) Mr. Lins bird is just yellow. So he goes to Mr. Lins home. “Can I see your birds? It must be   39  cute.” he says to Mr. Lin. Edward is   40  ! There in the birds house he   41  his mothers watches.
“Youre really a clever (聪明的) boy!” Mrs. Black says to her son.
(    )32.A.loves        B.needs            C.gets            D.wants
(    )33.A.on            B.of            C.from            D.in
(    )34.A.Or            B.So            C.Because        D.But
(    )35.A.cool        B.happy        C.tidy            D.busy
(    )36.A.looks        B.sees            C.asks            D.knows
(    )37.A.ring            B.key            C.photo            D.watch
(    )38.A.red            B.yellow        C.black            D.brown
(    )39.A.only        B.then            C.very            D.lot
(    )40.A.healthy        B.right            C.free            D.late
(    )41.A.finds        B.loses            C.buys            D.sells
B)先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意。然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空, 使短文内容通顺、合理,每个词限用一次。(每小题1分,共10分)
big  picture  we   always   on  see   friend   desk   be  and
    I am Lily. Welcome to my classroom. My classroom is 42.    and beautiful (漂亮的).
On the front wall (前面的墙) of the classroom, there is a big blackboard. A clock and some 43.    are on the front wall, too. A desk is in front of the blackboard. Its 44.