What time does Bill get up?
A. 6:00            B. 7:00              C. 6:30
  1.What time does Steve usually play basketball?
A.4:00                    B. 5:00              C.4:30
  2. What does Eric’s mother like for breakfast?
A.Eggs                    B. Hamburgers        C.Milk
  3.Where are Jack and his mom?
A.In the library            B.At home            C.In the supermarket
  4. How was Lily’s weekend?
A.It was a busy day.            B.It was good.            C. It was not good.
  5.What does the girl mean?
A.Her father is drinking tea in the photo.  B.Her mother is reading books in the photo.
C.She doesnt have a photo of her grandparents.
  6.What does the boy want to see?
A.Pandas              B.Tigers                  C. Elephants
  7.Why does the girl like pandas?
A.Because they are cute.   B.Because they are interesting. C.Because they are strong.
  8.What does Sam look like?
A.He’s thin.            B.He has long hair.        C.He has short hair.
  9.What color does Sam like?
  七年级英语期末试题卷  第1页共8页                                                                  七年级英语期末试题卷  第2页共8页                                                                       
A.Black              B.Red                    C.Green
  10.Who dis Kate go with on vocation?
A.Her classmates.      B.Her family.                C.Her friends.
  11.How long did Kate stay there?
A.For one week.      B. For four days.              C. For five days.
  12.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Kate ate delicious food and visited the history museum.
B.Kate bought some lovely gifts for her family.
C.Kate has a great time on her vacation.
  13.Where does Tom live?
A.On Long Street        B.On Center Street            C.On Bridge Street
  14.How far is it from Tom’s home to his school?
A.2 Kilometers          B.3 Kilometers              C.5 Kilometers
  15.What can we learn from the monologue?
A.Tom is in NO.1 Middle school.              B.There isn’t a library on Center street.
C.Tom’s house is next to the park.
16. Bob and Eric are from _______________.
17.Jenny’s grandmother can make______________ kinds of noodles.
18. Eric needs a _____________ bowl.
19. Bob would like a bowl of ________________ noodles.
20. Jenny would like noodles with ______________.
  21. My grandmother eats well and ________ every day, so she is very healthy.
A. draws                B. writes              C. exercises        D. sings
  22. —       
—Well, he is tall and strong.
A.What does your father like?                B.What would your father like?
C.What do you think of your father?              D.What does your father look like?
  23.— ____does it take you to get to school on foot?
—About twenty-five minutes.
A. How long          B. How soon      C. How far          D.What time
  24. There      milk and apples on the table. You can eat some.
A. has                B. are                C. is                D. have
  25. —Sir, did you enjoy your stay in our __________?
—Yes, I slept well and I like the breakfast.
A.hotel                    B.school              C.bank                D.library
  26.You should make a wish before you ______the candles on your birthday cake.
Ae out          B.go out          C.put out          D.blow out
  27.—Don't be____, Jack! Help me clean the room right now.
          —OK, Mom.
A.afraid              B.lazy            C.shy              D.quiet
  28.—The party is beginning. Where is Mike now?
—Well, he can’t come here. He __________for a math test at home.
A.doesn’t study      B.is studying        C.studied        D.studies