第一节(共  5 小题;每小题  1. 5 分,满分7. 5 分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.What is the weather like now?
A. Sunny.
B. Snowy
C. Rainy
2. How does the man feel?
A. Sad.
B. Tired.
C. Happy.
3. What does the woman request the man to do?
A. Drink his coffee outside
B. Return the valuable book soon.
C. Buy cheaper drinks.
4. What does the woman say about the delivery?
A. It was expensive.
B. It was speedy.
C. It was slow.
5.What does the woman want?
A. A place to park.
B. Directions to the theater.
C. Information about the concert.
听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
6. What did the man do yesterday?
A. He attended a business meeting.
B. He went on a trip.
C. He took an exam.
7.When does the man usually go to bed?
A. At 11:
B. At 10:
C. At 9:
听第7段材料, 回答第8至10题
8. How many apartments did Clive look at yesterday?
A. Two.
B. Three
C. Five.
9.What is Clive complaining about?
A. The prices of the apartments.
B. The cost of transport.
C. The amount of work
10. Why does Clive want to move?
A. He lives too near to the railway
B. He doesn't like his present home.
C. He lives too far from his workplace.
听第8段材料, 回答第11至13题。
11.Where are the speakers?
A. At an office.
B. At a restaurant.
C. At a clothing store.
12. What is different about Peter?
A. His personality.
B. His clothing.
C. His job.
13. What does Peter intend to do?
A. Attend a wedding.
B. Apply for a position.
C. Talk to his boss.
听第9段材料, 回答第14至16题
14. What is the relationship between the speakers?
A. Co-workers.
B. Writer and fan.
C. Teacher and student.
15. What is the man mainly having difficulty with?
A. The characters.
B. The language.
C. The locations.
16.What will the woman do next?
A. Fetch a dictionary.
B. Take over the task.
C. Make a pie.
听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。
17. What is the main topic of the talk?
A. Health.
B. Reading.
C. Friendship.
18. What time of day could this talk have been given?
A. At 10:
B. At 1:
C. At 8:
19. Who might the speaker be?
A.A teacher.
B.A doctor.
C.A writer.
20. What is the speaker's friend interested in?
A. Books.
B. Boats.
C. Languages.
第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
Starting to write short stories: An online workshop with Stuart Evers
It is a common misconception that writing a short story is easier than crafting (构思) a longer form piece of fiction. Though they have fewer words, as a writer you have less time and space on the page to both capture the imagination of your readers and craft a journey for your characters that has a beginning, middle and end.
In this highly practical workshop with award—winning writer Stuart Evers, you will know about the fundamentals of the short story writing — from building tension to creating a current of events that invites interest —for constructing a story that has the emotional heft of a novel, as well as breathing life into characters that are authentic and full.
Regardless of your skillset or experience, under Stuart’s expert guidance, you will take the first crucial steps in short storytelling so that you will have a newfound confidence in your ability to continue crafting short stories, far beyond the course.
Course content
What makes a short story?
How to generate ideas for short stories
How to turn something from a situation into a story
Writing techniques that can be put into practice instantly
Post-class learning material that includes short story reading list
Course Details
Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 6pm-9pm GMT
£80 plus £4.25 booking fee
A catch -up recording will be shared after the class and will be available for two weeks.
This masterclass is available globally. If you are joining us from outside the United Kingdom, you will be sent
a link to the workshop 24 hours and 30 minutes before the start time.
21.What does the workshop with Stuart Evers focus on?
A. Adding more words in a limited time and space
B. Developing essential short story writing skills
C. Planning a complete journey with the readers
D. Distinguishing between a short story and a novel.
22. What is said about Stuart’s masterclass?
A. It is demanding but rewarding.
B. It will be replayed in two months.
C. It will be free to foreigners online.
D. It is practical and confidence-building.
23. Where is the text probably taken from?
A. A short story.
B.A livestream website.
C. An academic article.
D. An examination paper.
It is an unpleasant extinction that will change the world and how people communicate: within 20 years, two thirds of all the planet's languages will be dead.
Experts agree that nothing can stop it happening but one academic is trying her hardest to slow it down. Professor Antonella Sorace is one of a growing number who believe learning a second langua
ge has enormous untapped benefits for the human brain. This is true not only for young children but also for adults and people at risk from dementia (痴呆), where research consistently shows that learning a new language could delay the start of the disease for four to five years — a better result than with any medication to date.
It is those benefits of bilingualism (双语) that should encourage us to preserve and protect Europe‘s minority languages — Gaelic, Manx, Cornish and Ulster Scots, she says.
Already her work and the project she founded three years ago in Edinburgh Bilingualism Matters — now expanding across Europe and in the US — have convinced the Scottish government to introduce languages to primary schools. From 2023 all Scottish children will be learning a language other than English in their first year at school, with two other languages to be introduced later.
Bilingualism Matters is also working to encourage businesses to consider the benefits of their staff learning languages. “In business, people say “English is the language of business, why would I need to learn another language?’” said Sorace. “Maybe it would mean you could do better business.”
Just as disappearing forests take with them secrets of undiscovered medicines disappearing languages can take
the key to a longer and better quality of life. The first battle is to unpick the popular assumption that bilingualism might damage children’s brains. There were even suggestions it could encourage schizophrenia (精神分裂症).
Study after study has shown the opposite to be true, says Sorace. “These prejudices are deeply rooted, but we are perhaps halfway to persuading people that the brain can cope. Then we have to persuade people that it is actually of benefit.”
24. What will happen to the majority of the world's languages?
A. They will become extinct in decades
B. They will be learnt by more academics
C. They will prevent the risk of dementia.
D. They will help people better communicate
25. What's Bilingualism Matters intended to do?
A. Find a replacement for English.
B. Teach businesses marketing skills.
C. Promote minority language learning.
D. Influence governments’ policy making.
26. What's the top priority in preserving minority languages?
A. Getting rid of people's fear for mental illnesses.
B. Finding the key to promoting people's welfare.
C. Unlocking the secrets of undiscovered medicines.
D. Correcting the misconception about Bilingualism.
27. Which can be the best title for the text?
A. The benefits of Bilingualism
B. The founding of Bilingualism Matters
C.A new challenge facing language teaching
D. A professor fighting to save minority languages
There is such a thing as a free lunch, it turns out, as long as you don't mind too much what it is. Tamara Wilson found hers a few streets away from her west London home -and as well as picking up some unwanted bread and fruit that would otherwise be thrown away, she made a new friend.
Wilson is one of 3.4 million people around the world using an app designed to encourage people to give away rather than throw away surplus (剩余的) food. “It’s such a small thing but it makes me feel good and my neighbour feel good. And a lot of small acts can end up making a big difference,” she said.
The last few years have seen an explosion in creative ways to tackle food waste by inking supermarkets, cafes, restaurants and individual households to local communities. Olio, the app used by Wilson, saw a fivefold increase in listings during 2022, and the signs are that this rapid growth is continuing into 2023, said Tessa Clarke, its CEO and co-founder.
About a third of all food produced globally is wasted, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture organisation (FAO) Almost 1.4 billion hectares of land t close to 30% of the world’s agricultural land — is dedicated to producing food that is never eaten, and the carbon footprint of food wastage makes it the third contributor of CO2. Reducing food waste is one of the most effective ways of tackling the global climate crisis.