TESOL for Children Sample Answers
Questions 1 – 5
1.Which age group would you like to teach most and why?
国际教师资格证I would like to teach teenagers aged from 14 to 17 years old because of the following reasons. Firstly, it is more likely for me to provide meaningful learning opportunities such as contemporary case studies that can help students from this age group develop problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. This can potentially bring me with more rewarding experiences compared to teaching children from younger age groups. In addition, I am looki
ng forward to interacting with teenagers from diverse backgrounds who can contribute different thoughts and ideas to classroom activities, which allows me to develop more effective communication skills with future generations. Lastly, because I have been working with multiple secondary colleges for a few years in Melbourne, I personally feel more confident in providing high-quality educational experiences to secondary students from the age group of 14 to 17.
2.Describe the characteristics of your 3 most influential teachers throughout childhood.
1)Ms Yousif was my form teacher in the primary school who had a high level of patience towards students. She was a good listener who always ensured that every child was feeling supported at school, especially when people failed their tests. I found it comfortable talking to Ms Yousif as she would let students finish talking, then respond to our needs and help us resolve problems patiently.
Patience. My form teacher in the primary school had a high level of patience towards students. She was a good listener who always ensured that every child was feeling supported at school, especially when we failed our tests. I found it comfortable talking to my form teacher as she would let us finish talking, then respond to our needs and help resolve problems patiently.
2)Mr Wu taught me Mathematics in Year 9 when I was preparing for my entry exams for high school. By incorporating numbers of engaging activities such as academic games, Mr Wu has transformed Mathematics into an interesting subject that most students loved to learn. During that stressful time of aiming at high scores, Mr Wu still prioritised engagement and participation of students, which has assisted me in achieving satisfactory results in Mathematics.
My Mathematics teacher in Year 9 has demonstrated his creativity in teaching this subject by incorporating numbers of engaging activities such as academic games to help students participate better. He has transformed Mathematics into an interesting subject th
at most students loved to learn, and assisted us in achieving satisfactory results in Mathematics.
3)Ms Colaluca had the greatest impacts on my career choice of becoming a teacher. As a highly responsible English teacher, Ms Colaluca often made herself available after school hours for ESL students who require additional support to ask questions. I remembered one time when I was struggling with my grammar mistakes, Ms Colaluca has spent one hour correcting my essay and providing me with constructive feedback on how can I improve on my writing skills.
As a highly responsible teacher, my English teacher often made herself available after school hours for ESL students who require additional support to ask questions. I remembered one time when I was struggling with my grammar mistakes, my English teacher has spent one hour correcting my essay and providing me with constructive feedback on how I can improve on my writing skills.
3.Define the acronyms TESOL, SLA, L1, and L2.
TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language
SLA: Second Language Acquisition
L1 (Language 1): The student’s native (primary or first acquired) language
L2 (Language 2): The language being learnt or studied
4.What is an icebreaker activity? What are two types of icebreakers? (Describe what an icebreaker activity is, two types of icebreakers, when it should be used, and why it is useful to students.)
An icebreaker activity can be used to help classroom participants better connect with each other when they meet for the first time by creating a comfortable learning environment. There are two types of icebreaker activities:
1)Facilitating Introductions can be used to help teachers and students learn more about others including their names, personal experiences and birth dates. This type of icebreaker activities should be used on the first day of school when students are unfamiliar with their new classmates, which can be helpful for them to build connections and open conversations with each other.