1.the enthusiasm and curiosity of learning Chinese is the best
attitude in the classroom. It provides learning motivation and maybe create a very efficient class. In this case, if the teacher can’t balance the question-time and the learning time, that will be a big barrio in his work. On the other hand, it will also hurt the enthusiasm of learning Chinese of suggestion for this teacher is to set the learning objectives clearly at the beginning of the class and encourage students achieve their goals by many kinds of exercises. whenever students have problems and difficulties, you will give them chances to solve these by themselves.
Making disciplines about when the students can ask questions and how many the questions are to ensure you have enough time to finish your teaching plan.
2.Being a well-respected teacher needs some authority and
discipline while at the same time, the teacher shall treat students well with care and respect. At the beginning of the semester, it’s important for the teacher to set up the basic disciplines of students. Here,
I want to emphasize a few points. First of all, I would tell all my students several rules
that they need always observe. Such as don’t being late, don’t cut class and so on. And of couse, I also tell them, if they break the basic rules, they will be fail this semester.
Besides these, there are many other rules which will encourage students to learn Chinese. For instants, being active during everyday class, you will get a good results at the end of the semester. Those two kinds of disciplines, on the one hand, to keep your class efficient, on the other hand, to encourage your students being active and enthusiastic.
3.Well, first of all, I would like to pause the class and to repeat
the discipline in our Chinese class, such as if you late for class more than three times, you won’t get your 15% points in your final examination. As a Chinese teacher who teaches abroad, you should always be reminded that you have to keep balance between being nice to your students, but be strict with them in learning because the ultimate measure of
a good class relies on the outcome of learning. Secondly, I
would try to talk with this student again after class to find out the reason why he always being late. If he didn’t take this class seriously, maybe he should choose another foreign language which he is really interested in to learn. Or maybe
he has lots of trouble in learning Chinese, I will try different ways to help the student, such as spending a little bit more time with the student to answer all the questions he might have. Thirdly, I need to rethink my teaching methods and behavior, maybe to start a class meeting to communicate with all the students in order to understand what they think and what they need. In sum, a well-respected teacher needs some authority and discipline while at the same time, the teacher shall treat students well with care and respect.
4.Positive reinforcement, if well used, can be very effective for
students learning and can also create a live classroom atmosphere. Experienced teacher always consider positive reinforcement as part of their class activities. However if the teacher misuses it, the student might feel tied about all these praise words. If your students are children or teenagers, this methods might be useful, but if they are college students, the positive reinforcement will be a little bit
useless. Negative reinforcement and positive reinforcement are both important parts of a successful Chinese class. The students not only need praise of teacher, but also need to know they should work hard to learn
Chinese well. In my opinion, as a Chinese teacher, when we praise our students, the words should be more specific. For example, your pronunciation of this sentence is very well, you are very good at this language point and so on. Making sure your students keep their enthusiasm with criticism and praise.
5.Nowadays, more and more students use digital equipment
such as cellphones, laptops and pads to help their study. But there are also many students use these equipments as tools of entertainment not only in their spare time, but also during the class. In this case, I want to emphasize some points.
Firstly, if I notice that some of my students use their cellphones to do irrelevant things during class, I will turn to my colleague for some help. As a Chinese teacher who teaches abroad, all the environme
nt of the school is new and the methods about how to deal with students ‘problem are unknown. Secondly, according to the situation, I would like to start a class meeting to talk about this problem in front of all of my students. Finding out the reason why they unable to concentrate during the class. Thirdly, it’s important for me to rethink about my ways of teaching. Making different
国际教师资格证activities and exercises in my class, using pictures and videos to help students concentrate during the class.
6.Interactive activities are very efficient practice ways for
student to learn each and every language. The more they communicate with each other, the better results they will get at the end of the learning. However, when the students just start to learn Chinese, the interactive activities which you designed aren’t supposed to be too complicated to understand. As a instructor, you should use the least words to explain the meaning of the activities. The design of interactive activates should base on the level of the students’knowledge and the age of the students. It is much more different between elementary school students and college students. The suitable activities will help you to create a live classroom atmosphere and make you have enoug
h time to finish your lesson plans. In sum, the ultimate measure of a good class relies on the outcomes of learning no matter what methods you use.
7.Raising your voice to get the students’attention will be
effective only for one or two times. And then, they will be