Part I Vocabulary (20%)
Directions A: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.
1. The street was lined with identical red-brick ___.( )
A. rooms
B. houses
C. apartments
D. flats
2. The angry customer ___ to see the manager of the store.( )
A. requested
B. asked
C. demanded
D. suggested
3. Th e new tax law doesn’t ___ me because I’m a student.( )
A. affect
B. effect
C. conduct
D. affirm
4. The air in the balloon ___ when heated.( )
A. broadens
B. explores
C. increases
D. expands
5. I always buy the same brand of toothpaste just out of ___.( )
A. custom
B. habit
C. routine
D. customs
6. At the end of her speech the audience stood up and ___.( )
A. clasped
B. clashed
C. clapped
D. clarified
7. The value of our house soared, enabling us to ___ to a larger place. ( )
A. trade down
B. trade on
C. trade in
D. trade up
8. Her ___ of kindness was very moving. ( )
A. fact
B. activity
10005# 高级英语试题第1页(共14页)
C. speech
D. act
9. He ___ about his age in order to join the army. ( )
A. lied
B. laid
C. lain
D. lay
10. The new students were very slow to ___ to the rules. ( )
A. adopt
B. accept
D. adapt
11. More time ___, we will definitely be able to remedy the fault caused by our earlier negligence.
( ) A. given B. being given
C. to be given
D. having given
12. At that time, this kind of cloth was hard to ___ because the textile technology was not
that advanced.( )
A. come up with
B. come through
C. come over
D. come by
13. Cancer is second only ___ heart disease as a cause of death in the world.( )
A. to
B. with
C. from
D. of
14. During an election ___ the politicians will say anything to get a vote, so their promises are not at all trustworthy. ( )
A. campaign
B. champion
C. champaign
D. champagne
15. ___ indicate that there are more boys than girls attending school.( )
A. Numbers
B. Statistics
C. Account
D. Calculations
16. After hearing what he said, she turned around and ______ her face became pale. ( )
A. somewhat
B. somehow
C. anyhow
D. anyway
17. Fear ______ us as we approached the old castle which was believed to be ghost—haunted.
( )
10005# 高级英语试题第2页(共14页)
A. came upon
B. came by
C. came before
D. came between
18. We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always ______ his principles.( )
A. lives on
B. lives up to
浙江自考网C. lives down
D. lives with
19. His intelligence and experience will enable him to ______ the complicated situation.( )
A. cope with
B. settle down
C. intervene in
D. interfere with
20.______ with the spirit of searching freedom, this is more than a movie about love and hatred.
( ) A. Tingeing(使带彩) B. Tinged
C. Having tinged
D. To be tinged
Directions B: There are 20 sentences in this section. In each sentence there is a word of phrase underlined. Below each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one answer that can replace the underlined part of each sentence without changing its original meaning.
21. Chomsky’s book on the relation between language and thought is entitled Psychology and Ideology.( )
A. dubbed
B. christened
C. nicknamed
D. named
22. Language, culture and personality may be considered independently of each other in thought, but the truth is that they are inseparable. ( )
A. separately
B. collectively
C. instinctively
D. interdependently
23. The manifestation (表现) of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence o
f some physical aspect in the life style of the people. ( )
A. implementation
B. expression
C. demonstration
D. expedition
24. I heard that this excellent dictionary was compiled by him and his colleague two years ago.( )
10005# 高级英语试题第3页(共14页)
A. produced
B. composed
C. written
D. created
25. I wonder the reason why you assume that it will be much easier for me to accept such an elaborate story than the simple truth. ( )
A. deliberate
B. complicated
C. delicate
D. delightful
26. I expressed my indignation to my colleagues at being unfairly dismissed by our company.( )
A. resentment
B. fury
C. rage
D. anxiety
27. In the war time, some cities were razed to the ground and thousands and thousands of civilians became homeless.( )