1.     Vocabulary and Structure (1 point each, 35pointsin all)
 Directions: For each of the followingblanks,four choices are given. You are required to choose the most appropriateone and put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
1.  Five miles         a long distance to an old lady of her age.
  A. seem to being    B. seem to be          C. seems to being      D. seems to be
2. The computer doesn’t work well, sosomething         wrong.
 A.can have gone                         B.should have gone
C.must have gone                        D.ought to have gone
3. A number of students in this class          to Beijing once or twice.
 A.were              B.havebeen          C.is            D.has been
4. A good secretary should always beinformed          the latest flight schedule.
&                B.in                C.with          D.of
5.I got the good news that they          in planting trees on the sandy hills.
 A.have succeeded                         B.had succeeded
 C.succeed                               D.were succeeding
6.Be sure to          your work at the end of the exam.
 A.look over          B.hangup            C.set aside      D.catch sight of
7.The football game will be played on         .
 A.June six          B.sixJune            C.the sixth of June D.the six of June
8.The police investigation discovered thatthree young men were          in the robbery.
 A.caught           B.involved          &ted    D.tightened
9.It was in that small room          they worked hard and dreamed of better days tocome.
A.what              B.inwhich            C.which        D.that
10.The disk I bought from the storeyesterday was found to be          .
A.empty            B.blank              C.vacant        D.hollow
11.Please          the water tap when you have finished yourwashing.
 A.turn on            B.turnoff            C.turn out      D.turn over
12.If you wish to accept the invitation,please send an email to          you acceptance.
A.confirm          B.confine            C.confront      D.conform
13.Don’t associate with bad boys          your whole life will be ruined.
A.or                B.but                C.and          D.so that
14.         Georgeloves his daughter, he is strict with her.
  A. Even   B. For                C.Although        D. Whether                                                       
15. In many culturespeople insist       that the importance ofbeing punctual.
A. in        B. over              C. to              D.  on                                                         
16. One difficulty hasbeen solved. But another one will         .
  A. arise  B. rise  C. arouse    D.arose                                                                                   
17. The classroom isquite clean       安徽教育招生考试网some waste paper on thefloor.
A. except for      B. besides  C. except    D. without 
18. Hold the book        please, for I can't see the words in it.
  A. more close    B. closer  C. more closely        D. closely
19. I shall havecompanion in the house after all these        years.
    A. alone        B. lonely    C. single  D.simple
20. He walked in thestreet without       to buy anything.     
A. intention    B. heart    C. purpose      D. thought
21. You        if you had had higher score in the examination.           
   A.must have got scholarship        B.would have got scholarship
C. should get scholarship            D. had got scholarship
22. The disabledchildren need many things, but        , they need love.
  A. first of all      B. above all    C. after all    D. all in all
23.         will comeand lend us a helping hand on such an awkward occasion? 
    A. Do you suppose who              B. Whom do you suppose
    C. Who do you think                D. whom do you think
24. He didn't tell mewhere he had spent his holidays.         to know.
A. Neither I cared  B.Not did I care    C.I didn't care  D. Neither did I care
25. I' m for thesuggestion that a special board        to examine the problem.
  A. be set up      B. will be set up    C. must be set up  D. has to be set up
26. While studying hefinancially depended        his wife.