1. Why is Tom going to Florida next summer?
A. To have a business trip.
B. B. To go sightseeing.
C. C. To visit friends.
D. 2. Where does the conversation probably take place?
E. A On the playground
F. At home.
G. In the hospital.
H. 3. What is the man probably going to do next?
I. A. Fetch his umbrella.
J. B. Close his car window.
K. C Give the woman a ride.
L. 4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
M. A. A teacher.
B. A test.
C. A course.
5. What is wrong with Tom?
A. He doesn’t feel well.
B. He had a serious accident.
C. He’s not used to driving on the left.
D. 第三节: (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 
E. 听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置、听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。
F. 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。
G. 6. What are the speakers talking about?
H. A. A birthday party
I. B. The man's friends.
C. A big box.
7. How does the man sound?
A Surprised.
B. Excited.
C. Calm.
8. What will the woman do this weekend?
A. Stay with her grandpa.
B. Conduct a survey.
C. Make a schedule.
9. What do we know about the woman's grandpa?
A. He was dead.
B. He will retire.
C. He lives alone.
10. What is the woman?
A. A soldier.
B. A student
C. A farmer.
11. How does the woman find her work?
A. Tiring. B. Boring.  C. Easy.
B. 12. What kind or advice does the woman want?
C.   A. How to get along with colleagues.
D.   B. How to work efficiently.
C. How to handle stress.
13. What should the woman do according to the man?
A. Work harder.    B. Enjoy her job.    C. Do more reading.
B. 第9段材料,回答第14至16三个小题。
C. 14. What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?
D. A. Colleagues.    B. Classmates.    C. Neighbors.
E. 15. What advantage does the new apartment have?
A. Being filled with natural light.
B.     B. Being surrounded by.
C. Being close to the woman’s office.
16. What will John do for the woman on Saturday?
A. Help her move out.
B. Help her prepare the dinner.
C. Help her clean the new house.
17. When can guests have breakfast in the dining room?
A.At 9:00.          B. At 10:00.    C.At 7:00
18. What does the card outside the door mean?
A. The guests are going to check out.
B. The guests expect a laundry service.
C. The guests want to have breakfast in their rooms.
19. What are the business hours of the hotel shop?
A. From 7: 30 am to 2.00 pm.
B From 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
C. From 11: 30 am to 2: 30 pm.
20. What can guests do by calling 48867?
A. Ask about meals
B Buy some souvenirs.
C Have their clothes washed.
Information on school visits to Kew Gardens
Enjoy yourselves in a wonderland of science with over 50,000 living plants and a variety of educational events or amusing activities. Here is essential in formation about planning a school visit to Kew.
Educational course prices
You can plan a self-led visit or book one of our educational courses. Students will take part in the educational courses in groups of 15. Prices vary according to different situations.
EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) to Key Stage 4:
45-minute course: 35/group    90-minute course: E70/group
Key Stage 5:
Half day (one course): 80/group    Full day (two courses): 160/group
Teachers and adults:
Up to required key stage proportions (比例) : Free
Adults needed for 1: 1 special educational needs support: Free
Adults above the required proportions: 11/person
The payment will due within 28 calendar days of making the booking.
Health and safety
Required supervising (监护) adult-student proportions:
Key Stage 1: 1: 5    Key Stage 2: 1: 8
Key stage 3: 1:10    Key Stage 4 1:12
Key Stage 5: 1: 12
The group sizes should be controlled if you are visiting potentially busy areas such as the glasshouse and other attractions. The maximum number of students visiting the glasshouses is 15 per group and each group to Kew shops should include no more than 10 students.
If there is an emergency, please contact the nearest Kew staff member or call Constabulary on 0208 32 3333 for direct and quick support. Please do not call 999.