The Year of the Horse
The year of the horse is fifth in the Chinese zodiac. It is a symbol of speed, power, and luck. People born in this year are thought to be intelligent, independent, and hardworking. They tend to be ambitious and enjoy taking risks. The year of the horse is sd to bring good fortun
e, and many people believe that starting a new venture or project during this time will bring success.
1.What is the year of the horse known for?
A. Intelligence, independence and hard work
B. Speed, power and luck
C. Collaboration and teamwork
D. None of the above
2.What type of person is born in the year of the horse?
A. Ambitious and enjoys taking risks
B. Lazy and unmotivated
C. Unintelligent and dependent
D. None of the above
3.What do many people believe about starting a new venture or project during the year of the horse?
A. It will bring bad luck
B. It will have no impact
C. It will bring success
研究生入学考试D. None of the above
The Benefits of Gardening
Gardening is a popular hobby for many people. It involves planting, cultivating, and mntning plants and flowers. In addition to being a rewarding and enjoyable activity, gardening also has a number of health benefits. Studies have shown that spending time outdoors and with nature can reduce stress levels and provide a sense of well-being. Gardening also provides moderate exercise and can help improve muscle strength and flexibility. Additionally, growing your own fruits and vegetables can provide a source of healthy and fresh produce for you and your family.
4.What is gardening?
A. A popular indoor activity
B. A hobby involving plants and flowers
C. A profession involving animal care
D. None of the above
5.What are some health benefits of gardening?
A. Reduced stress levels and a sense of well-being
B. Decreased physical activity
C. Increased joint pn
D. None of the above
6.What is a potential benefit of growing your own fruits and vegetables?
A. A source of unhealthy and stale produce
B. A source of fresh and healthy produce
C. A source of unhealthy and spicy produce
D. None of the above