第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
1. What did the woman do yesterday?
A. She played football.    B. She watched a game.    C. She worked in the lab.
2. What will the weather be like tomorrow evening?
A. Cloudy.    B. Rainy.    C. Windy.
3. What will Jack do this weekend?
A. Go on a school trip.    B. Have a family picnic.    C. Prepare for an exam.
4. Why does the man make the call?
A. To arrange a meeting.    B. To cancel a visit.    C. To ask for assistance.
5. How does the man feel now?
A. Refreshed.    B. Anxious.    C. Sleepy.
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Husband and wife.    B. Hostess and guest.    C. Chef and customer.
7. What is the man most likely to have for dinner?
A. French fries.    B. Ham sandwiches.    C. Fish and vegetables.
8. Where will George go after the business trip?
A. Milan.    B. Rome.    C. Florence.
9. What is banned in Florence?
A. Eating in the street.    B. Dressing up as soldiers.    C. Singing on public transport.
10. What does George think of the new rules?
A. They’re effective.    B. They’re timely.    C. They’re reasonable.
11. Why does Ms. McDaniel talk to Frank?
A. He missed a speech.    B. He failed to pass a test.    C. He wanted to drop a class.
12. How would Ms. McDaniel’s students react if a speaker made a mistake?
A. Laugh at the speaker.    B. Sympathize with the speaker.    C. Persuade the speaker to try again.
13. How does Ms. McDaniel sound?
A. Optimistic.    B. Humorous.    C. Encouraging.
14. What makes the man surprised?
A. The number of job applicants.
B. The experience of employees.
C. The candidates’ language skills.
15. How many candidates are the speakers going to meet?
A. 2.    B. 12.    C. 20.
16. What do the speakers talk about at the end of the conversation?
A. Job description.    B. Interview procedure.    C. Candidates’ background.
17. What did Gallo receive yesterday?
A. A call from her sister.    B. A bottle from her aunt.    C. A letter from a stranger.
18. Where did the fisherman find the bottle?
A. On Monhegan Island.    B. At Cumberland.    C. In Spain.
19. How old was Gallo when she threw out the bottle?
A. Eight.    B. Eleven.    C. Fourteen.
20. Where is the bottle now?
A. In the ocean.    B. At Gallo’s home.    C. With the fisherman.
1. C  2. B  3. A    4. B  5. A   6. A  7. C  8. B  9. A  10. C
11. C12. B13. C14. A15. B 16. B17. C18. C19. B20. A
(Text 1)足球比赛
M: Did you go to the football game yesterday?
W: No, I couldn’t make it. I was stuck in the lab.
M: You missed a really good game. Our school team played very well.
(Text 2)天气
W: Did you hear the weather forecast for tomorrow? Is it going to be windy?
M: No, there will be high clouds in the morning, and heavy showers in the afternoon and the evening.
(Text 3)周末野餐
M: Hey, let’s go for a picnic somewhere this weekend.
W: Good idea. Can Jack go with us? He studied hard for his exams in the past two weeks.
M: I don’t think so. He’s going on a trip this weekend with his school.
(Text 4)取消会面
M: Hello, is this Emma? This is Robert Gellen from Johnson’s Electronics.
W: Hello, Robert, what can I do for you?
M: It’s this visit by Mr. Johnson. I’m afraid he’s had an emergency and won’t be able to make it this time.
(Text 5)询问朋友情况
M: You’ve been waiting long?
W: No, just two minutes. How was the flight?
M: It was fine, thanks. I slept through the whole flight actually and I feel much better.
(Text 6)准备晚餐
M: I’m starving. What are we having for dinner tonight, Jane?
W: I’m not sure. Something will come to mind once I start.
M: I feel like eating French Fries or maybe a ham sandwich. How about you?
W: Actually, I was thinking of making something healthy, say ... (7)fish and vegetables.
M: Well, in that case, I’ll have whatever you make.
(Text 7)旅游目的地的新政策
W: Hello, George, I heard that you’re going to Milan for a business trip next week.
M: Yes, Susan, (8)I’m also planning a trip to Rome for sightseeing after that.
W: Oh, I was just back from Rome. The city has made some new rules.
M: Really? What rules?
W: For example, people who dress up as Roman soldiers in charge of photos won’t be allowed near hot tourist spots, and street performers can’t sing or play their music on public transport. Another rule bans tourists from eating in public places.