Test for Unit 10
听 力 部 分 (20分)
1________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________
( )6.A.It doesn't matter.     B.I'm sorry to hear that.
C.It is nice.
( )7.A.I'll play tennis.  B.That's a good idea.
C.Let's go.
( )8.A.She will be happy.  B.I went to Beijing.
C.I like pandas best.
( )9.A.It costs too much.  B.No problem.
C.Thanks for your help.
( )10.A.You are welcome.  B.I want some school things.
C.Twice a week.
( )11.Why didn't Cindy go to Linda's birthday party?
A.Because she was busy.  B.Because she was ill.
C.Because she wasn't invited.
( )12.What day is it today?
A.It's Tuesday.  B.It's Wednesday.
C.It's Thursday.
( )13.Where might the woman go first?
A.To the park.  B.To the school.
C.To the supermarket.
( )14.What does the boy's mother mean?
A.He can't go out.  B.He can come home late.
C.He should come home early.
( )15.How many students spoke at the class meeting?
A.Four.     B.Five.     C.Six.
( )16.What would happen if Jenny wore her jeans to the dance?
A.The teachers wouldn't see her.
B.The teachers wouldn't like her.
C.The teachers wouldn't let her in.
( )17.Why can't Jenny wear jeans to the dance?
A.They're too old.  B.There's a new rule.
C.You can't wear black.
( )18.What does Martin want to bring?
A.A friend.    B.Food.    C.Some CDs.
( )19.Who will wear white pants?
A.Jenny.  B.Martin.  C.Martin's friend.
( )20.What is the rule about friends from other schools?
A.They can come with an ID.
B.Teachers will ask them to leave.
C.Teachers will call your parents.
笔 试 部 分(100分)
( )21.You will cut your problem in________half if you'd like to share it with others.
A.a     B.an    C.the    D./
( )22.—Why was the little girl so________to see her mother come back?
—Because she broke a cup just now.
A.upset  B.happy  C.excited  D.tired
( )23.—You made to many________in your homework.
—Sorry,sir,I'll be more careful.
A.mistakes  B.preparations   C.ideas  D.events
( )24.Our math teacher is really________.We all like him very much.
A.lazy  B.understanding    C.unfriendly    D.scary
( )25.We will be late for class________we take a taxi there.
A.when  B.and  C.unless  D.because
( )26.This box is________heavy for the little boy________move.
A.to,too  B.too,to  C.to,to  D.too,too
( )27.—When is a good time________trees?
—Spring,I think.
A.planted  B.paint  C.planting  D.to plant
( )28.—I have few friends here.What should I do,Victor?
—I think________to others can help you make new friends.
A.shouts  B.smiles  C.smiling  D.shouting
( )29.—Hi,Jim.You look so tired.
—Well,I kept________for an hour because I missed my bus.
A.walk  B.to walk  C.walked  D.walking
( )30.—Can you tell me how to use the iPhone 5?
A.That's right  B.Certainly
C.Thank you  D.Of course not
( )31.If I don't finish the housework,my mother________me watch TV.
A.lets  B.will let  C.don't  D.won't let
( )32.You can solve the problem by________ your teacher for help.
Aasks  B.to ask  C.asking  D.ask
( )33.—When will you give me a call?
—I________you when I get to the airport.
A.will call  B.call  C.called  D.calling
( )34.I________I________there on time if I take a bus.
A.think,didn't get  B.don't think,get
C.don't think,will get  D.think,don't get
( )35.—Do you know if they________swimming tomorrow?
—I think they will if they________free.
A.go,will be  B.will go,are
C.go,are  D.will go,will be
Today is Saturday and there __36__ a concert at Grand Concert Hall at 7:30 p.m.Lily and Lucy __37__ there early,and they are reading the Notice(告示) to the Audience(听
Notice to the Audience
All the audience should __38__ neatly(整洁地)信任阅读答案,and if you don'twe won't let you __39__.
__40__ wear your slippers(拖鞋) into the concert hall.If you doyou won't go to the concert.
Don't take food or drinks into the concert hall.If you dowe will take it __41__.
Don't take photos during the concert.If you doyou'll __42__ leave.
Don't smoke in the concert hall.If you dowe'll ask you __43__.
Please keep __44__ all your mobile phones (手机)during the concert.
After reading the noticeLucy reminds(提醒) Lily to put her camera into her bagthen they go __45__ the Grand Concert Hall.They are happy.