2004 – 2005学年度第二学期课程考试
大学英语 模拟试题A卷一)
College English Test
===Band II ===
Part I  Vocabulary & Structure  (20 Points)
Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices
marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentences. Then mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
1. There are no traditional rules ____ by the teacher in open education.
A. makes  B. making  C. was made  D. made
2. It _____5 years since we got to know each other.
A. has had  B. has  C. has been  D. was
3. Excuse me, could you please tell me _____?
A. how can I get to the library  B. how I can get to the library
C. how do I get to the library    D. how get to the library
4. The school ____ he studies is very famous.
A. which    B. where    C. that  D. what
5. I think I’m qualified to _____ the requirements for the job.
A. meet      B. get      C. buy    D. want
6. Listen, can you hear a bird ____ among the trees over there?
A. to sing    B. sings    C. singing    D. sang
7. The girl ____ book has been lost is very worried.
A. who  B. whom  C. that    D. whose
8. _________ so careless (马虎) next time.
A. Be not    B. Don’t be  C. Is not      D. Do not to be
9. ___ he’s reading is very interesting.
A. That  B. Which  C. What  D. Where
10. He ____ 5000 yuan buying a computer.
A. spent  B. cost  C. took    D. used
11. This way of teaching allows the students to ____ their interests in many subjects.
A. develop  B. grow  C. improve  D. make
12. It is very important _____.
A. we will study English          B. for we study English 
C. for us study English            D. for us to study English
13. The weather is getting ___.
A. colder and colder          B. cold and cold 
C. cold and colder            D. coldest and coldest
14. They ____ getting up late and it is hard for them to give up.
A. got used to  B. used to  C. are used to  D. were use to
15. Great changes ____ in China since 1978.
A. take place  B. have been taken place  C. have taken place  D. took place
16. ____ is essential for modern society.
A. Buying and selling          B. Buy and sell 
C. Buying and sell            D. To buy and selling
17. Some people _____ money from the bank to build swimming pools.
A. lend  B. borrow  C. loan    D. pay
18. I’ll go over my English ____ I can get a good score.
A. in addition  B. as if  C. in order to  D. so that
19. ____ he was tall, he couldn’t reach the apple.
A. As long as  B. When  C. Although    D. Where
20. If it ____, the match will be cancelled.
A. will rain    B. rains  C. will be raining  D. would rain
21. Six students ____ one room at college.
A. live    B. hold    C. divide    D. share
22. He suggested that she ____ to drive right away.
A. learn  B. learns  C. will learn  D. learned
23. All advertising_____ innocent(无辜), is misleading in some way.
A. no matter what  B. no matter how  C. no matter when  D. no matter where
24. I would much appreciate it if you could give me an _______ for the job.
A. interview      B. approach      C. assistance      D. application
25. ____ in the plane, the two railway tracks looked like two lines.
A. Seeing  B. Having seen  C. Seen  D. To have seen
26. He didn’t ____ and so he failed in the exam.
A. work enough hard        B. work hard enough  东莞理工学院
C. hard work enough        D. hard enough work
27. I don’t understand how Jane could have made ___ big mistake in judgment.
A. such a  B. so a  C. a such  D. a so
28. Little ____ that all the stores would be closed.
A. they did know  B. did they know  C. they knew  D. didn’t they know
29. ____ had she fallen asleep than a knock at the door awoke her.
A. No sooner  B. Not until  C. Hardly  D. As soon as
30. Try to make as ____ mistakes as possible in your spelling.
A. fewer  B. less  C. few  D. little
31. The flat is very ___ for the underground station.
A. suitable  B. convenient  C. distant  D. comfortable
32. The little boy took off one shoe and then ____.
A. another  B. other  C. the other  D. others
33. I cannot believe that the restaurant, ____ I have eaten such wonderful meals, is to close down.
A. which    B. in which    C. of which  D. that
34. ____ the sun, there are numerous stars in the sky.