BEC商务英语(初级)写作模拟试卷114 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. PART ONE
1. Your computer does not work and it is too old to be worth repairing, so you want to apply for a new one. You need to make a written request to your department manager, Mr. Brown. Write a memo to him: - saying that you need a new computer- explaining what has happened to the old one- asking for his approval of the request. Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet
bec商务英语正确答案:      MemoTo: Mr. BrownFrom: Judy MatthewsDate: 15 April 2010Subject: Application for a new computerI am writing to apply for a new computer, for the old one has broken down and is beyond repair. It is impossible to work without a computer. Could you kindly approve my request?
解析:    此题目要求写一篇求助申请类的备忘录。背景是假定写作者的计算机坏了,而且因为太旧不值得维修了,因而想申请一台新的。为此需要向部门经理写一封书面申请。题目要求写一条备忘录,说明写作者需要一台新计算机,解释旧的那台为什么不能用了,最后请求经理的批准。