Module 1
  1.1 Working from home (page 8)
I=Interviewer M=Michela
I OK,Michela.You work from home now.Can you tell me about a typical day?
M Sure, I always get up around seven and the first thing I do is get the kids ready for school.I take them at eight thirty and thin I always start work at nine.
I Do you ever have a day where you decide to have the morning off and start work later?
M No,you cant do that.Its important with home-working to have a timetable and stick to it.If you end up watching TV or doing the cleaning then it isnt for you.So I have lunch at twelve and finish work at two thirty to get the children.
I Was that why you gave up your office job?
M Yes,I wanted to spend more time with the children.It gives me more flexibility.Sometimes I need to work in the evening but usually it isnt a problem.
I So how long have you been doing this kind of work?
M For about five years.Ive been with the same company since I left school but with the Internet and technology its easy now to be at home.
I So your employer doesnt mind.
M No.It means the company saves money on office space and as long as I get the work done,theyre happy.Sometimes I still fo into work to meet clients and so on.For example,Im going in nearly every day this week because we have visitors from another company and I cant really invite them over to my house.Besides,the gossip and the news with my colleagues.I miss that side of going into work every day.
I Is there anything else you miss?
M Ermm.No,not really.And Ill tell you what I really dont miss and thats having to spend two hours commuting on the bus and train every day. . .
  1.2 Starting a conversation (page 11)
Conversation 1
R=Richard W=Woman M=Marek
R Hello?
W Hello,Richard.Id like to introduce you to Marek.
R Oh,yes.Hello,Marek.How do you do?Nice to meet you at last.
M Hello,Richard.Pleased to meet you too.
W Oh,do you two know each other already?
M Well,weve spoken on the phone a few times.
R But weve never actually met.Anyway,take a seat.Would you both like a coffee?
Conversation 2
A Would you like a coffee?
B Oh,thanks.
A Milk?
B Yes,please,and a sugarthanks.
A So have you enjoyed this morning?
B Yes,it was very interesting.The first speaker was particularly good.
A Is this your first time at one of these events?
B Yes,it is.And you?
A No,Ive been coming for years.The company pays and if the location is good then I come.I remember the best year we had was in Monaco
Conversation 3
M=Marie W=Woman
M May I join you?
W Sure.
M Youre a colleague of Martin Obach,arent you?
W Thats right He works in our Barcelona office.How do you know him?
M We were both at Elcotil together.He left about a year before me.
W Oh,are you Mandy?
M Marie.
W Marie.Thats right.Sorry,I knew it began with an M.Yes,Martin said you were doing this course and that I should say hello
Conversation 4
A Well,this is nice.
B Well,its quite simple but the food is vey traditional and its popular with the locals.On Sundays I often bring the family here.
A Thats nice.How many children do you have?
B Two.Twinks.A boy and a girl.Theybec商务英语ve just started school.
A Wow.Twinks.
B And you?
A No,not yet.And have you always lived in Lille?
B Yes,most of my life.I worked in Paris for a while and in your country,of course.But all my relatives are here.What about your family?
A Oh,theyre spread out.I see my parents from time to time but my sister lives in Norway with her husband so we dont get together much.Anyway,I know your company is looking for a partner on this Thai project.
B Yes.Is that something you might be interested in
  1.3 Exam spotlight (page 15)
E=Examiner C=Candidate
E And where do you live exactly?
C Im from a small town in northern Switzerland but at the moment Im studying for a business degree so I live in Zurich.
E What types of business are most successful in your town?
C Err,well,I suppose that tourism is quite important to the area and there are many small farms so agriculture also.Zurich,where I study,is more famous of course for banking and financial services.
E How is working life changing in your country?
C Sorry,can you repeat the question,please?