(总分22, 做题时间149分钟)
SECTION 1 (Questions 1-8) -Look at the statements (marked 1-8) below and the five extracts from an article (marked A-E). -Which article (marked A-E) does each statement (marked 1-8) refer to? -You will need to use some of these letters (marked A-E) more
    Innovation is the key to continued prosperity. Although the United states is experiencing a lengthy economic boom, its capacity for innovation per capita is losing ground. Ranking first in 1995 in innovation among 17 countries, the United States is projected to drop to fifth place by 2002 if present trends continue, according to the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD). To compete effectively in international markets, nations as well as organizations must make innovation a priority.
    The goal is for your organization to change the rules, structure, and speed of its industry so that **petitors are thrown into chaos. Because your organization initiated the change, it more than likely understands the new rules and structure introduced into the marketplace as it copes with changes in speed. Temporarily at least, your organization will be ahead of **petition. This technique has been used by the military since ancient times. The idea is to confuse the enemy. While the opponent is digging out of the confusion, the organization in the offensive position seizes the dominant position.
    One contemporary technique that changes the marketplace rules, structure, and speed is innovation—all organization''s trump card. When the microchip was invented, Intel was able to gain power over **petition because it capitalized on an innovation. Microsoft innovated the concept of a dominant operating system in **puters. By capitalizing on innovations, **panies were able to become leaders in their industries while **petitors were
temporarily in chaos trying to find their way out. If an organization is offering the same products and services in the same way that it did three years ago, it''s on its way to obsolescence or may already be obsolete. Let''s answer three questions about innovation.
    What is innovation? Innovation is the tangible result of creativity—the process that produces one or more innovations. Creativity is difficult to measure, but innovation is a product or service that is easily defined and measured. Why is innovation necessary? It is needed for survival and sustainability. Competition is stiff in the global market place that organizations not nurturing innovation will soon find themselves unable to respond to changing customer demands. Conversely, those organizations that make innovation a priority can dominate their industries and experience positive growth. Organizations in the 21st century must foster innovation.
    How can an organization achieve a high degree of innovation? Innovation does not happen by itself. It must be intentionally cultivated. Great leaders realize this and work to develop all organizations friendly to innovative endeavors. This effort involves allocating a budget adequate for innovative activities, establishing a physical environment that promotes creativity, eliminating creativity inhibitors, recruiting creative people, grasping the big picture, involving the whole person, promoting new thinking, training experientially, and nurturing autonomy.
0. Innovation plays a very important role in competing in international markets.    (A)
By capitalizing on innovations, **panies were able to become leaders in their industries.
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Innovation ability in the United States used to be the top in the world.
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Innovation is different from creativity in that the former can be easily defined and measured.
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The organization which initiated the innovation is more likely to cope with it freely.
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Creativity inhibitors must be removed if necessary.
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There is similarity **petition in international markets and the military situation in wars.
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Innovation can not happen of its own volition.
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Innovation is a kind of contemporary technique that can change the rules, structure, and speed in marketplace.
    该问题分值: 0.125
SECTION 2 (Questions 9-14) -Read the passage below and choose the best sentence from the list (marked A,B,C…) to fill each of the blanks. -DO NOT use any choice more than once. -There is an example at the beginning (0) of the passage.
                          Personnel Management
    Personnel management is regarded as a profession. Many observers believe that the most important and pressing problems of future industrial societies will not be solely concerned with production or technical questions, but will be people-oriented and will involve a knowledge of social and behavioral sciences and of the personnel function." (0) . The role of personnel management has, of course changed over time. Originally it was used by management to obtain and maintain an effective work force only and the emphasis was on production and economic rewards. (9). This is now only one part of the function. Later it was realized that if worker needs could be understood and met, for example, security, achievement, and job satisfaction, then the organization itself could bet
ter achieve its maximization of goals such as profits. Recently added to this has been the social (community) responsibility of the organization. (10).