    The White House
    We got up early this morning and __1__ a long walk after breakfast. We walked through the business section of the city. I told you yesterday that the city was larger__2__ I thought it would be. __3__ the business section is smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose that’s__4__ Washington is a special kind of city. __5__the people in Washington work for the government. A bout 9:30 we went to the White House. It’s__6__ to the public from 10 till12, and there was a long line of people waiting to get in. We didn’t have to wait very long, because the line moved __7__quickly.
    The White House is really white. It is painted every year. And it seems very white, becaus
e it’s got beautiful lawns all around it, ____8____many trees and shrubs. The grounds__9__ about four square blocks. I mean, they’re about two blocks long__10__ each side. Of course, we didn’t see the whole building. The part__11__the President lives and works is not open to the public. But the part we saw was beautiful. We went through five of the main rooms. One of them was the library, on the ground floor. On the next floor, there are three rooms named__12__ the colors that are used in them: the Red Room, the Blue Room, and the Green Room. The walls are covered with silk__13__. There are__14__ old furniture, from the time__15__ the White House was first built. And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and other famous people from history.
    1. A) made B) did C)took D) got
    2. A) than B) as C) so D) like
    3. A) But B) Yes C) So D) Then
    4. A) since B) as C) because D) because of
    5. A) Much of B) Most of C) A lot D) Lots
    6. A) open B) opening C) being opened D) opened
    7. A) pretty B) little C) much D) very much
    8. A) / B) having C) with D) together
    9. A) include B) cost C) cover D) spread
    10. A) by B) on C) for D) with
    11. A) which B) what C) that D) where
    12. A) by B) for C) after D) before
    13. A) cloth B) clothes C) clothing D) cloths
    14. A) Much pieces of B) many pieces of C) many a D) a great many
    15. A) that B) which C) who D) when
    参考答案: 1-5 CAACB 6-10 AACCB 11-15 DCABD
    Look at the statements below and the article about the development of future business leaders on the opposite page. Which section of the article (A, B, C or D) does each statement (1-7) refer to?
    For each statement (1-7), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
    You will need to use some of these letters more than once.
    1 Managers need to take action to convince high-flyers of their value to the firm.
    2 Organisations need to look beyond the high-flyers they are currently developing.
    3 There is a concern that firms investing in training for high-flyers may not gain the benefits themselves.
    4 Managers need expert assistance from within their own firms in developing high-flyers. bec商务英语
    5 Firms currently identify high-flyers without the support of a guidance strategy.
    6 Managers are frequently too busy to deal with the development of high-flyers.
    7 Firms who work hard on their reputation as an employer will interest high-flyers.
    The Stars of the Future
    A Existing management research does not tell us much about how to find and develop high-flyers, those people who have the potential to reach the top of an organisation. As a result, organisations are left to formulate their own systems. A more effective overall policy for developing future leaders is needed, which is why the London Business School has launched the Tomorrow’s Leaders Research Group (TLRG). The group contains representatives from 20 firms, and meets regularly to discuss the leadership development of the organisations’ high-flyers.
    B TLRG recognises just how significant line managers are in the process of leadership development. Unfortunately, with today’s flat organisations, where managers have functional as well as managerial responsibilities, people development all too often falls victim to heavy workloads. One manager in the research group was unconvinced by the logic of sending his best people away on development courses, ’only to see them poached by another department or, worse still, another firm’. This fear of losing high-flyers runs deep in the organisations that make up the research group.
    C TLRG argues that the task of management is not necessarily about employee retention, but about creating ’attraction centres’. ’We must help line managers to realise that if their companies are known as ones that develop their people, they will have a greater appeal to high-flyers,’ said one advisor. Furthermore, selecting people for, say, a leadership development programme is a sign of commitment from management to an individual. Loyalty can then be more easily demanded in return.
    D TLRG has concluded that a company’s HR specialists need to take action and engag
e with line managers individually about their role in the development of high-flyers. Indeed, in order to benefit fully from training high-flyers as the senior managers of the future, firms must actually address the development of all managers who will be supporting the high-flyers. Without this, managers will not be in a position to give appropriate advice. And when eventually the