Ⅰ. Multiple choices:
1-5 acbda 6-10 bdcbd
Ⅱ. Identify the error in each sentence:
1-4 ccdb 5-8ccdd
Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with proper words:
1. from
2. that
3. place
4. order
5. in
6. in
bec商务英语7. have
8. sold
9. be 10.
11. you 12. of 13. is 14. of 15. are 16. in 17. are 18. popular 19. them
20. at
Ⅳ. Put the following English into Chinese:
1. reserve the right of cancellation(保留取消的权利)
2. the captioned item(标题货物)
3. be occupied with orders(订单太多)
4. the next newest to the latest model(仅次于最新的型号)
5. such being the case(既然如此)
6. keep pace with(与…保持⼀致)
7. contract orders(合同订单)
8. on the understanding that(在…条件下)
Ⅴ. Put the following sentences into Chinese
1、请按照你们 6 ⽉ 10 ⽇的报价和样品提供下列货物。
3、由于最近对我们晶体管收⾳机需求甚殷,我们⽆法保证新订货在 11 ⽉ 30 ⽇前交付。
5、我们明确这批货物将在 5 ⽉31 ⽇前及时运抵,以此为条件,我们定购此货,如交货
8、我们⽆法保证在 9 ⽉底前交货,因此只得退还你们的订单,并表⽰我们的歉意和感谢。
Ⅵ. Put the following sentences into English
1. If your goods are satisfactory we hope to place substantial orders.
2. We are pleased to receive your order of 4 th July for cotton prints and welcome you as one of our customers.
3.Our earliest date of delivery is May 20, as we find it very difficult to keep pace with rush orders in this season,.
4. Although we should like to do business with you, we are sorry that it is difficult for us to manufactur
e the perfume atomizers at the price you ask.
5. We hope that you will understand the circumstances which make us decline your order this time.
6. We hope that this first transaction will be the beginning of a ling and happy association. You can besure that we shall do our best to satisfy you.
7.As our factory is now fully occupied with contract orders, we regret having to decline your order.
8. We trust that this trial order will be the beginning of a close business relations between us in future.