The European Central Bank declared that it would maintain an easy moary policy stance “as long as needed” while the eurozone battles record unemployment and shrinking economic activity.
“Our moary policy will remain acmodative as long as needed,” Mario Draghi, ECB president, said during his monthly press conference.
The Federal Reserve has said interest rates will remain near zero until US unemployment falls to at least 6.5 per cent. While Mr Draghi described high unemployment as a “tragedy”, the ECB has no mandate to target joblessness.
Mr Draghi has consistently struck a gently upbeat tone on the eurozone’s prospects, despit
e being careful to say repeatedly that the risks to the outlook “remain on the downside”.“The recovery path is by and large unchanged,” he said. “Later in 2023 economic activity should gradually recover, supported by a strengthening of global demand.”
However, the bank’s own staff projections paint a gloomy picture. The quarterly forecasts for growth were revised down again. They now predict a contraction of 0.5 per cent this year, from a fall of 0.3 per cent previously. More alarmingly for a central bank whose sole policy target is price stability, the ECB is now forecasting inflation to slow to 1.6 per cent this year and 1.3 per cent next year, short of its “close to, but below” 2 per cent medium-term target.
“The get-out-of-jail card for the ECB with these forecasts has been to suggest that they are merely an input for their discussions, so they can go on to ignore them,” Ken Wattret, economist at BNP Paribas, said. “But it is stretching credibility for a central bank with onemandate to ignore its own current inflation projections.”
1.Word of the day
acmodative:willing to adjust to differences in order to obtain agreement 适应的
ex: “Highly acmodative moary policies are fast being a threat to price stability,” it concluded.
bec商务英语ex1:For your convenience and fort, we acmodate you in one of the pany's villas for foreign visitors.
ex2:Her eyes took a while to acmodate to the darkness.
2.Phrase of the day
by and large:For the most part; generally 总体上
ex: By and large, this inclination towards optimism is one of America's strengths.
3.Sentence of the day
However, the bank’s own staff projections paint a gloomy picture.
ex: The most recent Chinese economic data seem to paint a gloomy picture for oil.
4.Cultural point of the day
get-out-of-jail card 出狱卡
5.Translation of the day
More alarmingly for a central bank whose sole policy target is price stability, the ECB is now forecasting inflation to slow to 1.6 per cent this year and 1.3 per cent next year, short of its “close to, but below” 2 per cent medium-term target.
The European Central Bank declared that it would maintain an easy moary policy stance “as long as needed” while the eurozone battles record unemployment and shrinking economic activity.
“Our moary policy will remain acmodative as long as needed,” Mario Draghi, ECB president, said during his monthly press conference.
欧洲央行行长马里奥德拉吉(Mario Draghi)在每月一次的新闻发布会上表示:“我们将维持宽松货币政策,延续时间视需要而定。”