BEC新编剑桥商务英语中级(第三版)Module3.2 Module3.2 Listening 3
Match the following expressions to stages 1-7 in exercise 2. Write the number of the correct stage next to each expression.将下列表达式与练习2中的第1-7阶段相匹配。在每个表达式旁边写上正确的阶段的编号。
1 say who the message is for
2 say who you are
3 give the reason for calling
4 spell any difficult words
5 request a return call
6 leave your contact details
7 say when you will be available
Module3.2 Writing 1
Read what people say in 1-9 and write messages. Use words from the spoken message.读1-9上⼈们说的话,然后写信息。使⽤⼝头信息中的词语。
0. 'Hello. This is Michael James speaking and this is a message for Lelia.'
Michael James called for Lelia. (4 words)
1. 'I'd be grateful if you could return this call on my home number.'
2. 'I am calling to inform you that the next meeting is on he 23rd.'
3. 'Would you mind checking and letting me know the final dates?'
4. 'I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for any confusion.'
5. 'The client is asking if it would be possible to put the meeting back.'
6. 'If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to call me.'
7. 'I was hoping we could bring the interviews forward. Is that possible for you?'
8. 'Can you let me know if you are available to join us later?'
9.'I'am telephoning with regard to order number 01-X33. I am not happy about it, I'am afraid.'
Module3.2 Writing 2
Listen to the five calls from exercise 1 on page 30 again.Take notes and write brief and clear messages.再听⼀遍30页练习1中的5个电话。做笔记,写下简短⽽清晰的信息。
1. Please email Ralph details of next month's seminars at
2. Maria Monblot wants to attend next month's business breakfast meeting not this month's. Confirm this with her on 768 4556.
3. Please call Jochen Anderson about the schedule for the 25th between two and five o'clock. He wants to change the time and length
of his workshop.
4. Please call Jochen Anderson on behalf of Vanessa about the schedule on the 25th.
5. Bryan in security confirmed the opening arrangements for Sunday. Call him on 07786 678 8890 if there is anything else.
Call 1: Hi, Vanessa. It's Ralph again. Sorry, I forgot to ask earlier if you can send me details of next month's seminars. I've got two people who really need some help with spreadsheets and accounting software. I remember you said that you had some computer courses planned. Anyway, send me details on those and anything else you have coming up. Thanks oh, you can email it to me if that's easier. It's R for Ralph. Dot. Hensher. At Henckel. That's H-E-N-C-K-E-L dot D-E. Thanks. Bye.
Call 2: Hello. My name is Maria Monblot. The reason I'm calling is that I have a booking for next week's business breakfast meeting. I'm afraid I won't be able to attend but I would like to come to next month's instead. I assume it is on the last Wednesday of the month as usual. Please confirm this. You've already got my number but just in case, it's 768 4556.
你好。我叫Maria Monblot。我打电话来的原因是我预订了下周的商务早餐会。我恐怕不能参加,但我想下个⽉来参加。我想和往常⼀样是在这个⽉的最后⼀个星期三。请确认这⼀点。你已经有了我的电话号码,但以防万⼀,号码是768 4556。
Call 3: Hello. This is Jochen Anderson. I am booked in to run the seminar on design on the 25th. I've just received the schedule for the day and it appears that I am speaking at nine thirty. That isn't what I agreed with you. We said I would be at eleven and that I would have ninety minutes not one hour. You've also described it as a talk but I'm giving a workshop. Please get back to me about this as soon as possible. I'll be in my office between two and five o'clock.
Call 4: Hi, Vanessa. It's Kristen, just to let you know that Jochen Anderson is trying to get hold of you. He left a message on my home number to say he isn't happy about t he schedule for the 25th. I haven't got the details with me so I can't help really. I'm sorry, but can you call him back? He only needs the time changing and something about the title. I'm sure one of the other speakers won't mind changing. You know what he's like. See you tomorrow.
Call 5: Hello. This is Bryan in security. I'm returning your call about having the building open on Sunday. I'm just calling to say that's fine. I'll
be here at midday anyway so it'll be OK for three o'clock. If there's anything else, you can call me any time on my mobile. It's 07786 678 8890.
你好。我是保安布莱恩。我给你回电话,关于星期天⼤楼开放的事。我打电话只是想说没关系。不管怎样,我中午都会在这⾥,所以3点钟就可以了。如果还有别的事,你可以随时打电话给我。是07786 678 8890。
Module3.2 Writing 3
Vanessa receives a call from Jochen Anderson. Listen and take notes on any important:
* Dates The event is on the 25th.
* Times The schedule says Jochen is speaking at 9.30pm but he's supposed to speak at 11am. He'd actually prefer to speak at 2pm.
* Numbers His mobile is 0778 890 8895.
Listen again. What phrases does Vanessa use for:再听⼀遍。凡妮莎⽤什么短语表达:
Checking and clarifying details? Let me check.So that's…/ I see./ let me read that back to you.
Confirming actions? I'll have to check…then call you back./ I'll call back in an hour.
Requesting further information? Could you give me your…?
Vanessa: Hello,Business Circle Conferencing.
Jochen: Hello. Can I speak to Kirsten, please?
Vanessa: I'm sorry, she's not here today. My name's Vanessa. Can I help you?
Jochen: This is Jochen Anderson.
Vanessa: Oh, hello, Mr Anderson. Kirsten said you phoned and I tried calling you at your office.
Jochen: Well, I'm on my mobile. Anyway, it's about the schedule for the training event. It isn't what we agreed.
Vanessa: Sorry,let me check. So that's the event on the 25th.
Jochen: That's right. And it says I'm speaking at nine thirty.
Vanessa: And you're supposed to be speaking at eleven. Yes, well I'm sure we can change it.
Jochen: Yes, but actually I think the afternoon would be better. After lunch. Can I speak at two PM ? Then I can arrive in the morning. Vanessa: I see. So that's two in the afternoon. I'll have to check with another presenter and then call you back. Could you give me your mobile number?
Jochen:Certainly. It's 0778 890 8895
Vanessa:Let me read that back to you. 0778 890 8895
Jochen:That's right.
Vanessa:I'll call you back in about an hour.
Jochen: Good. thank you.
Module3.2 Writing 4
Work in pairs.
Student A:
Your name is Andrzej Welanetz. You telephone Kirsten at Business Circle Conferencing. Request details of the next course on telephone skills and ask them to be sent by email (give your email address). Confirm that you will want to send five members of your staff on this course and find out what discounts can be given on group bookings.
你的名字是Andrzej Welanetz。你打电话给商务圈会议的柯尔斯顿。要求下⼀门电话技巧课程的详细信息,并要求通过电⼦邮件发送(给出您的电⼦邮件地址)。确认你要派五名员⼯参加这门课程,并了解团体预订可以享受多少折扣。
Student B:
You work for Business Circle Conferencing. Someone calls to speaks to your colleague Kristen but she has taken the day off today. Take a message using the form below.
To: Kristen
Caller: Andrzej Welanetz
Message: Please email details of the next telephone skills course to (email address). He's sending five people so also include details of discounts on group bookings
Module3.2 Writing 5
Now make another similar call.
Student A:
You work for Business Circle Conferencing. Someone calls to speak to your colleague Vanessa but s
he is in a meeting. Take a message using the form above.
Student B:
Your name is Sergiusz Parteka. You telephone Vanessa at Business Circle Conferencing. Postpone your booking for the seminar on online businesses next Tuesday (the 13th) and apologize for the cancellation. Request details of the dates for the next similar seminars after the 13th and find out if the money for the seminar is refunded.
你的名字是Sergiusz Parteka。你打电话给商务圈会议的凡妮莎。推迟预定下周⼆(13⽇)的⽹上商务研讨会,并为取消⽽道歉。请提供13号之后下⼀次类似研讨会的详细⽇期,并查明是否退还了研讨会的费⽤。
To: Vanessa
Caller: Sergiusz Parteka
Message: He's sorry but he's postponing his booking for the seminar on the 13th. Please send dates for the next seminar and explain if the course fee can be refunded.