< n.商业,贸易
【商务用语】co-operative merce 合作商业
handwork merce 手工艺商业
international merce 国际商务
oversea merce 海外贸易
【例句】Our country has been trying to broaden its merce with other nations.
【商务用语】mercial depression 商业萧条
mercial pany 贸易公司
mercial aeptance 商业承兑汇票
mercial aounting 商业会计
3.mittee n.委员会
【商务用语】aepting houses mittee 承兑行委员会
budget mittee 预算委员会
check mittee 查账委员会
nomenclature mittee 税那么分类委员会
【商务用语】primary modity 初级商品
ready modity 成品
scarce modity 稀缺商品
5.mute v.交换;抵偿;换算;每天(乘火车)往返上班;定期往返于两地间
【商务用语】mute foreign money to domestic 把外币兑本钱国外币
mute imprisonment into a fine 以代监禁
【例句】Miners mute between the mines and their housing estates on weekdays.
6.parative adj.比拟的,相当的
【商务用语】parative advantage 相对优势
parative advertising 货比货式广告
parative cost advantage 比拟本钱利益
parative balance sheet 比拟资本负债表
7.pensate vt.补偿,归还,付酬金
【例句】The pany pensates her for extra work.
8.pensation n.补偿,赔偿,报酬
【商务用语】incentive pensation 奖金
delay pensation 延迟补偿;交货逾期补偿
demand pensation 索赔
loss pensation 损失补偿
【例句】Equal pensation should be given to men and women for equal work.
9.petition n.竞争
【商务用语】mercial petition 商业竞争
domestic petition 国内竞争
economic petition 经济竞争
exchange petition 外汇竞争
【例句】Because there is so much unemployment ,the petition for jobs is very fierce.
10.plain vt.抱怨,控诉
【例句】They plained that the wages were too low.
11.plex n.联合企业
【商务用语】binated plex 联合工厂/公司
economic plex 经济综合体
iron and steel plex 钢铁联合企业
industrial plex 大工业中心
12.pliance n.顺从
【商务用语】pliance cost 税务执行费用
13.prehensive adj.全面的;能充分理解的
【商务英语】prehensive aounting 综合核算
prehensive budget 总预算
prehensive insurance 综合保险,全程保险
【例句】The state government gave a very prehensive explanation of its plans for the development of electronic industry.
14.promise n.妥协 vt.和解
【商务用语】promise clause 仲裁条款
promise act 妥协条例
【例句】We can not promise on such terms.
15.pulsive adj.强制
【商务用语】pulsive means 强制手段
16.pulsory adj.被强制的;义务的
【商务用语】pulsory circulation 强制流通
pulsory debt 强制公债
pulsory insurance 强制保险
pulsory prepayment of charges 必须预付费用
17.puterize vt.用计算机处理,使自动化
【商务用语】 puterize industrial management 使工业管理自动化
【例句】The firm decided to puterize its wage department.
【商务用语】limited concession 有限让与
price concession 让价
tariff concessions 关税减让
timber concession 木材租约
【例句】The boss’s promise to increase the
workers’pay was a concession to union demands.
【商务用语】conciliation board in industrial disputes 劳工纠纷调解委员会
conciliation mission 协调委员会
【例句】The dispute in the engineering industry is being dealt with by a conciliation board.
bec商务英语【例句】Exercise is conductive to health.