、新闻发言人 傅莹:
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Today we are very happy to invite new premier of the state council and the new vice-premiers to meet with the press. First some opening remarks from the premier and then he will take your uestions.
Ladies and gentlemen, friends of the press. First I‘d like to thank you for your hard work in covering the NPC and CPPCC sessions.
Let me present to you the vice-premiers who are with us this morning. Vice-premier Zhanggaoli, vice-premier Liuyandong, vice-premier Wangyang and vice-premier Makai.
我们衷心感谢人民代表的信任,从担任新职的那一刻起,我就深感这是全国各族人民的重托,是重大责任。我们将忠诚于宪法,忠实于人民,以民之所望为施政所向。把努力实现人民对未来生活的期盼作为神圣使命,以对法律的敬畏、对人民的敬重、敢于担当、勇于作为的政府,去造福全体人民,建设强盛国家。这几句话是我的开场白,下边就欢迎记者朋友们提问。 We sincerely thank the NPC‘s deputies for their trust. From the moment we take on the new role, I have deeply felt the heavy responsibilities the Chinese people of all nationalities have placed on our shoulders. W e will be true to the constitution, be loyal to the people and the people‘s wish will point (to) the direction of government‘s efforts. We will take as our sacred mission the peoples‘ aspirations for a better life. W e will revere laws, respect the people, take on our responsibilities and have the courage to get things done, so as to benefit the whole nation and build a strong and prosperous country. These are my opening remarks. Now the floor is open for uestions.
新加坡《联合早报》记者: 这次国家机构改革和职能转变方案引起高度关注,请问李总理的是,这次改革是不是您理想的方案?怎样达到简政放权和转变政府职能的目标?谢谢。 Lianhezaobao from Singapore. The plan for reforming state council institutions has attracted a lot of attention. Mr. Premier, is it your ideal plan and how do you intend to achieve the goals of streamlining government and transforming its functions? Than