一、 Listening Comprehension(总题数:12,分数:50.00)
1.Part II Listening Comprehension
2.Section A
 A.The U.K. experts are tackling a host of health problems.
 B.Overweight could lead to healthy problems. 
 C.The trend of raising level of obesity will continue.
 D.Children are taking too many sugary drinks.
解析:解析:新闻开篇第一句是总起句,指出肥胖和超重问题会引发未来几十万例癌症和其他健康问题(bringing a host of health issues),之后又具体指出问题的严重性及解决方法,故选B“超重可以引发健康问题”。A“英国的专家正在处理一大堆健康问题”偏离重点。C将重点放在“肥胖人数上升”这一趋势上,也是偏离重点。D“小孩喝太多软饮料”没有在新闻提到
 A.More taxes are imposed on sugary drinks. 
 B.Advertisements of soft drinks are banned.
 C.Junk food stores should be closed.
 D.Children are not allowed to watch TV programmes.
英语四级网站登录入口解析:解析:新闻中提到解决问题的方法之一是对含糖饮料收更多的税(a 20 pence per litre tax on sugary drinks),所以答案选A。B“禁放软饮料广告”与新闻中“审查(review)食物广告”不符。C“垃圾食品店应关门”和D“儿童不能看电视节目”未在新闻中提到。
 A.It can shift the screen from blue light to a warmer setting. 
 B.It can help people to fall into a sound sleep.
 C.It can locate people and guide them at night.
 D.It can record people's biological clock.
解析:解析:新闻开头提到,苹果手机增加的新模式是夜间模式,可以将蓝光转换成更柔和的光(changes the screen from blue light to a warmer setting),A将新闻中的change替换成了其同义词shift,为本题答案。B“能帮助人们入睡”过度推断,新闻中提到的是蓝光会干扰人们的生物钟,影响睡眠,但这并不代表转换光线就能改善睡眠。C“能帮助人们定位和
夜间导航”,新闻中没有提到导航功能。D只是复现新闻中的biological clock,新闻并没有说“新模式可以记录人们的生物钟”。
 A.They can share students' profiles.
 B.They can log in students' bank accounts.
 C.They can manage students' courses and books. 
 D.They can teach students online.
解析:解析:新闻末尾部分提到,新的教育系统能让教师控制学生的账号、安排课程和教材,所以本题选C。A“教师能够共享学生信息”没有在新闻提到。B“能够登录学生的银行账号”利用新闻中的account作干扰,新闻是说教师有管理员的账户(admin account)。D“能够在线教育”没有在新闻中提到。
 A.It has about 3,000 authorized stores in Europe.
 B.Its branding rents are as high as market rates.
 C.It charges overpriced rents from authorized store owners. 
 D.It receives many complaints from its customers.
解析:解析:本则新闻是关于麦当劳在意大利被指责收取过高的特许经营费(burdening authorized stores with excessive rents),C中的overpriced指“价格过高的”,该项与新闻所述相符。A错在3000,新闻是说大概有6000授权店。B“品牌租赁费和市场价格一样高”与新闻不符,新闻说其价格是市场价格的10倍(10 times higher than market rates)。D错在consumers,麦当劳收到来自特许经销商的投诉,并非消费者的投诉。
 A.It brought business opportunities for authorized store owners. 
 B.It offered low price food for its customers.
 C.It created more revenue than its competitors.
 D.It dominated 66% European market.
解析:解析:关于麦当劳的经营模式,麦当劳声称这种模式给经销商带来了最好的商业机会(helped create the best business oppommities for our store owners),故选A。B“给消费者提供了廉价的食物”没有在新闻中提到。C“收益比竞争对手多”,新闻提到的是特许经销商66%的收益给了麦当劳。D“占领了欧洲66%的市场”中的66%的确有在新闻中提到,但新闻中的66%是品牌租赁费占特许经营店利润的66%。
 A.It failed to pay taxes from royalties. 
 B.It avoided paying lowest wage in the U.S.
 C.It had problems on its authorized stores' food.
 D.It gained too much profit from dominant market.
解析:解析:新闻中提到,麦当劳在欧洲被调查,是由于税收问题(failing to pay some taxes in both Luxembourg and the U.S.),故选A。B“不支付美国的最低工资”和C“它的特许经营店的食物有问题”均没有新闻中提到。D“在主导市场中获利过多”并不是麦当劳被调查的原因。
3.Section B
 A.To inquire about switching majors. 
 B.To find a helping supervisor.
 C.To make up the remaining credits.
 D.To apply for a master's degree.
 A.A literature professor.
 B.An academic advisor. 
 C.Dean of the English Department.
 D.A Doctor of Economics.
解析:解析:细节题。在对话中,女士说“作为你的academic advisor,我会尽力帮助你的”,因此答案为B。
 A.He can't catch up with his classmates.
 B.He finds the English course load too heavy.
 C.He is not interested in his present major. 
 D.He is good at Applied Linguistics.
 A.In only one semester.
 B.In just two semesters.
 C.In at most three semesters. 
 D.In at least four semesters.
解析:解析:计算题。女士谈到,取得硕士学位需要36个学分,通常每门课程值3个学分。如果男士一学期选4门 课,那他一学期就能得到4×3=12个学分,3个学期就是36个学分,因此他最多需要3个学期。故答案为C。
 B.Plastic meal-boxes.
 C.Used batteries. 
 D.Disposable wooden chopsticks.