    1. 根据下列句子的汉语意思,选择恰当的英语单词填入空格处。
    ① 他勇敢地回答了老师的问题,________也回答对了。
    ② 这只小猫真可爱,让我________。
    ① 空格处应填入一个能表达与“回答问题”相关的词语,选项中只有“neither”符合语境。
    ② 空格处应填入一个与“喜爱”相关的动词,选项中只有“hug”符合语境。
    2. 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。
      Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a great and prosperous country. One day, a stranger came to the king's palace and offered him a solution for doubling the treasure of the country. The stranger said, "I have a magic screwdriver that can double anything you have. So if you give me half of the treasure of your country, I will double the treasure you have left."
      The king hesitated for a moment. He wanted more treasure but he was not sure if the stranger was telling the truth or not. Finally, he agreed to the stranger's offer and handed over half of the treasure to him. To the king's surprise, the stranger took out a screwdriver and started to unscrew the bolts of the treasure chests. And as he unscrewed the last bolt, another treasure chest appeared beside the first one.
      The stranger said, "Now you have twice as much treasure as before." The king was overjoyed and thanked the stranger for his magic screwdriver. However, the next day the stranger came to the king and said, "Your treasure is not really doubled. The new treasure chest I gave you is half as big as the first one. So if you give me half of your treasure again, I will double what you have left."
      The king, realizing that the stranger had cheated him, refused to give him half of the treasure again. The stranger left, taking with him the original half of the treasure. The king had learned the hard way that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
    ① 为什么国王最终同意了陌生人的要求?
    ② 陌生人最后离开时,他带走了什么?