but can not change the authorities. Administrator can add, delete or config user parameter.
1.3 Enter menu
In main preview, Left-click mouse or select [Main menu] at Right-click mouse button to enter menu. The function
of main Menu is to config, manage and operate the system.
Main Menu Right-click Menu
1.4 Record setting
Set record parameter, press [Main Menu]> [Configuration]> [Record]> [Record Plan] System defaults to 24 hours
sequence record.
[Channel]: Select corresponding channel number to setting.
[Prerecord]: Record 1-30 seconds before record action condition (time span may change because of bit stream ).
[Redundance]: Backup videotape to two hard disks. one disk is read-write disk, another is redundance disk.
[Week]: set time quantum of recording, only in setting time, you can start recording. Set corresponding week, it
provides six quantum. If set for all, please select “All”.
[Timing]: Set time section of recording, only in setting time, you can start recording. Set corresponding week,
Schedule interface
[State]: list all channels condition, have three condition, automatic , manual, close. the corresponding channel
shows “      ”.
Manual : Select one or more path to start recording, priority is most, no matter what condition, press manual
Record Video playback interface