1.Where are they talking probably  [A] At home.        [B] In the classroom.      [C] In the street.
2.What does the man think of the dinner party  [A] Very nice.  [B] Very bad.  [C] Not too bad.
3.What does the man mean  [A] He himself is David.  [B] David isn’t in.
[C] He will ask David to answer the phone.
4.What are they going to do  [A] Invite some friends over for a drink.
[B] Go to visit some friends.  [C] Go to the party.
5.Harvey is trying to get out of trouble, just like the ______ of us.
[A] another      [B] others      [C] rest
6.______ this kind of telephone made in China
A. Will
B. Are
C. Is
7.If you go into trouble, you can______your teacher______help.  [A] ask;
for        [B] help; with        [C] look; for
8.We won’t go climbing if it ______ tomorrow.    [A] will rain      [B]
rain      [C] rains
9.The ground is covered ______ snow.  [A] of        [B] by        [C]
10.My parents, my aunt and my uncle______sent me a gift on New Year’
s Day.  [A] each            [B] every          [C] either
11.Can you give me ______ to eat  A. anything          B. everything
河北专升本C. something
12.It was a hot day and the bus was filled with people. A good-looking
young man  (41)  near the front of the bus.  (42)  near him was a
beautiful girl. The man still had a long journey (旅程) to do  (43)  he
began talking to the girl. He told her he  (44)  a sheep farm and was
very rich—the girl looked at  (45)  with deep interest. Then he told
her that he was sad  (46)  he was still single.  When the bus got to a
(47) , the man said to the woman, " (48)  we get off the bus and have
a meal together" The girl  (49)  and got off the bus. She didn’t look
behind her. He  (50)  her seat!
[A] has stood  [B] was standing  [C] stood
13.—Don’t you like skating—______.  A. No, I do            B. Yes,
I do            C. Yes, I don’t
14.You haven’t been to the Great Wall. ______.  A. So has your brother
B. Nor your brother has
C. Neither has your brother
15.All that afternoon I jumped and sang and did ______ .
A. all kinds things
B. all kinds of things
C. all kind of things
16.Betty was ______ all sorts of terrible things that might happen to her if she were left alone in the mountain.  [A] imagining      [B] guessing      [C] supposing
17.To Our Readers (读者)  Welcome to the New Century. We have changed many parts of our New Century. Photos are bigger. So you can enjoy the beautiful flowers and clothes better than before. There is more sports news. So you can know more information about sports. There is also a new column (栏目) of English learning and teaching. We are sure it will help you to learn and teach English better. We believe you will find it more intere sting when you read it.  In the six years since its founding (成立) in 1994, New Century has become the best English language newspaper (报纸) in our province. Here we want to give our thanks to Mr. Johnson for his help in the past years.
There are some photos of animals in the newspaper of New Century.    A. Right.        B. Wrong.      C. Doesn’t say.
As you know, we have tried our best to develop a modern English language newspaper in our province. We’ve done well. We believe we can do better
in the future. We hope you will find our New Century even more interesting.
Please write to us and let us know what you think of it. We welcome your suggestions.
18.In the 1930s, many people in America were out of work. Alfred Butts
was one of them.  He was interested in word games, so he made a game which
he called "Lexico".But he was not fully satisfied with the game, so he
made a few changes to it and changed its name from "Lexico" to "Alph"
and then to "Criss Cross". He wanted to make some money from his new game
but he didn’t have any real commercial (商业性的)success. In 1939, Butts
met a man called Jim Brunot who showed an interest in the new game. The
two men worked together to develop the game. And in 1948 they began to
sell it in the United States under its new name — "Scrabble".
The text is mainly about ______.    [A] Lexico      [B] three men        [C] a word game
At first, it didn’t sell very well. In the first year it sold just 2,250
sets and by 1951 it had only reached 8,500 sets a year. Then, in 1952 the manager of Macy’s department store in New York, Jack Strauss, happened
to play "Scrabble" while he was on holiday. He thought it was a wonderful
game, and he believed that Macy’s should stock(储备) the game and try
to let people know it. At last, "Scrabble" became a big success in the
United States and it soon spread to Australia and then to other
English-speaking countries.
19.You have probably seen ads (广告) in newspaper or on television for
mail-order companies. Perhaps a catalogue (商品目录) has been sent to
you. Why do people buy things they have not seen in person Some people
believe that things can be bought more cheaply by mail. Another good thing
about buying by mail is that it is easier and more enjoyable to sit at
home and work through a catalogue than to shop around the stores. With
a catalogue from a large company, you have your own shop window for almost
everything you want to buy.  Buying from a catalogue is so easy. It saves the shopper’s time and trouble. Sometimes, it saves the shopper’s money, too. But people often buy more than they can really afford(付得起) or need, because many things look so good to them. They can probably pay a certain part of the full price—a down payment. Then they pay a certain amount of money every month until the goods is paid for in full. But by then they often find what they have bought are of no use at all.
Why do people buy things without seeing them in person    [A] To enjoy themselves.    [B] To save money and trouble.    [C] To get more than they need.
20.It was a hot day and the bus was filled with people. A good-looking young man  (41)  near the front of the bus.  (42)  near him was a beautiful girl. The man still had a long journey (旅程) to do  (43)  he began talking to the girl. He told her he  (44)  a sheep farm and was very rich—the girl looked at  (45)  with deep interest. Then he told her that he was sad  (46)  he was still single.  When the bus got to a
(47) , the man said to the woman, " (48)  we get off the bus and have
a meal together" The girl  (49)  and got off the bus. She didn’t look behind her. He  (50)  her seat!
[A] Sit    [B] To sit    [C] Sitting
21.You have probably seen ads (广告) in newspaper or on television for mail-order companies. Perhaps a catalogue (商品目录) has been sent to you. Why do people buy things they have not seen in person Some people believe that things can be bought more cheaply by mail. Another good thing about buying by mail is that it is easier and more enjoyable to sit at home and work through a catalogue than to shop around the stores. With a catalogue from a large company, you have your own shop window for almost