①.时间副词, 如: often, always, early, now
②.地点副词, 如: here, there, above, outside
③.方式副词, 如: hard, well, badly, fast, slowly
④.程度副词, 如: very, quite, much, still, almost
2.疑问副词(放在特殊疑问句的句首), 如: how, when, where, why
3.关系副词(放在定语从句句首), 如: when, where, why
4.连接副词(放在名词从句句首), 如: how, when, where, why, whether
一、副词在句中的作用: 副词修饰动词, 形容词, 名词, 副词或全句, 在句中的作用如下
You should always review your lessons.
He works hard. 他工作努力。
2.作表语: The class is over.
3.作定语: 副词作定语时置于被修饰词之后
The comrades here give us a lot of help.
I found all the lights on when I got home last night.
二、副 词 的 比 较 等 级:
单音节副词的比较级是在副词后面加上 -er 构成的,最高级是在副词后面加上 -est 构成的。例如:near nearer nearest
多音节副词(多以 -ly 结尾)的比较级是在副词的前面加上 -more 构成的。 最高级是在副词前面加上 -most 构成的.例如;warmly  more warmly  most warmly
well-better - best little - less - least
much- more - most badly - worse - worst
副词的比较级和最高级用法同形容词的比较级用法基本一样,两者比较用比较级,三者或以上用最高级,但是副词最高级形式句中 the 可以省略。例如:
Lucy gets up earlier than Lili. 露西比丽丽起床早。
He runs fastest in our class. 他在我们班跑地最快。
当然,形容词比较等级的各个特殊用法,也同样适用于副词。比如“the + 比较级……,the + 比较级……”,表示“越……,越……”:He was too tired that he ran more and more slowly.他太累了以至于跑的越来越慢。
He walked (quiet) into the classroom.
象friendly , lovely 虽然以 ly 结尾,但实则是形容词,She is friendly to me (她对我很友好。)可千万不要误认为是副词哟!. 另外,early的比较等级为规则变化, early -earlier -earliest,要记住啊!
例题:My mother often gets up (早)than me.
解析:很明显是两人对比,所以应用比较级,early 的比较等级为规则变化,early -earlier 。
1、 时间和频度副词:
now,then,often,always,usually,early,today,lately,next,last,already,generally,frequently, seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately, hardly,finally,shortly, before, ago,sometimes, yesterday.
2、 地点副词:
here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on.
英语等级分几级carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly
4、 程度副词,放在被修饰词之前:
much,little, very,rather,so,too,still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely,almost, slightly.
5、 疑问副词,一般放在句首:
how, when, where, why.
when, where, why.
how, when, where, why, whether.
1.as…as…常构成一些词组:as soon as…(一旦…就…), as well as…(同样), as+形容词/副词+as possible(尽可能……地)。如:Please ring me up as soon as you get to Beijing.(请你一到北京就给我写信。)/ Miss Gao hurried to the school gate as quickly as possible.(高小尽快地赶到了校门口。)
[注释] "as long / much as + 名词"可以表示"长达/多达…"的含义。如:The house costs as much as five hundred thousand yuan.(那幢房子花费高达50万元。)/ They stayed in the cave(山洞)as long as two weeks.(他们呆在山洞里长达两周。)
2. later、after、ago、before的用法:①"一段时间+later/ago"分别表示"(多久)以后/以前",主要用于过去时态。②"after/before+某个时刻"分别表示"在某时刻之后/之前",此时两个词是介词。③ago与before:ago只能用于过去时,before用于完成时。如:He had an accident a week ago.(一周前出了一个事故)/ Some years later, the boy became a very famous singer.(数年后这个男孩成了著名的歌唱家)/ Have you been there before?(你从前到过那儿吗?)/ After a few years he gave up smoking.(过了几年他戒了烟。)
3.above、below、over、under的用法:在上下方用above和below,在高低处用over和under.如:The stars are high above in the sky.(星星高挂在空中) / A plane flew over quickly.(一架飞机从头顶飞过。)
4. too、also、either、nor的用法:too("也")用于肯定句和疑问句的末尾,且用逗号隔开;also("也")用于肯定句句子谓语动词之前;either("也")用于否定句末尾,也用逗号隔开;nor("也不")用于倒装句句首;如:Are you American,too?(你也是美国人吗?)/ He is not happy and I am not happy, either.(他不愉快,我也不。) / He didn't watch the football game.
Nor did I.(他没有看足球赛,我也没有。)/ You can also find the market is very good.(你还可以发觉那个市场很好。)
5. enough、too、so、very、quite、very much的用法: enough ("足够,十分")放在形容词或副词之后;too("太")、very("非常")、quite("相当")、so("如此地")等放在形容词或副词之前,very much("非常")放在动词之后。如:It's too/so/very/quite expensive.(它太贵/那么贵/非常贵/相当贵。)/ I don't like sweets very much.(我不很喜欢糖果)
[注意] very与 much的区别:very修饰形容词、副词的原级和现在分词形容词,much修饰形容词和副词的比较级;much还可以修饰疑问句和否定句中的动词,very不可以。如:He is very stupid.(他很笨)/ The film was very moving and everyone swept.(电影非常动人,大家都哭了)/ You must work much harder or you will fail to enter the good school.(你得学习更努力,不然你考不进那所好学校)/ I don't like him much.(我不太喜欢他)
6. sometimes、 sometime、 some times 、some time的用法:sometimes(有时)用于一般现在时、 sometime(在将来某时)用于将来时、 some times(数次)表示次数、some time(一些时间)表示一段时间。如:Sometimes they go hiking in the mountains.(他们有时徒步旅
行到山里去)/ I will stay here some time.(我会在这儿呆些时候的。)/ I will meet your father sometime.(我什么时候要见见你的父亲。)