【英文摘要】The examination of public servant has become the most fiercely competed examination in China since 1994, more and more people take this examination. In the register population, the university graduating students and past graduates have occupied the overwhelming majority,and they are the most main testers. Such a hot phenomenon of examination might be attributed to some deep and complicated social reasons in China. In the article, I use the theory of reasonableness chooses, and deeply analyze the phenomenon of being crazy from three angle of views:Power constraint, public servant m
anagement, strengthen the labor and social security, and so that we can understand this phenomenon and take the corresponding measures.In the article, first I describe the background, topics of theoretical and practical significance, the briefly research methods like substantial evidence research and compare research;Then analyze the phenomenon of public servants apply heat by the theory of reasonableness chooses, and obtained the conclusion that the drawbacks of public servants apply heat is much greater than its positive. The third part I analyze the causes of the public servants apply heat, the deep time reasons are the short restrict of public power, public service management system is not perfect, the others are labor and social security system is not perfect. People pass to a little bit more incline toward to choose a public officials occupation. Finally, I carries on a comparison to Chinese and Foreign public officials management system and draw lessons from foreign related experience, and based on the causes of the public servants apply heat, I table the proposals, like strengthen the restrict of public power, strengthen the civil service management mechanism, and improve the social service system. Owing to short of time, there are some imperfections in this article, I will also take further in-depth study of this research in the future.
【关键词】公务员报考热 制度分析 理性选择理论 政治文化
【英文关键词】Public servants apply heat      Analysis of system      Theory of reasonableness chooses      Political culture
【目录】中国公务员报考热现象的制度分析摘要5-6Abstract6第一章 绪论7-14第一节 研究背景与意义7-8第二节 研究综述8-11一、从政治学角度的研究8-9二、从公共管理角度的研究9-10三、从社会学角度的研究10四、小结10-11第三节 本研究的特点11-14一、理论分析视角11-12二、研究方法12三、本文的论证逻辑12-14第二章 我国公务员报考热现象及其影响14-26第一节 我国公务员制度的发展历程14-17一、公务员制度的沿革14-16二、公务员的数量和规模16-17第二节 公务员报考热现象的具体表现17-21一、对报考人进行分析17-18二、对报考岗位进行分析18-21第三节 公务员报考热的社会影响21-26一、公务员热现象的积极影响21-22二、公务员热现象的消极影响22-26第三章 公务员热现象的制度分析26-37第一节 公共权力约束机制不完善27-29一、对公共权力认识存在误区27-28二、公共权力监督机制不完善28-29第二节 公务员管理机制不健全29-33一、考录制度存在问题29二、薪酬机制不完善29-30三、竞争机制不完善30-31四、淘汰机制不完善31-33第三节 劳动和社会保障体系不健全33-37一、就业形势严峻,就业服务体系不完善33-35二、社会保障体系不完善35-37第四章 应对公务员热现象的建议与措施37-49第一节 国外经验借鉴37-40一、国外公务员制度的特点37-38二、国外公务员管理的经验38-40第二节 对中国的启示40-49一、约束公共权力,建立服务型政府40-43二、加强公务员管理机制建设43-47三、完
善社会服务体系47-49第五章 结论49-51第一节 主要结论49-50第二节 研究展望50-51附录:调查问卷及结果51-56参考文献56-59谢辞59-60