1.My sister can play ________ violin, but she can’t play________ soccer.
A.the;the B.the;/C./;the D./;/
2.What about ________ Joe face to face. I’m sure he will understand you.
A.talking to B.waiting for
江西人才市场C.calling at D.thinking about
3.It’s difficult ________ him ________ school because he lives very far from his school. A.for; to get B.of; to get
2022云南省公务员报考职位表C.for; to get to D.of; to get to
4.—Miss Li teaches ________ English this term.
—You are very lucky. ________ is a very good teacher.
A.Our; She B.us; She C.us; Her D.ours; Hers 5.—Mom, I think you are ________ me.I can’t finish my homework in 30 minutes.—Just have a try.
A.sorry about B.strict with
C.late for D.important to
6.—________ do you usually go to school, Mary?
—By bus.
A.When B.How C.Where D.Why
7.—Is the Science Festival on Friday afternoon next week?
—________. I think Jenny knows it.
A.Of course.B.Sounds great.初中没毕业的人怎么提升学历
C.Sorry, I’m not sure.D.That’s good.
8.—Where are you going, Bob?
—To go hiking. Eric____________ for me at the school gate!
A.was waiting B.waits
C.waited D.is waiting
9.Most of the villagers take part in the Dragon Boat Races ________ ________ the
morning of June 3.
A.at; in B.at; on C.on; in D.on; on
10.–Mum, may I go to see a film with my cousin?
云南省高等教育自学考试管理平台- You _______ go if you have finished your homework.
A.must B.need C.should D.can
When Sandy is a middle school student, he is tall and likes basketball very much. So, he asks his PE teacher to let him join the school basketball club. Finally, the teacher says
On Sandy’s ____12____ day in the club, he wears his favorite T-shirt and the best basketball shoes. The teacher looks at ____13____ and says “Sandy, you’ re new here and your job today is to ____14____ these basketballs.” Then, the teacher goes to play basketball with the other students in the club. Sandy begins to wipe the dirty basketballs. ____15____ fifteen minutes he does the same thing. He can see other boys playing with the teacher, he knows the boys can play basketball very well, but he feels very unhappy about this. Finally, he goes to the teacher and says, “I can ____16____ play basketball well. Why can’t I play with the other students.”The teacher looks at the basketballs and some of them are still dirty, he says to Sandy, “It’s ____17____ for you to wipe basketballs, but you can’t do it well. How can you play basketball well ____18____ you do the small things well?” Sandy doesn’t say anything, and his face gets red.
Sandy is 26 now, and he ____19____ forgets his teacher’s words. He always does the small things well and works hard on basketball. Now he is a great basketball ____20____ in his country and he still thanks his teacher a lot.
11.A.thanks B.sorry C.yes D.no 12.A.first B.last C.next D.second 13.A.it B.him C.her D.you 14.A.use B.play C.learn D.clean 15.A.At B.For C.On D.In 16.A.only B.very C.also D.either 17.A.difficult B.boring C.easy D.relaxing 18.A.after B.but C.when D.before
19.A.usually B.always C.never D.sometimes 20.A.dancer B.player C.worker D.classmate
Many students in our country always take the school bus to school every day. Parents think that taking the school bus is very safe. But sometimes it is also dangerous. Some students may have an accident(事故) because they don’t follow the school bus rules. Then what are the school bus rules?
•Arrive at the bus station early.
•Wait for the bus at the bus station.
•Don’t play around the bus.
•Don’t run everywhere at the bus station.
•Don’t walk or fight in the bus while it is going.
•Don’t try to leave the bus until it stops.
These rules are good for students. Please remember them and don’t break them. So you can keep yourself safe.
21.Taking the school bus is always safe.
22.Students can run everywhere at the bus station.
23.Students can fight in the bus while the bus is going.
24.Students can’t play around the bus.
25.Students can be in danger if they break the school bus rules.