(考试时间:100分钟    满分:90)
1. 本试卷分为第I卷和第I1卷两部分,共六大题。第I卷包含单项选择、完形填空和阅读理解,共40小题11卷包含词汇运用AB阅读表达A青海人事考试信息网职位表B和书面表达。
2. 所有题目均在答题卡上作答,在试题上作答无效。
I. 单项选择(本题10小题,每小题1,10)
(2020·山东青岛)1. What ______ unusual school trip we had! I will never forget it.
A. a            B. an           C. the          D. /
1. B考查冠词用法。这里表泛指,用不定冠词。unusual 的读音为[ʌnˈjuːʒuəl],是元音开头,因此用an。
(2020·山东青岛)2. You’d better not hang out after school _______ telling your parents. They may worry about you.
A.by          B. with          C. without      D. after
2. C考查介词。由后句“They may worry about you.”可推知句意:如果没告诉你的父母,你最好不要放学后出去玩,他们可能会担心你。without“无,没有”,符合句意。
(2020·山东青岛)3. Li Lei didn’t play computer games last weekend. ________ he worked as a volunteer in an old people’s home.
A. Instead      B. Certainly    C. Though        D. Gradually
3. A考查副词的辨析。句意:李雷上周末没有玩电脑游戏。相反,他在一家养老院做志愿
者。Instead“相反,而是”;Certainly“当然”;Though“尽管”; Gradually“逐渐地”。前后句之间有转折含义,因此判断选A。
(2020·山东青岛)4. Please remember to _______ the ectricity and water before you leave the laboratory.
A. take off    B. shut off        C. go off          D. put off
4. B考查动词短语的辨析。由后面的the ectricity and water可判断是“关闭电源和水”,shut off“关闭”,符合句意。
(2020·山东青岛)5. Is this hat _______?
No, the red one is ________.
A. Lucy's; her.    B. Lucy; her      C. Lucy's; hers    D. Lucy; hers
5. C考查所有格和物主代词。第一空用名词所有格,第二空用名词性物主代词。因此选C。
(2020·山东青岛)6. Teachers expect all their students ________ progress day by day.
A. to make      B. make          C. to take        D. take
6.A 考查非谓语动词。expect sb. to do sth.“期望某人做某事”,expect后跟不定式作宾补。因此选A。
(2020·山东青岛)7. In Chinese families, people won't start dinner _______ the elders take their seats.
A. after        B. when          C. because      D. until
7. D考查连词。句意:在中国家庭里,直到长辈入座,人们才开始吃饭。not until“直到……才”,为固定搭配,因此选D。
(2020·山东青岛)8. Mу People, My Country is ________ movie I’ve ever seen.
A. more educational  B. the most educational C. educational  D. less educational
8. B考查形容词最高级。句意:《我和我的祖国》是我看过的最有教育意义的电影。由I’ve ever seen可推知用最高级。
(2020·山东青岛)9. Allen, shall we go to the bookstore this aftenoon?
I'm sorry, David, but I ________ meet my cousin at the train station.
A. have to             B. can              C. may        D. could
9. A考查情态动词。由sorry可推知后面的句意:但我不得不去火车站见我的堂兄弟。have to“不得不”,符合句意。
(2020·山东青岛)10. Lily, could you tell me _______ ?
About ten minutes.
A. how far is it from your home to school      B. how far it is from your home to school
C. how long does it take you to walk to school  D. how long it takes you to walk to school
10. D考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语序,排除A、C。由答语“About ten minutes”可推知是询问时间。因此选D。how far是询问距离。
II. 完形填空(本题10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
11. A. besides        B. including 公务员体检表图片        C. except          D. beside
12. A. worried        B. excited         C. moved          D. surprised
13. A. but              B. while          C. so             D. or
14. A. calling           B. visiting          C. helping          D. writing
15. A. shouted          B. spoke          C. talked            D. cried
16. A. thoughts          B. words          C. ideas          D. feelings
18. A. instructions        B. suggestions    C. memories       D experiments
19. A. them             B. her            C. it              D. us
20. A. weak            B. careful        C. polite            D. strong
【答案】11 15 BBCAD 16 20 DBCAD
11. B 考查介词。由前面的“I had a big family”可推知句意四六级没有准考证号怎么查:包括我的妹妹Chrissy和我的弟弟Patrick。including“包括”,符合句意。
12. B 考查形容词。由后面的“about 普通话考试报名条件another summer with Grandma”可判断句意:春天来了,我很兴奋又有一个夏天能和奶奶在一起。excited“兴奋的;激动的”,符合句意。
13. C 考查连词。前后句之间有因果关系,因此用so。
15. D 考查动词。由but可推知句意:我试着坚强起来,就连我父亲都哭了的时候。cry意为“哭”。
16. D 考查名词。由后面的“began to cry loudly”可知句意:我再也控制不住自己的感情,开始大声哭起来。feeling“情感”。
17. B 考查副词。句意:她永远地离开了。forever“永远”。
18. C 考查名词。由后面的“in the garden”可知句意:她留给我的只是花园里的回忆。memory“记忆”。
19. A 考查代词。由前面的flowers人力资源管理师证书报考条件可判断用复数。指照看花。
20. D 考查形容词。由后面的“and happy”可推知句意:她会希望我像她一样坚强、快乐。strong“坚强的”。
III. 阅读理解(本题20小题,毎小题1分,共20分)
China National Film Museum
9 Nanying Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Tel: (010) 8435 5959
Open: 9:00-16:30 except Mon.
Gift shop with legitimate DVDs / cafeteria/snack shops (popcorn for movie viewing)
Forbidden City and the Palace Museum
4 Jiangshanqian Street, Dongcheng District, Bejjing
Tel: (010) 8500 7421/ 7420
Open: 8:30-17:00, Apr. 1- Oct. 3l;
8:30-16:30, Nov. 1- Mar.31
Closed on Mon. afternoon except public holidays and summer vacation (July 1-Aug. 31)
Gift shop/ book shop/ museum guide available / restaurant / coffee shop/ shops and cafes
National Art Museum of China
1 Wusida Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing
Tel: (010) 6400 1467
Open: 9:00-17:00, last entry 16:00
www.namoc. .org
Cafeteria at the back of the building
National Museum of China
16 East Changan Street, Dongcheng Distriet, Beijing
Tel; (010) 6511 6188
Open: 9:00-17:00 except Mon, ticket box closed at 15:30
Gift shop/ audio guide
21. You can visit the China National Film Museum on Tuesday.