1.— Excuse me, may I borrow your pen?
— ________. Here you are.
A.Of course B.Oh, no C.Bye-bye D.Me too 2.China’s National Day comes in October, the ________ month of the year.
A.eighth B.ninth C.tenth D.eleventh 3.—What’s your favourite sport?
— I like ________ .
A.maths B.spring C.tennis D.milk 4.Open the window and have some ________ air in, too much smoke in the room.
A.thin B.hot C.dirty D.fresh
5.Mrs Smith always waits ________ for students to ask questions after class. A.patiently B.quickly C.luckily D.deeply 6.— ________ here, please.
—Sorry, I will move the car away right now.
A.No swimming B.No smoking C.No eating D.No parking 7.Tony ________ his grandfather in the hospital last summer.
A.looked after B.laughed at C.pointed at D.ran after 8.Look! The musician ________ at the piano, ready to play.
A.sat B.will sit C.is sitting D.was sitting 9.The great scientist Yuan Longping left us last month, ________ he will live in our hearts for ever.
A.so B.but C.if D.since 10.—Do you know ________ ?
—Yes. On May 15th, 2021.
A.why Tianwen 1 was sent into space B.when Tianwen 1 landed on the red planet C.what Tianwen 1 was named after D.how long Tianwen 1 has worked there
Dear son,
Haven’t seen you for some time. These days our sweet moments keep running into my mind. I think there can be magic in the touch of a hand that loves you. Since you were born, I remembered, as a 11 , you reached for me whenever you were hungry or just needed to be held. Sometimes, 12 you woke at night, just the touch of my hand would make you back to sleep. My hands picked you up when you fell, and I gave you a big hand 13 at your sports games. That’s the magic in the touch of a hand with love.
As you grew older, I 14 that you didn’t hold my hand much any more. I told myself it was part of growing up, and I should just be 15 you could do things on your own now. But when I’ve been neede
d so much for such a long time, it’s hard to step 16 and feel unnecessary.
On that day, I was visiting you in your city. As we were about to cross a 17
street that was filled with traffic, you took my hand suddenly and shouted, “Hang on to me, Mom,” then 18 me safely across. At that moment, I realized that my boy became a man and our roles changed. We still needed each other, but in different ways.
My dear son, you have taught me to depend on 19 just as you once depended on me. The loving hands “touch” us, even if we live miles away. That’s because there is always a silent 20 between us that says, “I am here and you are not alone.”
Mom 11.A.student B.daughter C.baby D.mother 12.A.unless B.when C.before D.until 13.A.proudly B.carelessly C.exactly D.perfectly 14.A.forgot B.decided C.heard D.noticed 15.A.sorry B.worried C.glad D.afraid 16.A.in B.up C.back D.down 17.A.tidy B.busy C.similar D.private 18.A.led B.lifted C.pushed D.flew
19.A.her B.him C.you D.me 20.A.question B.promise C.order D.excuse
Once, there were two hard - working children, Che Yin and Sun Kang. They loved reading, but their families were poor and couldn’t afford lamp oil (灯油) for the children to study at night. How did they get over the difficulty? Here are their stories.
Che Yin’s story began on a hot summer night. He saw fireflies (萤火虫) flying and an idea came into his mind. He caught some fireflies in a cloth bag and hung it up as a lamp. He spent all of his summer nights reading like this.
The other story happened in winter. Sun Kang woke up on a cold night. He saw the moon shine so brightly on the snow and it made the night brighter. “I can read with the light!” he thought. So he took his books outside and read, even though it was very cold.
Later, Che Yin and Sun Kang became successful. Their stories were turned into Chinese words nangying yingxue. Difficulties cannot stop young minds from learning. If there is a will, there is always light on the road to knowledge.
21.Che Yin and Sun Kang worked hard and loved reading.
22.For the two families, lamp oil was very cheap.
23.Che Yin could read on summer nights using a “firefly lamp”
24.Sun Kang felt so cold that he couldn’t study on winter nights.
25.The stories tell us that nothing can stop learning.
Four Poems
根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。26.Which picture is abou
t Poem 1?
27.The best title for Poem 1 is ________ .2021英语四级准考证查询入口
A.Happy Rain on a Spring Night B.Fishing in Snow
C.Song of the Great Wind D.Return to Nature
28.Li Bai felt ________ when he wrote Poem 2.
A.free B.interested C.thankful D.confident 29.In Poem 3, the underlined word “Homesickness” means ________ in Chinese.
A.思乡B.忧国C.壮志D.乐学30.According to Poem 4, what would Wang Zhihuan agree?
A.Never give up even if you have no support. B.It is important to say goodbye to a friend. C.Don’t put off today’s work until tomorrow.D.The higher you stand, the farther you can see.
I usually took a bus to school. I found that most passengers were silent and never had a conversation with anyone else.
About a year ago, an old man got on the bus and said loudly to the driver, “Good morning!”Most people looked up, wondering why, and the bus driver didn’t take it seriously and just replied in a cold voice, “Mm - hmm”The next day the man got on and again he said in a loud voice, “Good morning!” to the driver. Another “Mm - hmm”. By the fifth day, the driver finally answered him with a little hap py “Good morning!” Then the man said, “My name is Benny.” The driver told the man that he was Sam.
That was the first time any of us had heard the driver’s name and soon people began to talk to each other and say hello to Sam and Benny. Soon Benny spread his happy “Good morning!” to the whole bus. Within a few days, his “Good morning!” was returned by a lot of “Good mornings” and the whole bus seemed to be friendlier. People got to know each other.
“Benny truly showed friendship among us with a simple ‘Good morning!’,” I thought.
Then suddenly, Benny stopped showing up. Everyone began to ask about Benny, wondering what happened to him. No one knew what to do and the bus got quiet again. So, last week, I started to act like Benny and say “Good morning!” to everyone and the whole bus cheered up again. Hopefully, Benny could come back to see his “Good morning!” mattered a lot.
Sometimes we see some strangers so many times that we know their faces well, but we never even say hello to them. By saying hello, friendship starts to grow, and sunshine comes to the world around us, and love spreads over the community we are in. Why not start a