(考试时间:120分钟  试卷满分:150分)
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
1. What will the woman do this afternoon?
A. Go to the park.    B. Take pictures.    C. Have a class.
2. What is the main reason for the woman to buy a beach chair?
A. She hates to get burned.
B. She wants something to sit on.
C. She needs to put her towels on it.
3. What does the woman suggest the man do?
A. Send a card.    B. Use the Internet.    C. Make a phone call.
4. How much money will the man probably lend to the woman?
A. $400.    B. $300.    C. $100.
5. Why does the woman want fewer peppers in her food today?
A. She feels too hot.
B. She has a health problem.
C. She doesn’t like spicy food.
第二节: (共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What will the speakers do next?
A. Visit a university.    B. Take a holiday.    C. Unload bags.
7. Where are the speakers probably?
A. On a train.    B. In a car.    C. On a bus.
8. Where does Aunt Katie live?
A. By the sea.    B. On a hill.    C. In a city.
9. What is the relationship between the speakers?
A. Aunt and nephew.
B. Brother and sister.
C. Guide and tourist.
10. Who felt sad about the news in the paper?
A. Susan.    B. Nat Baker.    C. Susan’s grandma.
11. Why have the plans for the community center been postponed?
A. There is not enough money.
B. People prefer the old library.
C. The senior citizens dislike the idea.
12. What does the man think of the old community center on Elm Street?
A. It is very big.
B. It isn’t well equipped.
C. It isn’t suitable for the elderly.
13. What is the business of the mans company?
A. They process natural diamonds.
B. They create the biggest diamonds.
C. They produce man-made diamonds.
14. What is currently the most significant advantage of the company?
A. The successful marketing team.
B. The modern production method.
C. The man’s global business contacts.
15. How does the woman plan to help people?
A. By making jewelry more affordable.
B. By resolving problems in the jewelry industry.
C. By improving labor conditions at her local mine.
16. What is the mans attitude to diamond business?
A. Positive.    B. Uncertain.    C. Negative.
17. What should you focus on for the introduction?
A. Your hobbies.
B. Your name and schooling.
C. Something about the job interests.
18. How long does most people’s attention last according to the talk?
A. At least half an hour.
B. About twenty minutes.
C. Less than two minutes.
19. What is the time limit for impressing someone?
A. Within 30 seconds.
B. Within 60 seconds.
C. Within 120 seconds.
20. What is the purpose of the talk?
A. To stress the importance of resumes.
B. To give tips about self-introduction.
C. To explain a recent scientific research.
第二部分  阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (15个小题,每题2.5分,满分37.5分)
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