作者:王昕瑞 林忠
免费图片编辑软件app        关键词:图像滤镜;水彩画滤镜;漫画滤镜; 交叉冲印滤镜; 光照效果滤镜
        中图分类号:TN911 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2018)33-0200-03
        Abstract:As the self-Media and mobile devices became the mainstream media in the society, the need to edit photos to get special effects came into being. This paper studies t
he algorithm principles of several common image effects filters, describes the algorithm flow in detail, and realizes six special effects filters, such as watercolor filter, comic filter, cross-print filter, nostalgic style filter, light effect filter and leak filter, with C++ language and MFC programming framework. It provides a good reference and reference for developing filter components in image editing software.