一、丹佛斯简介 (4)
1.1丹佛斯概况 (4)
1.2丹佛斯历史 (4)
1.3丹佛斯在中国 (7)
1.4丹佛斯主营业务/品牌 (7)
1.5丹佛斯文化/价值观 (8)
1.6丹佛斯工作地点 (8)
二、丹佛斯2013校园招聘项目介绍 (9)
2.1丹佛斯2013校园招聘介绍 (9)
2.2丹佛斯校园招聘流程 (9)
2.3丹佛斯研究生全球轮训项目介绍 (9)
三、丹佛斯职业发展&薪酬待遇 (10)
3.1丹佛斯职业发展 (10)
3.2丹佛斯薪酬待遇 (10)
四、丹佛斯校园招聘笔试经验 (11)
4.1丹佛斯_笔经_2011.08 (11)
4.2丹佛斯_笔经 (11)
五、丹佛斯校园招聘面试经验 (12)
5.1丹佛斯_工程师职位面经_2011.11 (12)
5.2丹佛斯_PGP项目职位面经_2011.09 (12)
5.3丹佛斯_产品工程师面经_2010.06 (12)
5.4丹佛斯_面经_2010 (12)
5.5丹佛斯_面经_2010.11 (13)
5.6丹佛斯_面经_2010.11 (14)
5.7丹佛斯_PGP一面、二面面经 (15)
六、丹佛斯工作经历&感悟 (16)
6.1丹佛斯工作体验 (16)
6.22010届丹佛斯PGP的工作感言 (20)
6.3丹佛斯PGP分享 (21)
6.4我在Danfoss做PGP (22)
6.5关于丹佛斯PGP的分享 (23)
七、丹佛斯相关资料延伸阅读 (25)
7.1丹佛斯公司的HR态度 (25)
7.2丹佛斯将中国变成“第二大本土市场” (25)
7.3丹佛斯以人为本 (26)
1.1 丹佛斯概况
1.2 丹佛斯历史
1933 Mads Clausen establishes the company, Dansk K鴏eautomatik- ogApparat-Fabrik.
The first ARV and TRV valves were soon supplemented with automatic AV and AVS valves. Between 1935 and 1938, a long list of new products were introduced - automatic spring valves, ball float valves, thermostats, pressure-controlled valves, diaphragm valves, suction valves, room thermostats, constant-pressure valves and drying filters.
1939 Bitten and Mads Clausen are married. The company signs its first contract with a foreign dealer. Number of employees - 26.
In 1940, an idea for a room thermostat that could maintain a room temperature of 18癈had to be temporarily shelved.
Expansion of the old factory is completed in 1942 - area now 1,400m2.
In 1945, Mads Clausen’s company sets up dealers in Belgium, Norway, Finland, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands and England.
1946 Company name changed to Danfoss, office opened in Copenhagen.
Number of employees - 261.
In 1946, Danfoss launches automatic control systems for oil burners. The harsh winter of 1947 boosts interest. In 1948, trials of thermostatic radiator valves are stepped up and a prototype sent for market testing.
1949 The first Danfoss company outside Denmark is established in Argentina.
In 1950, distributors from 21 countries meet at the Danfoss Convention and piecework is introduced at the factory. In 1951 licence production of compressors for refrigerators is launched, and in 1952, a new 12,000m2 factory is completed.
A thermostatic radiator valve is launched on the market in 1952.
1953 Employee number 1,000 is hired. The next year, the number of employees rises to 2,000.
In 1955, the first edition of the in-house newspaper Ventilen is published. In 1956, flame monitoring using photo-electric cells is patented. In 1957, the company establishes its own punched-card department.
In 1962, the company sets up its own research department.
1966 On 27 August, Mads Clausen dies at the age of 60. Bitten Clausen leads the company on as Chairman of the Board. President - Andreas Jepsen.
Electronics has come to stay. In 1967, the research department demonstrates a static frequency converter for controlling the speed of electric motors.
1969Danfoss in Denmark now has more than 150,000m2.
In 1971, Bitten Clausen becomes Chairman for a newly established fund that receives a majority holding of ordinary shares.
1972Danfoss sales turnover reaches 1 billion Danish kroner. In 1973, the number of employees exceeds 11,000.
In 1975, an entirely new product area is launched - flowmeters. In 1976, Danfoss opens North Europe’s most modern heat treatment department. The same year, a course is held in general management, the first of its kind in Denmark.
1976Danfoss share capital increased to 400 million Danish kroner.
In 1977 , automatic control systems for natural gas are introduced. The first electron microscope is installed and compressor no. 50,000,000 rolls of the assembly line. The company celebrates the first employee with 40 years’ service.
In 1978 , oil pre-heaters are introduced, followed by new radiator thermostats in 1979 and TWIN compressors for heat pumps in 1980.
Sales turnover in 1980 rises to 3.3 billion Danish kroner. 9,300 employees in Denmark alone.
1983Danfoss celebrates its 50th anniversary and the 1000th employee to reach 25 years of service.
Andreas Jepsen retires as President. Succeeded by HaraldAgerley.
1985 Danfoss becomes the first company to be presented with the Quality Award for its work in quality control.
Sales turnover reaches 5 billion Danish kroner.
1988Henry Petersen takes over the position of President from HaraldAgerley who becomes Chairman of the Board the following year.
Annual sales turnover 6.3 billion Danish kroner.
1989 Bitten Clausen retires from the Board but continues as Chairman of the Fund.
Compressor no. 100,000,000 is produced. In 1990, the factory receives ISO 9001 certification.
1992Danfoss committed to complete voluntary environmental approval.
申论范文宝典疫情最新数据消息The first environmental statement is presented with the 1994 Annual Report.
The Group’s “Nessie®” water hydraulics system generates great interest.
In 1995, the fifth generation of expansion valves sees the light of day.
BirgerRiisager, FLS, relieves HaraldAgerley as Chairman of the Board.
1996Jgen M. Clausen appointed as President and CEO for the Danfoss Group.
Sales turnover exceeds 12 billion Danish kroner.
The factory at Grten receives environmental certification. In 1997, the foundation stone of the first Da
nfoss factory in China is laid. The Danfoss Museum opens a copy of the Old Factory exactly as it looked in 1933.
1997 Sales turnover reaches 13.1 billion Danish kroner and after a short period of staff reductions, Danfoss sets a new record with 18,257 employees at the end of 1997.
Danfoss buys companies in Denmark, Germany, Norway, France and South Africa.
1998Danfoss Drives A/S establishes Danfoss Silicon Power GmbH in Germany. The company
develops and produces electronic power modules.
Danfoss acquires JJ Sampson & Son in Ireland and established sales companies in Estonia and Lithuania.
The Mobile Hydraulics Division became an independent limited company, Danfoss Fluid Power A/S.
1999Danfoss acquires Bauer Antriebstechnik GmbH in Germany. It is Danfoss largest acquisition to date.
Danfoss establishes sales companies in Greece, Morocco and India and acquires its agent in Iceland.
Danfoss Fluid Power A/S and Sauer Inc. make plans to merge.
2000 The merger between Danfoss Mobile Hydraulic activities and Sauer Inc. is finalised and Sauer-Danfoss A/S is established.
Danfoss acquires Woodley Electronics Group in Great Britain and Energy Controls International (ECI) headquartered in Baltimore, USA. The acquisitions of Woodley and ECI strengthen Danfoss’worldwide leadership in electronic solutions for control and monitoring of supermarket refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
Danfoss makes plans to establish a regional distribution center for northern Europe in Rekro, Denmark.
Danfoss acquires the district heating division of IWK GmbH in Stutensee, Germany.
2001The Danfoss Group acquired a number of companies: IWT Power Electronics, Karlsruhe, Germany, JiPKugleventiler, Glamsbjerg, Denmark, a Compressor factory in Zlat? Moravce, Slovakia,
and finally Aircoolb.v., Rotterdam, Holland.
2002 The Danfoss Group acquires the following companies:
UNITEK, South Korea; PentaCom, Denmark; Danfoss Marine Systems, South Korea (from 50% to 100%).
New activities: Assembly of stop valves and filters in S Paulo, Brazil. New joint venture company, DanfossSaginomiya Sp. , Poland. A new factory was built in China.
2003 The Danfoss Group acquires the following companies:
* DEVI A/S, Denmark
* Desbordes, France
* 51% of AS Proekspert, Estonia
* LPM, Finland
* LPM, Poland
* Redan A/S, Denmark
Danfoss increases ownership share of ANSHAN Controls Company Ltd., China to 75%.
New activities: New sales company in Istanbul, Turkey. International purchasing office in Wuqing, China.
In 2003, Danfoss sells its flowmeter business to Siemens.
2004 The Danfoss Group acquires the following companies:
* GeminaTermix A/S, Sunds, Denmark
* Convec A/S, Karlslunde, Denmark (acquires remaining shares)
* DanfossTurbocor Compressors Inc., Montreal, Canada (joint venture)
* Danfoss (Tianjin) Limited, China (acquires remaining shares)
* ZAO Danfoss in Moscow, Russia (acquires remaining shares)