Dear _,
I come from a background where my family has been in the retail trade for the last hundred years. Whist I was growing up I have been actively taking part in the running of the business. My family has given me the opportunity to further myself in achieving my goals. I believe studying at university will give me the opportunity to progress in the understanding I currently have in Business Studies and ICT. I believe that I can combine my interest in Business Studies and Accounts to excel in Business Management
At my secondary school I was handed the privilege and the responsibility of being head pref
ect. My responsibilities included attending meetings with the school principal and school staff. I believe these installed essential characteristics such as leadership
I was also the school football captain and represented the school at many inter-schools sports activities. Furthermore I represented the Wildlife Conservation Society of Zambia, which is a charitable organisationfor the protection of wildlife in Zambian Game Parks. Part of my duties included giving talks to other students concerning conservation and wildlife. I thoroughly enjoyed this particular segment of my work because conservation is an issue close to my heart
I am presently enrolled at Redbridge College in Romford where I am studying three A2 courses in Mathematics, ICT and Business Studies, and one AS-Level in Accounts. I do take part in several sports activities not only to remain in good physical shape but also meet new people. I did not achieve all my targets but I am confident that with extra effort and help from my tutors I will push past my predicted grades. I have drawn up a plan of what needs to be done over the next few months in achieving this. Over the last year I ha
ve developed at a personnel level. I understand that the onus is on me to push myself to achieve my ambitions
Outside of college I have a passion for sports both for enjoyment purposes and maintaining fitness. Football is at the centre of my love for sport, but I also enjoy and participate in other sporting activities such as cricket, squash, badminton, tennis, table tennis and long distance running. I am hoping to carry on these activities whilst conducting my studies at university. I believe sports play an important role in providing a balance between education and physical wellbeing
It has long been my ambition to complete my studies at a British university. As it is well established Britain has the finest reputation for higher education around the world. A degree from a British university will assist me in my future career. I am very much looking forward to educational challenges that university has in store for me. I am also looking forward to meeting the different cultures and backgrounds that will exist of any university. But most importantly I believe I have the prerequisites not only to achieve a good degree
but to progress at a personal level. This would act as a foundation for any future success in the business world.
Yours sincerely,
均分要求: 拥有正规大学认可的本科学位 ( 四年制 ) ,且平均成绩至少占80% 。
背景专业要求:对于英国大学的学生来说,要求学生具有一个英国大学的一等学士学位或二等甲荣誉学位;对于中国大学的学生来说:需要学生具有平均分至少 80% 以上且来自大学的学士学位。
哪种交通工具靠左行驶语言要求: 雅思:总分 6.5 ,单项:听力:6.0; 会话:6.0; 阅读:6.0; 写作:6.0
Advanced Law ofObligations (UCU 30) 高级法律义务
Advanced Issues in EUlaw (UCU 30) 欧盟法律高级事务
Commercial Fraud (UCU15) 商业
Introduction toCorporate Governance (UCU 15) 公司管制概论
Comparative CorporateGovernance (UCU 30) 公司治理法制比较研究
Corporate SocialResponsibility (UCU 15) 企业社会责任
Current Issuesin;Company Law (UCU 30) 公司法实事
EC Competition Law (UCU30) EC 竞争法
Electronic Commerce (UCU15) 电子商务
The European Union andInternational Trade (UCU 30) 欧洲联盟及国际贸易
International Sales Law(UCU 30) 国际销售法
International HumanRights Law, Development, and Commerce (UCU 15) 国际人力资源管理,发展和贸易
International BankingLaw (UCU 30) 国际银行法
Introduction to EuropeanLaw (UCU 15) 欧洲法概论
International CommercialDispute Resolution (UCU 30) 国际贸易纠纷调解
International andComparative Insolvency Law (UCU 15) 国际比较破产法
International Cooperationin Criminal Matters in Europe (UCU 15) 国际合作
International InvestmentLaw (UCU 30) 国际投资法。
虽然随时随意横穿马路(Jay Walking)在英国是合法的,但人们一般都会等人行过街交通灯