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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt?
A. £ 19. 15.    B. £ 9. 18.    C. £ 9. 15.
答案是 C。
1.(2022·陕西·安康市高新中学一模)According to the woman, why can’t she get the printer to work?
A.It’s out of paper.    B.There is something stuck in it.    C.She pressed the wrong button.
2.(2022·陕西·安康市高新中学一模)Where did the woman go before the meal?
A.To a bar.    B.To a movie theater.    C.To a club.
3.(2022·陕西·安康市高新中学一模)How did the man get his shirt?
A.He ordered it online.    B.He got it from his father.    C.He bought it at a game.
4.(2022·陕西·安康市高新中学一模)What’s the relationship between the speakers?
A.Chef and customer.    B.Host and guest.    C.Husband and wife.
5.(2022·陕西·安康市高新中学一模)When does the man want to do the yard work?
A.At lunchtime.    B.In the evening.    C.Tomorrow morning.
6.What is the man doing now?
A.Reading a book.    B.Locking the door.    C.Turning off the heater.
7.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
A.Classmates.    B.Co-workers.    C.Family members.
8.Where does the man suggest the woman stay?
A.In a hotel.    B.In a flat with others.    C.In a house with a family.
9.Why does the man dislike sharing a flat?
A.It is too noisy to study.
B.It wastes much time to cook and clean.
C.It is difficult to get along with the roommates.
10.Who can help to find a family to stay with?
A.The travel agency.    B.The Student Union.    C.The local government.
11.How did the man come to China?
A.By train.    B.By plane.    C.By ship.
12.How long will the man stay in Hunan?
A.Three months.    B.Eight months.    C.One year.
13.What can we learn from the conversation?
A.The man found a job in Hunan.
B.The man's wife is a professional woman.
C.The man will teach German.
14.How did the man get home?
A.He flew.    B.He took a train.    C.He drove.
15.How many people does the man live with in college?
A.Four.    B.Five.    C.Six.
16.What took the man time to get used to?
A.Schoolwork.    B.Finding friends.    C.Living on his own.
17.Which part of the speakers’ house has a new floor?
A.The guest room.    B.The kitchen.    C.The bedroom.
18.What does the speaker tell us about the Tracker Star-Watching Center?
A.It opens all day.    B.Its ticket is free.    C.It’s a public museum.
19.What do visitors do first during evening sessions?
A.Learn about the Center and its programs.
B.Listen to lectures from the expert staff.
C.Watch the sky outside the Center
20.What should visitors prepare for watching the stars there?
A.Telescopes.    B.Guide books.    C.Warm clothes.
2022·陕西宝鸡·一模)Eye Opener Volunteer
For about 30 years, the Museum of Science Eye Opener Program has been working with the Boston Public Schools to bring the exciting world of science to second grade students from across the city. Each year, about 3, 000 students from over 45 Boston schools visit the museum to explore, ask questions and find answers. Since 1986, funds from the Germeshausen Family Foundation have supported the Eye Opener Program in providing a guided museum experience for second graders.
With the help of a large corps of volunteers, the program introduces these students to the museum and gives them a chance to engage in science. Eye Opener volunteers encourage exploration and the excitement of discovery as they share the museum with the children. They achieve these goals through conversation, hands-on experiments, exploration of exhibits, and Practicing scientific thinking skills with program participants.
Each Tuesday morning, the students are grouped into sets of 4 to 6 with a pair of volunteers who give them a tour of the museum. Tours last about two hours and are tailored to the interests of the students.
Learn the lay-out of the museum to share and explore with second graders the exhibits which May be interesting to them.
2022河北省教育考试院Encourage children to observe, compare, describe, ask questions and share ideas.