又一篇TMI报道 It's another "TMI" Story.
韦德上了我们的节目五次 You've had Wade on the show five times in six weeks.
-报道会怎么写  -报道会说 - What's the story gonna be? - It's gonna be
你在帮助男友竞选议员 that you're trying to get your boyfriend elected to Congress.
你难道认为  我利用你给他打名气 You can't think I used you to raise his profile.
我当然知道你不会 I know for sure you didn't use me.
任何心智正常的男人都不会冒险失去你 Plus, nobody in his right mind would risk losing you.
-你今晚真美  -真的吗 - You look really nice tonight. - Yeah?
绝对是真的 Definite yes, yeah.
我不知道我也爱着你  直到... I didn't know that I was in love with you, too,
你背叛我  和前男友好上了 You cheated on me with your ex-boyfriend.
对  就是这样 That's what happened!
-三年了  时光还没能治愈吗  -没 - It's been three years. Time hasn't helped? - No.
我想每天晚上给你五分钟节目时间 I want to give you five minutes every night
报道每日经济 to talk about where we are and how we got here.
很多人比我更合适 There are people more qualified than I am.
问题是他们没有你的靓腿 Yeah, the thing is, they're not going to have your legs.
你若不合适  我也不会你 I would not ask you if I didn't think you were qualified.
你尽管冲着我来  妮娜 Come after me all you want, Nina,
但你若敢动我的同事 but you touch my staff
我会拼了命  跟你同归于尽 and I will rededicate my life to ruining yours.
本新闻由 YYeTs News 诚意报道              撰稿人:leona_lui、小榴莲、双双、油炸电风扇、swears、ztonyy、原小如、小黎、柠檬meg、小饭、Aqua、某豚、RyanAC、Eve      审稿人:cheeseflower、双双      提词员:加森      后期制作:Xaviano      场记:渔夫      制片人:fransky
新 闻 编 辑 室
新 闻 编 辑 室
新 闻 编 辑 室
新 闻 编 辑 室
恶 霸
2230亿元赤字  加剧国会内部 ...$223 billion, putting an edge on the current fight on Capitol Hill
关于今年削减财政支出力度的争议 about how deeply to cut this year's spending,
4月12日 2011年
同时预测  此举将使债务上限...抱歉 along with projections that it would bring the
赤字达到1.6万亿 the deficit to 1.6 trillion,
确信将于本财政年度内  达到债务上限 ensuring that the debt ceiling will be hit during this fiscal year.
《晚间新闻》到此结束 That's "News Night."
感谢收刊...收看  播报结束 Thanks for watching us. Let me get out of here.
接下来由威尔·麦卡沃伊 Will McAvoy is coming up
从华盛顿为您带来《国会报告》 with the "Capitol Report" From Washington.
我是泰利  不对 I' no.
-不对  -说结束语 - That's not true. - End the broadca
-我是威尔·麦卡沃伊  -乖孩子 - I'm Will McAvoy. - Attaboy.
接下来由泰利·史密斯 Terry Smith is coming up, mercifully,
从华盛顿为您带来《国会报告》 with the "Capitol Report" From Washington.
晚安 Good night.
-你没毛病吧  -我没事 - What is wrong with you? - I'm fine.
-"感谢收刊"  -有人发觉吗 - "Thank you for washing us"? - Think people noticed?
会  站到这里来 I do. Stand here on this spot.
-干什么  -给你测一下视力 - What are you doing? - Administering an eye exam.
-太棒了  -第一行是什么 - Excellent. - Read the top line.
-E  -下一行 - E. - Next line.
真不明白  怎么会有人觉得 I don't know why people think
现行的医保制度有问题 there's a problem with health care in this country.
-这样不是挺好的嘛  -下一行 - Our current system is fine. - Next line.
L  G  下一行  R  T  Z L-G. The next line, R-T-Z.
希腊字母π The Greek letter for pi,
几何学里的"全等"符号 the geometric symbol for congruent,
还有某种化学元素符号 and something off the table of natural elements.
很好  戴上领带  回到演播室去 Great, put your tie back on and get in the studio
给西海岸的观众重录一个结尾 so we can retape that for the West Coast.
怎么了 What's the problem?
我昨晚没睡好 I didn't get much sleep last night.
怎么个没睡好  -一点没睡 - How much is not much? - None.
-真的吗  -我半夜躺下来  一直没睡着 - Seriously? - I went to bed at midnight, didn't fall asleep.
这是你第一次失眠吗 Is this the first time that's happened?
-不是  -第二次吗 - No. - Is it the second time?
我失眠有一阵子了 I'm having a little bout with insomnia.
吃过了吗 Have you tried Ambien?
我可不想一觉醒来发现自己在三区大桥上 I don't want to wake up in the middle of the Triborough Bridge
穿着睡衣吃炒鸡蛋 eating scrambled eggs in my pajamas.
鸡蛋怎么跑进我睡衣里了呀 How those eggs got into my pajamas I'll never know.
不要模仿格劳乔 You shouldn't do Groucho.
格劳乔·马克思: 美国早期著名喜剧演员 原句为"大象怎么跑进我睡衣里了"
你真得好好睡觉 Seriously, you need to sleep
否则会忘记感谢观众的"收刊" or you're gonna forget to thank people for washing us.
我明天10点去看我的心理医生 I'm seeing my guy tomorrow at 10:00.
-你的心理医生是谁  -亚伯 - Who's your guy? - Abe.
-亚伯是谁  -卜医生 - Who's Abe? - Dr. Habib.
你还去亚伯那儿  太好了  威尔 You're still seeing Abe? That's wonderful, Will.
人人都需要咨询 Everyone could use a little therapy.
尤其是你  你这么做我很开心 And you a lot more than most. I'm glad you're doing that.
-我...  -你没按时去见他 - - You've been skipping appointments?
-有那么几次  -你上次见他是什么时候 - Sometime
s. - When was the last time you saw him?
-今天是12号吗  -对 - What's today, the 12th? - Yeah.
-四年前  -你为什么不去见他 - About four years ago. - Why did you stop seeing him?
-我一直按时预约  -什么意思 - I've kept the appointments. - What does that mean?
我每周三10点都有预约  就是不去罢了 I've had an appointment every Wednesday at 10:00. I just don't go.
四年来  你一直白付他钱吗 You've been paying him for four years?
-开什么玩笑  -谢天谢地 - Don't be ridiculous. - Thank God.
我的财务给他付的钱 I have a business manager who does that.
你读本杂志吧 Why don't you read a magazine?
不了  那期《爱猫》我已经从头到尾看过了 No, I've already read that issue of "Cat Fancy" cover to cover
《美国集邮者》我要留到长途飞机里再读 and I'm saving "American Stamp Collector" for a long plane ride.
好吧 All right.
你为什么不去你平时看的医生那里 Why not just go to your regular doctor?
我去看我的内科医生时  他总会问东问西 When I go to my internist, he asks me questions.
先聊上半小时之后  才把听诊器戴上 It's a half-hour interview before he puts on a stethoscope.
-他问些什么  -我不知道 - What kinds of questions? - I don't know.
-你感觉怎样  -真混蛋 - How you feeling? - Asshole.
给  读读《素食健康》 Here, read "Vegan Health."
-威尔吗  -是我 - Will? - Yeah.
我叫杰克·卜  进来吧 I'm Jack Habib. Come on in.
你是亚伯的儿子 Are you Abe's son?
-是的  -幸会 - I am. - Nice to meet you.
-幸会  请进  -你爸在里面吗 - You, too. Come on in. - Is your dad inside?
不在 No.
我可以在外面等 I can wait out here.
我父亲两年前去世了 My father died two years ago
我接替了他  请进吧 and I took his practice. Come on in.
我很遗憾 Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
慢着  什么 Wait, what?
威尔  我是雅各布·卜医生 Will, I'm Dr. Jacob Habib,
亚伯拉罕·卜医生的儿子 son of Dr. Abraham Habib.
我父亲去世后  他的病人归我看了 My father passed away and his patients now see me.
你付了我两年报酬了 You've been paying me for two years.
进来吧 Come on in.
你多大了 How old are you?
29 I'm 29.
闭嘴 Shut up.
-你能开处方吗  -能  来吧 - Can you write prescriptions? - Yeah. Let's go.
-等我两分钟  -好吧 - I'll be two minutes. - All right.
你才29岁 So if you'
别往回算年龄了  我上学比别人早 Don't try to count backwards. I did everything early.
所有的《天才小医生》笑话我都听过了 So unless you're certain you've got a Doogie Howser joke I haven't heard,
不如我们假装很搞笑  然后谈正事吧 why don't we just assume it was hilarious and move on?
-好吧  -说说怎么回事吧 - Okay. - So what's going on?
我需要点帮助睡眠的药 I need something to help me sleep.
-为什么  -我睡不着 - Wh
y? - I can't sleep.
-为什么  -不知道 - Why? - I don't know.
饮食上最近有变化吗 Any recent change in diet?
从大学起饮食就没变过 I haven't changed my diet since college.
-该变一变  -我发明了一种新式三明治 - You should. - I invented a new sandwich.
吐司上放炒鸡蛋  培根  融化的奶酪 Scrambled eggs, bacon, and melted cheese on toast.
我每晚睡前做两个 I make two of them every night before I get into bed.
你发明了"麦满分" You invented an Egg McMuffin.
有足够的运动吗  -有炒鸡蛋 - Getting enough exercise? - I have to scramble the eggs.
-除了这个呢  -没了 - And other than that? - No.
随便开个就行了 Look, any kind of sleeping pill will do.
行  先聊一聊吧 Sure. Just talk a little bit?
天  拜托  别了 Oh, God, please, let's not.
-你还在用文拉法辛吗  -不用了 - You're still taking Effexor? - No.
-呢  -不用了 - Clonazepam? - No.
-呢  -不用了 - Ativan? - No.
四年前  你睡前需要135毫克的文拉法辛 Four years ago, you were on 135mg of Effexor
外加和 plus Clonazepam and Ativan at bedtime.
现在不用了 I'm not anymore.
-为什么呢  -我好了啊 - Why is that? - I was cured.
这些都是抗焦虑药物 These are all antianxiety medications.
我现在不焦虑了 And I have no more anxiety.
除了睡不着 Except for not being able to sleep.
对啊  你只需给我开个处方 Right, so if you'll just give me a
我会开的 Yeah, I'm going to.
-再问几个问题  -好吧 - Just a few more questions. - Okay.
工作上有什么额外压力吗 Any extra stress at work?
额外压力 Extra stress?
-对  -没有 - Yeah. - No.
-没有额外压力吗  -没有 - No extra stress? - No.
-再问一句  -行 - One more question. - Sure.
跟我兜什么圈子 What are you fucking around with me for?
什么 I'm sorry?
跟我兜什么圈子 What are you fucking around with me for?
我问你  工作上有没有额外压力 I just asked if there's any extra stress
没有 There isn't.
没有啊 There isn't.
恐吓信呢 What about the death threat?
你也知道 You know about that?
看报的人都知道 Anyone who reads a newspaper knows about that.
-没什么大不了的  -是吗 - It's truly not a big deal. - No?
杰克  可以开处方了吗 Jack, can I get the prescription?
跟我说说恐吓信怎么就没什么大不了 Just tell me how a death threat isn't a big deal.
我以前做过刑事检察官 I used to be a criminal prosecutor.
要是有人真想杀你 And I'm telling you nobody who's serious about killing you
就不会事先给你警告 sends you a note beforehand to warn you.
跟你一起坐着等的那人  是保镖吧 The gentleman who is with you in the waiting room, he's a bodyguard, right?
是  但你别...  那是... Yeah, but
you that'
是保险公司的决定 our insurance company makes that decision.
有什么根据呢 Based on what?
他们有专家判别  可信是否威胁... They have experts who determine whether a cret
威胁是否可信 threat is credible.
他们为何认为  这次威胁可信呢 And why do they think the threat is credible?
九个问题了  你说"再问一句" Nine questions ago, you said one more question.
他们为何认为  这次威胁可信呢 Why do they think the threat is credible?
因为我改了网站评论栏的规则 Because I changed the rules of the comment section of our website.
仅此而已  我改了网站评论栏的规则 That's all. I changed the rules of the comment section.
一直以来  至少是本周一以来 As always, or at least since Monday,
我们在节目最后  会读几条网友评论 we end our show with your own viewer comments on our website.
来看看今晚有哪些 So let's see what we have tonight.
棒棒糖棒棒糖说"再多30秒 LollypopLollypop says, "30 more seconds
你就能把那个厌恶自己的伪君子弄哭了" and you would have had that self-loathing hypocrite in tears."
那完全不是我的本意 that was absolutely not my intention.
投降吧多萝西说"这个躲着不出柜的家伙 SurrendrDorothee said, "Your Log Cabin closet case
《汤姆叔叔的小屋》讲述黑人奴隶汤姆叔叔的苦难经历 最近一些年间  汤姆叔叔成了"投靠白人的黑人"的绰号
简直是汤姆叔叔的翻版 hit the Uncle Tom
他背叛了自己的肤和性取向" a traitor to his race and a traitor to his sexual orientation."
压住火 Don't blow a gasket.
他没有躲  他公开承认自己是同性恋 He's plainly not a closet case. He's openly gay.
我还认为  他来参加节目很有勇气 I also think he showed a lot of courage coming on the show.
肯定比某些匿名发言的家伙有勇气 Certainly more courage than it takes to post an anonymous comment on a website.
接下来由泰利·史密斯 Terry Smith's coming up from Washington
从华盛顿为您带来《国会报告》 with the "Capitol Report."
我是威尔·麦卡沃伊  晚安 I'm Will McAvoy. Good night.
直播结束 We're out.
-尼尔  -相信我  那两条已经是最好的了 - Neal! - Believe me, those were the best two we had.
我们干脆一铲子把他打死算了 Why didn't we just hit him in the head with a shovel?
-我们得谈谈刚才的事  -我谈着呢 - We've got to talk about what just happened. - I'm trying to.
不是网站评论 Not the website.
我们得谈谈你直播发火的事 We've got to talk about what happened on the air.
-我不想谈  -你脑袋短路了吗 - I don't want to talk about it. - Were you outside your body?
我不想谈  我要谈网站评论 I don't want to talk about it. I want to talk about the website.
网站不是问题 The website's not the problem right now.