1.The traffic is heavy these days. I arrive a bit late, so could you save me a place?
2.There is no reason to be disappointed. ________, this could be rather amusing.
A.Above all B.As a result
C.Apart from that D.As a matter of fact
3.Interest is as ________ to learning as the ability to understand,even more so.
A.vital B.available
C.specific D.similar
4.There was never any time for Kate to feel lonely, ________ she was an only child.
A.ever since B.now that
C.even though D.as though
5.It seems late to say anything. We probably ______ it if we had made an offer sooner.
A.would have got B.would get
C.had got D.got
6.Another study of 302 volunteers at hospitals in Chicago focused on individual differences in the degree ______ people view “volunteer” as an important social role.
A.by which B.to which C.in which D.from which
7.Peter has previous experience, ______ I think he’s the right person for the job.
A.or B.but
C.for D.so
8.As to the “996 work schedule”, ______ employees work from 9 am to 9 pm, 6 days a week, People’s Daily commented that valuing hard work does not mean forcing employees to work overtime.
A.that B.which C.where D.when
9.— Tell me something about his match in Sydney.
— Well,he got the championship,we had expected.He made it at last.
A.as B.what C.why D.how
10.My son turned to bookstores and libraries seeking information about the book recommended by his professor, but ________ none.
A.would find B.had found
C.found D.has been finding
11.___________the effect of culture shock, he is trying to read a lot about it before going to France for further study. A.To reduce B.Reduced
C.Reducing D.Having reduced
12.I can ________ Diana’s thoughts from the changes in her facial expressions.
A.read B.notice C.count D.watch
13.—Shall we go to the seven o’clock performance or the eight?
— _____suits you fine.
A.Whatever B.Whichever C.Whenever D.Wherever
14.--- How often do you work out?
--- _________, but usually once a week.
A.Have no idea. B.It depends. C.As usual. D.Generally speaking.
15._______ many Chinese holidays are directed towards services remembering ancestors, the Ching Ming Festival is beyond doubt the largest.
A.Unless B.Since
C.Once D.While
16.—What do you do, Rita?
—I’m a clerk in a foreign company now.But I _____ English in a high school for 10 years.
A.teach B.have taught
C.taught D.am teaching
17.No driving after drinking is a rule that every driver ____________ obey in our country.
A.will B.shall
C.may D.can
18.— What great changes have taken place in our city in the last few years!
— Indeed, many high buildings have _______all over the city.
A.wound up B.sprung up C.held up D.made up
19.--- I can’t think why he_____ so angry. I meant no offence.
---It’s typical of him to be sensitive.
A.should have been B.must have been
C.might have been D.can have been
20.Dream of the Red Chamber is believed to be semi-autobiographical, _______the fortunes of Cao’s own family.
A.mirrored B.to mirror
C.mirroring D.mirror
21.(6分)Astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) may soon be able to turn their used forks and knives into tools and satellite parts.
Tethers Unlimited Inc., an aerospace technology company, has developed a system that combines a waste recycling machine with a 3D printer.
Astronauts will put waste items made of plastic into the recycling machine, called the Poistrusion Recycler. When they press a button, the Recycler will melt down the plastic and turn it into 3D filament (长丝).
The filament will e used in a 3D printer on the ISS-called the Refabricator-to make tools, spare parts and satellite components.
The waste will come from packaging materials, food containers, trays and eating utensils (器具) used on the ISS. Astronaut currently use disposable wet wipes to clean their food containers and utensils. The used wipes are stored as trash (垃圾), and replacement wipes must be sent up to the ISS on cargo missions.
By recycling old food containers and utensils, astronauts will reduce the amount of trash they produce. To get rid of trash from the ISS, astronaut load it into empty cargo capsules (航天舱) and release it into space. The capsules burn up when they enter Earth’s atmosphere.
Turning trash into useful new items will also help NASA save money because astronauts will need fewer supplies. It costs about $ 6,000 for every kilogram launched into orbit. These benefits will be even more important for longer missions in the future-such as the two-year journey to Mars. Astronauts will be able to recycle old waste materials into new tools and parts as they need them.
Tethers have successfully tested the systems in its laboratory. They will test it on the ISS in late 2018. The company is also developing a version of the system for use here on Earth.
1、What material are the forks and knives for astronauts made of?
A.Gold. B.Iron
C.Plastic. D.Wood.
2、At present, the astronauts mainly get supplies by .
A.3D printers B.reusing the old ones
C.collecting from the space D.the capsules launched from the earth
3、What can the new technology help the astronauts do?
A.Reuse the trash.
B.Send the trash to Mars.
C.Take the trash to the earth.
D.Load the trash into empty capsules and throw it away.
4、What is the biggest benefit of the new technology mentioned in the text?
A.It can save some space for the ISS.
B.It can gave more time for the astronauts.
C.It can provide more conditions to explore space.
D.It can help to reduce the journey from Earth to Mars.
22.(8分)Here’s advice on where to find job ap plications.
Company Websites
If you are interested in working for a particular company, visit their website. Career information is usually listed in the “Careers” or the “About Us”section of the site. Often, you will be able to apply for all company positi ons directly from the website
Job Boards and Engines
If you aren’t sure what company you want to work for, you can look for job applications on job boards and job search engines. These contain job listings for positions at many different companies. Sometimes you have to go to the company website to fill out a job application. At other times, you can apply directly on the search engine or job board. In Person
Applying for a job in person is a little different than applying for employment online. It’s not as complicated, but you will need to be prepared to apply and interview on the spot. You have to make sure you dress professionally, and bring all the materials you need.
Below is a list of sample employment applications and click to find what you want.
1、If you want to land a job in a certain company, you’d better.
A.visit Company Websites
B.call “About Us”section
C.visit Job Boards and Engines
D.look for a job application form first
2、What is special about applying for a job in person?
A.It needs more complicated programs.
B.1t calls for an interview on the spot.
C.It needs all the application materials handed in.
D.It requires the employee to wear a beautiful dress.
3、Where can you find the text?
A.In a magazine.
B.In a textbook.
C.On the internet.
D.In a poster.
23.(8分)Since English biologist Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, scientists have vastly improved their knowledge of natural history. However, a lot of information is still of the speculation, and scientists can still only make educated guesses at certain things.
One subject that they guess about is why some 400 million years ago, animals in the sea developed limbs (肢) that allowed them to move onto and live on land.
Recently, an idea that occurred to the US paleontologist (古生物学家) Alfred Romer a century ago became a hot topic once again.
宝山区2023年教师招聘信息Homer thought that tidal (潮汐的) pools might have led to fish gaining limbs. Sea animals would have been forced into these pools by strong tides. Then, they would have been made either to adapt to their new environment close to land or die. The fittest among them grew to accomplish the transition (过渡) from sea to land.
Romer called these earliest four-footed animals “tetrapods”. Science has always thought that this was a credible theory, but only recently has there been strong enough evidence to support it.
Hannah Byrne is an oceanographer (海洋学家) at Uppsala University in Sweden. She announced at the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Oregon, US, that by using computer software, her team ha d managed to link Homer’s theory to places where fossil deposits (沉积物) of the earliest tetrapods were found.
According to the magazine Science, in 2014, Steven Balbus, a scientist at the University of Oxford in the UK, calculated that 400 million years ago, when the move from land to sea was achieved, tides were stronger than they are today. This is because the planet was 10 percent closer to the moon tha
n it is now.
The creatures stranded in the pools would have been under the pressure of “survival of the fittest”, explained Mattias Green, an ocean scientist at the UK’s University of Bangor. As he told Science, “After a few days in these pools, you become food or you run out the fish that had large limbs had an advantage because they could flip (翻转) themselves back in the water.”
As is often the case, however, there are others who find the theory less convincing. Cambridge University’s paleontologist Jennifer Clark, speaking to Nature magazine, seemed unconvinced. “It’s only one of many ideas for the origin of land-based tetrapods, any or all of which may have been a part of the answer,” she said.
1、Who first proposed the theory that fish might have gained limbs because of tidal pools?