1.The retired music teacher teaches children to play ________ violin at weekends.
A./    B.a    C.an    D.the
2.If everything goes well, the new movie will hit the big screen ________ July.
A.in    B.on    C.at    D.to
3.Bob was chatting with a friend of ________ on the Internet this time yesterday.
A.he    B.him    C.his    D.himself
4.The professor’s speech was so amazing that ________ left in the middle of it.
A.everybody    B.anybody    C.somebody    D.nobody
5.The cheese biscuits in this restaurant taste ________. Would you like to have some?
A.softly    B.nice    C.greatly    D.well
6.—Must I go to the university and bean engineer like you, Dad?
—No, you ________, son. You’re old enough to make your own decisions.
A.can’t    B.mustn’t    C.needn’t    D.shouldn’t
7.By the end of last month, the medical team ________ in Africa for six months to look after the sick people there.
A.would stay    B.has stayed    C.will stay    D.had stayed
8.The students and their teachers ________ the School Art Festival when I passed by their school.
A.are celebrating    B.will celebrate    C.were celebrating    D.have celebrated
9.Would you mind ________ care of my cat when I am away on the business trip?
A.take    B.to take    C.took    D.taking
10.Ms White made me ________ the difficult chemistry problem all by myself.
A.work out    B.to work out    C.worked out    D.working out
11.Jason spent the whole afternoon fishing by the river, ________ he went home empty-handed
A.or    B.so    C.but    D.and
12.I don’t like traveling by plane ________ it’s so tiring to wait for hours before the plane takes off.
A.until    B.although    C.because    D.unless
13.—________ have you been a member of the Chess Club?
Since the first week I came to the school.
A.How far    B.How long    C.How fast    D.How often
14.“Peter, ________ your lesson again. The final exam is coming soon.” said Mum.
A.went over    B.going over    C.to go over    D.go over
15.________ exciting news our class teacher has just told us!
A.What    B.What a    C.What an    D.How
Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每词只能填一次)宝山区2023年教师招聘信息
A.perform     B.almost     C. notice         D.guess         E. especially
A.level         B.careful         C. temperature         D.awake     E. conclusion
Have you ever done a science experiment? It can be a lot of fun! You can use experiments to learn about ____16____ anything. This book will help you learn how to think like a scientist. Scientists have a special way of learning new things. Some people call it the Scientific Method. This is how it often works: Scientists ____17____ things. They observe the world around them. They ask questions about things they see, hear, taste, touch, or smell. They come up with problems they would like to solve. They collect information. They use what they already know to ____18____ the answers to their questions. This kind of behaviour is called a hypothesis (假设). Then they need to test their ideas.They ____19____ experiments. They watch and write down what happens.Scientists learn from each new test. They think about what they learned and come up with an answer to their question. This means they reach a ____20____.
Let’s think like scientists to learn more about water. Do you use ice cubes to keep your drinks cold? You know that ice cubes are made of frozen water. When the ____21____ of the water drops below zero, it changes into ice. What happens to water that gets very hot? Does it change into something different? Maybe we can do an experiment to find out:
Pour 3 inches of water into the pan. Use the ruler to help measure how deep the water is. Write this number down.
Have an adult heat the water over a stove (火炉). Be ____22____ not to burn yourself! Pay attention. Is the water getting hot? Is it starting to boil? Do you see steam coming out of the pan?
Let the water boil for 10 to 15 minutes. Have the adult remove the pan from the stove.
Let the water cool. Then use the ruler to measure the water ____23____ again.
Have you come up with an answer yet?
24.In winter, people are warmly dressed in coats and ________. (scarf)
25.I have already checked the bag ________, but there is no sign of your library card. (two)
26.Mr Johnson is always kind to his students and he really cares about ________. (they)
27.On a dark and stormy night, the pilot landed the plane ________ on the ground. (safe)
28.The twin brothers often ________ with each other for their mother attention. (competition)
29.Jason had received strict ________ before he became a famous baseball player. (train)
30.Emma prefers to teach her son to discover the beauty in life through ________ activities. (live)
31.Without health, happiness is ________. Let’s exercise more and live a healthy life. (possible)
32.Emily saw her classmates off at the railway station last weekend. (改为否定句)