    雅思阅读低分泥沼的3大基本缘由分析 助你出坑
    所以,这些同学不知道什么叫做Skimming for gist(快速扫瞄把握文章主旨)和Scan for details(快速扫描特定细节)的阅读方式;不明白怎样去区分事实信息和主观论点;更不知道怎样去对文章去进行结构扫描,了解文章线索和脉络(Frame work of the Text, Contextual Clues, Coherence and Cohesion)。
    这些阅读技能和策略(Reading Strategies)的缺乏导致他们阅读的时候不分主次,不会敏捷调整阅读速度,只观察个别细节而不能把握它们之间的规律关系。所以他们在阅读里只能解出那些针对个别细节的小题目,对阅读技能要求比较高的题型,比通如List of Headings(段标题,考察文章线索结构和把握段落章主题的力量)和True / False /NotGiven题(考察观点与事实、主观与客观的区分以及态度等),就明显力不从心。
雅思    依据我当时的统计,他们在这些题目上的正确率不足50%。在最近的雅思阅读里,这两种题型加起来超过了总题量的一半,这样的正确率当然没法得到好分数。
    迷信解题技巧而忽视实力的后果就像Castle in the air,吹得越神的技巧最终也让人摔得越惨。我在阅读单项上考过9——绝不是全凭技巧。所以我在课上从不鼓吹说9分靠万能技巧;相反,我还常常提示同学:技巧有局限,9分靠实力。
    雅思阅读机经真题解析-Hunting Perfume in Madagascar!
    Ever since the unguentari (古罗马时期玻璃器皿) plied their trade in ancient Rome, perf
umers have to keep abreast of changing fashions. These days they have several thousand ingredients to choose from when creating new scents, but there is always demand for new combinations. The bigger the palette of smells, the better the perfumers chance of creating something fresh and appealing. Even with everyday products such as shampoo and soap, kitchen cleaners and washing powders, consumers are becoming increasingly fussy. And many of todays fragrances have to survive tougher treatment than ever before, resisting the destructive power of bleach or a high temperature wash cycle. Chemists can create new smells from synthetic molecules, and a growing number of the odours on the perfumers palette are artificial. But nature has been in the business far longer.
    The island of Madagascar (马达加斯加) is an evolutionary hot spot; 85% of its plants are unique, making it an ideal source for novel fragrances. Last October, Quest International, a company that develops fragrances for everything from the most delicate p
erfumes to cleaning products, sent an expedition to Madagascar in pursuit of some of natures most novel fragrances. With some simple technology, borrowed from the pollution monitoring industry, and a fair amount of ingenuity, the perfume hunters bagged 20 promising new aromas in the Madagascan rainforest. Each day the team set out from their hotel-a wooden hut lit by kerosene lamps, and trailed up and down paths and animal tracks, exploring the thick vegetation up to 10 meters on either side of the trail. Some smells came from obvious places, often big showy flowers within easy reach. Others were harder to pin down. “Often it was the very small flowers that were much more interesting,” says Clery. After the luxuriance (肥沃) of the rainforest, the little-known island of Nosy Hara was a stark, dry place-geologically and biologically very different from the mainland. “Apart from two beaches, the rest of the island is impenetrable, except by hacking through the bush, says Clery. One of the biggest prizes here was a sweet-smelling sap weeping from the gnarled branches of some ancient shrubby trees in the parched interior. So far no one has been able to identify the plant.