University English Test Listening Practice Test 4 and Answers
n A
In this n。you will hear 8 short ns and 2 ___。one or ___ will be asked about what was said。Both the n and the ns will be spoken only once。After each n。there will be a pause。During the pause。you must read the four choices marked A。B。C。and D。and decide which is the best answer。Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the center.
Answer ns 1-25:
1.___ at the turnout of her party。She expected more people to come.
2.___ and are used to warm weather。so they feel lucky to be going somewhere cold。However。they have not booked their air tickets yet.
3.The man received a medal。and he was pleased about it。It is not clear what the medal was for。but it is likely that he did something courageous。He may have been a firefighter in the past。but there is no evidence to support this。He was not accused of causing a fire.
4.The woman is looking for a specific book。but the man does not have it in stock。He offers to order it for her。and she agrees.
5.The man is asking the woman about her plans for the weekend。She is going to a concert with her friends.
6.___ about her job。She has to deal with difficult customers。and it is stressful。The man suggests that she should find a new job。but she is not sure if she wants to.
7.The man is asking the woman about her hometown。She likes it there because it is quiet and peaceful。but there are not many job opportunities.
8.The woman is looking for a gift for her friend's baby。The man suggests a toy that mak
es noise。but the woman thinks it might be too loud。She decides to buy a ___.
9.___ whether or not they should try it。The man is hesitant because he has heard mixed reviews。but the woman is eager to give it a chance.
10.___ is about a class that the man is taking。He is struggling with the material and is considering dropping the class。The woman suggests that he should talk to the professor and see if there is any extra help available.
Overall。___ topics。including parties。holidays。books。concerts。jobs。hometowns。gifts。restaurants。and classes。They express their ns。make ns。and ask for advice.
4.Possible revised n:
A。Make a ___.
D。Repair the old washing machine instead of replacing it.
5.Possible revised n:
A。He is thrilled with his new and challenging job.
___ by the size of his office.
D。He has mixed ___.
6.Possible revised n:
A。The woman plans to host a large party tomorrow.
B。The man is ___ take.
C。___ to get to the party.
英语四级听力D。The man kindly offers to drive the woman to the party.
7.Possible revised n:
B。Discussing and ___.
D。Reviewing an article that was co-authored.
8.Possible revised n:
A。She placed an order for some paper.
C。She had an online chat with a friend.
D。___ form.
9.Possible answer: C。His past life upsets him a good deal.
10.Possible answer: A。___.
11.The woman has been working at a clinic and has not made a lot of money as a doctor。Despite this。she is kind and ___。she has never gotten along with her father。and now she is going to take care of him ___。
12.The man is an excellent doctor but has a bad temper and does not care about his appearance。As a result。he is not very popular with his patients。Despite this。he and his ___
13.___ is that some of the packs do not contain manuals。The man did not receive the correct order。but this was not due to a problem with the telephone systems。The quality of the goods is not ___。