Section A
Questions 1 to 3 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
1. Why did the man choose the job in the first place?
2. What did the woman suggest the man do?
3. What does the man think of the suggestion?
Section B
Questions 4 to 6 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
4. What did the man find difficult about learning the language?
5. What does the woman think of the way in which the man learnt the language?
6. What does the woman suggest the man do to improve his spoken language?
Section C
7. What is the talk mainly about?
8. What kind of music do the following belong to: clave, conga and cowbell?
9. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a feature of salsa music?
10. What is the purpose of the talk?
Section A
Questions 1 to 3 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
1. Why did the man choose the job in the first place?
解析:本题主要考察对于听力材料的理解,题干问为什么男人一开始选择这个工作。在对话中,男人就职的公司需要对华语进行翻译包装,男人表示自己的父母是华裔,因此对中文比较熟悉。故,答案为:He wanted to use his fluency in Chinese.
2. What did the woman suggest the man do?
解析:本题主要考察对于听力材料的理解,在对话中,女人建议男人练习写汉字。故,答案为:Practice writing Chinese characters.
3. What does the man think of the suggestion?
解析:本题主要考察对于听力材料的理解,男人表示写汉字是一个不错的想法,但他需要先花时间学习。故,答案为:He thinks it's a good idea, but he needs more time to learn.
Section B
Questions 4 to 6 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
4. What did the man find difficult about learning the language?
解析:本题主要考察对于听力材料的理解,问题问的是男人发现学习这门语言困难的原因。在对话中,男人表示常常分不清音节和发音相似的词汇。故,答案为:He often confuses similar-sounding words.