  The Norwegian Government is doing its best to keepthe oil industry under control. A new law limitsexploration to an area south of the southern end ofthe long coastline; production limits have been laiddown (though these have already been raised); andoil companies have not been allowed to employmore than a limited number of foreign workers. Butthe oil industry has a way of getting over suchproblems, and few people believe that theGovernment will be able to hold things back for long. As on Norwegian politician said last week: “We willsoon be changed beyond all recognition.”
  Ever since the war, the Government has been carrying out a programme of development inthe area north of the Arctic Circle. During the past few years this programme has had a greatdeal of success: Tromso has been built up into a local capital with a university, a large hospitaland a healthy industry. But the oil industry has already started to draw people south, andwithin a few years the whole northern policy could be in ruins.
  The effects of the oil industry would not be limited to the north, however. With nearly 100 percent e
mployment, everyone can see a situation developing in which the service industriesand the tourist industry will lose more of their workers to the oil industry. Some smallerindustries might even disappear altogether when it becomes cheaper to buy goods from abroad.
  The real argument over oil is its threat to the Norwegian way of life. Farmers andfishermen do not make up most of the population, but they are an important part of it, because Norwegians see in them many of the qualities that they regard with pride asessentially Norwegian. And it is the farmers and the fishermen who are most critical of the oilindustry because of the damage that it might cause to the countryside and to the sea.
  1. The Norwegian Government would prefer the oil industry to
  [A] provide more jobs for foreign workers.
  [B] slow down the rate of its development.
  [C] sell the oil it is producing abroad.
  [D] develop more quickly than at present.
  2. The Norwegian Government has tried to
  [A] encourage the oil companies to discover new oil sources.
  [B] prevent oil companies employing people from northern Norway.
  [C] help the oil companies solve many of their problems.
  [D] keep the oil industry to something near its present size.
  3. According to the passage, the oil industry might lead northern Norway to
  [A] the development of industry.
  [B] a growth in population.
  [C] the failure of the development programme.
  [D] the development of new towns.
  4. In the south, one effect to the development of the oil industry might be
  [A] a large reduction on unemployment.
  [B] a growth in the tourist industry.
  [C] a reduction in the number of existing industries.
  [D] the development of a number of service industries.
  5. Norwegian farmers and fishermen have an important influence because
  [A] they form such a large part of Norwegian ideal.
  [B] their lives and values represent the Norwegian ideal.
  [C] their work is so useful to the rest of Norwegian society.
  [D] they regard oil as a threat to the Norwegian way of life.
  1. Norwegian 挪威的;挪威⼈
  2. coastline 海岸线
  3. recognition 承认;认识;赞赏
  4. countryside 乡下;乡民
  1. A new law limits exploration to an area southof the southern end of the long coastline; production limits have been laid down (though these have already been raised); and oilcompanies have not been allowed to employ more than a limited number of foreign workers.
  2. With nearly 100 percent employment, everyone can see a situation developing in whichthe service industries and the tourist industry will lose more of their workers to the oil industry.
  3. Farmers and fishermen do not make up most of the population, but they are animportant part of it, because Norwegians see in them many of the qualities that they regardwith pride as essentially Norwegian.
  1. B 减慢发展速率。⽂章开始就阐明挪威政府正竭尽全⼒把⽯油⼯业控制起来,制定新法律来限制勘
探开采,限制产量,限制雇佣外国⼯⼈⼈数。A. 为外国⼯⼈提供更多的⼯作。C.卖掉正在国外⽣产的⽯油。D.⽐现在发展更快。
  2. D 使⽯油⼯业保持在接近现在的规模。A. ⿎励⽯油公司去发现新⽯油资源。B.制⽌⽯油公司雇佣来⾃挪威北⽅的⼈。
  3. C 发展规划的失败。这在第⼆段最后⼀句:“可是⽯油⼯业已经开始把⼈们吸引到南⽅去,所以不出⼏年,整个北⽅政策可能成泡影。”A.⼯业发展。B.⼈⼝增长。D.新城市的发展。⽂内没有涉及。
  4. C 现存⼯业数的减少。第三段开始“可是⽯油⼯业的影响并不仅仅限于北⽅。近百分之⼀百的就业率,使每个⼈都见到发展的势头,服务业和旅游业的好多⼯⼈转向⽯油⼯业。某些较⼩的⼯业,在从国外购进货物更便宜的情况下,很可能会全部消失。”这说明⼯业数减少。A.⼤⼤减少失业。B.旅游⾏业增长。D.许多服务公司发展。⽂内没有提。
  5. B 他们的⽣活和价值代表了挪威⼈的理想。A.他们组成了那么⼤⼀部分挪威理想。C.他们的⼯作对挪威社会的其他⽅⾯⾮常有⽤。D.他们认为⽯油是对挪威⽣活⽅式的威胁。最后⼀段第⼀句话:“对⽯油真正的争论点是它对挪威⽣活⽅式的⼀种威胁。”并不是他们认为威胁。
  Yes, but what did we use to do before there wastelevision? How often we hear statements like this! Television hasn't been with us all that long, but weare already beginning to forget what the world was like without it. Before we admitted the one-eyed monster into our homes, we never fond it difficult to occupy our spare time. We used toenjoy civilized pleasures. For instance, we used to have hobbies, we used to entertain ourfriends and be entertained by them, we used to go outside for our amusements to theatres, cinemas, restaurants and sporting events. We even used to read books and listen to music andbroadcast talks occasionally. All that belongs to the past. Now all our free time is regulatedby the goggle box. We rush home or gulp down our meals to be in time for this or thatprogramme. We have even given up sitting at table and having a leisurely evening meal, exchanging the news of the day. A sandwich and a glass of beer will do anything, providing itdoesn't interfere with the programme. The monster demands and obtains absolute silenceand attention. If any member of the family dares to open his mouth during a programme, he isquickly silenced.
  Whole generations are growing up addicted to the telly. Food is left uneaten, homeworkundone and sleep is lost. The telly is a universal pacifier. It is now standard practice formother to keep the children quiet by putting them in the living-room and turning on the set. Itdoesn't matter that the childr
en will watch rubbishy commercials or spectacles of sadism andviolence so long as they are quiet.
  There is a limit to the amount of creative talent available in the world. Every day, television consumes vast quantities of creative work. That is why most of the programmes areso bad: it is impossible to keep pace with the demand and maintain high standards as well. When millions watch the same programmes, the whole world becomes a village, and society isreduced to the conditions which obtain in preliterate communities. We become utterlydependent on the two most primitive media of communication: pictures and the spokenword.
  Television encourages passive enjoyment. We become content with second-handexperiences. It is so easy to sit in our armchairs watching others working. Little by little, television cuts us off from the real world. We get so lazy, we choose to spend a fine day insemi-darkness, glued to our sets, rather than go out into the world itself. Television may be ssplendid medium of communication, but it prevents us from communicating with each other. We only become aware how totally irrelevant television is to real living when we spend aholiday by the sea or in the mountains, far away from civilization. In quiet, naturalsurroundings, we quickly discover how little we miss the hypnotic tyranny of King Telly.
  1. What is the biggest harm of TV?
  [A] It deprives people of communication with the real world.
  [B] People become lazy.
  [C] People become dependent on second-hand experience.
  [D] TV consumes a large part of one's life.
  2. In what way can people forget TV?
  [A] Far away from civilization.
  [B] To a mountain.
  [C] By the sea.
  [D] In quiet natural surroundings.
  3. What does a mother usually do to keep her children quiet?
  [A] Let them watch the set.
  [B] Put them in the living room.
  [C] Let them watch the rubbish.
  [D] Let them alone.
  4. What does the first sentence in the first paragraph mean?
  [A] We found it difficult to occupy our spare time.
  [B] We become addicted to TV.
  [C] What we used to do is different from now.
  [D] We used to enjoy civilized pleasures.
  1. goggle 转动眼珠,瞪眼
  goggle box (英俚)电视
  2. gulp 狼吞虎咽
  3. telly 电视机
  4. pacifier 平息者,抚慰者。这⾥指平静⼈,使⼈不吱声的东西。
  5. rubbishy 垃圾的,⽆价值的
  6. sadism 施*虐
  7. glue 胶(⽔);粘牢
  glue to the sets 和电视机粘在⼀起,指成了电视迷
  8. hypnotic 催眠的
  1. There is a limit to the amount of creative talent available in the world.
  1. A 它剥夺了⼈们和真实世界的联系。⽂章多次提到现在我们不能探亲访友,⼀家⼈互不交流,⽽⼀旦离开电视就进⼊了真是世界。B. ⼈变懒。C. ⼈们变得依赖⼆⼿经验。D. 电视浪费了⼈⽣的⼤量时间。这三项只是危害重具体⼀个组成部分。
  2. D 在安宁的⼤⾃然的怀抱中。答案在最后⼀段最后⼀句“在安详宁静的⼤⾃然环境中,我们很快发
现我们对催眠的电视暴君连想都不怎么想!”A. 远离⽂明。B.去⼭上。C.在海边。
  3. A 叫他们看电视。这在第⼆段第三句起“电视是⼀个万能安静器。母亲为使孩⼦们安静,就把他们放在起居室内,打开电视看。这是现在最权威的⼀招。⾄于孩⼦们看的使垃圾般的商业⼴告,还是施*虐或暴⼒⽚都⽆关紧要,只要他们安静不闹。”B.把他们搁在起居室。C.让他们看垃圾⽚。都是其中的具体⼀部分。D.让他们呆着。没有提到。
  4. B 我们都成了电视迷。第⼀句“是的,可是没有电视之前,我们常⼲些什么?”这说明⼈们已经习惯于电视,以来电视,到了没有电视怎么办的境地。不知道没有电视前的情况。第⼆段“整个⼏代⼈越来越迷上了电视,饭不吃,家务不⼲,不睡觉。”可以说整篇⽂章都描写了⼈们对电视迷恋,依赖。第⼀句话是引⾔。所以B对。A. 难以消遣。只是⼈们的⼀种感受。C.过去和现在不同。是⼀种对⽐,并没有点出这句话的真正内涵。D.享受⽂明欢乐。是过去所作的⼀个具体例⼦。
  If you smoke and you still don't believe that there's a definite link between smoking andbronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself. Noone will accuse you of hypocrisy. Let us just say that you are suffering from a bad case ofwishful thinking. This needn't make you too uncomfortable because you are in goodcompany. Whenever the subject of sm
oking and health is raised, the governments of mostcountries hear no evil, see no evil and smell
no evil. Admittedly, a few governments have takentimid measures. In Britain for instance, cigarette advertising has been banned on television. The conscience of the nation is appeased, while the population continues to puff its way tosmoky, cancerous death.
  You don't have to look very far to find out why the official reactions to medical findingshave been so lukewarm. The answer is simply money. Tobacco is a wonderful commodity totax. It's almost like a tax on our daily bread. In tax revenue alone, the government of Britaincollects enough from smokers to pay for its entire educational facilities. So while the authoritiespoint out ever so discreetly that smoking may, conceivable, be harmful, it doesn't do to shouttoo loudly about it.
  This is surely the most short-sighted policy you could imagine. While money is eagerlycollected in vast sums with one hand, it is paid out in increasingly vaster sums with the other. Enormous amounts are spent on cancer research and on efforts to cure people suffering fromthe disease. Countless valuable lives are lost. In the long run, there is no doubt thateverybody would be much better-off if smoking were banned altogether.
  Of course, we are not ready for such a drastic action. But if the governments of the worldwere hone
stly concerned bout the welfare of their peoples, you’d think they'd conductaggressive anti-smoking campaigns. Far from it! The tobacco industry is allowed to spendstaggering sums on advertising. Its advertising is as insidious a s i t i s d i s h o n e s t . W e a r e n e v e r s h o w n p i c t u r e s o f r e a l s m o k e r s c o u g h i n g u p t h e i r l u n g s e a r l y i n t h e m o r n i n g . T h a t w o u l d n e v e r d o . T h e a d v e r t i s e m e n t a l w a y s d e p i c t v i r i l e , c l e a n - s h a v e n y o u n g m e n . T h e y s u g g e s t i t i s m a n l y t o s m o k e , e v e n p o s i t i v e l y h e a l t h y ! S m o k i n g i s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e g r e a t o p e n - a i r l i f e , w i t h b e a u t i f u l g i r l s , t r u e l o v e a n d t o g e t h e r n e s s . W h a t u t t e r n o n s e n s e ! / p > p > 0 0 F o r a s t a r t , g o v e r n m e n t s c o u l d b e g i n b y b a n n i n g a l l c i g a r e t t e a n d t o b a c c o a d v e r t i s i n g a n d s h o u l
d t h
e n c o n d u c t a n t i - s m o k i n g a d v e r t i s i n g c a m p a i g n s o
f t h e i r o w n . S m o k i n
g s
h o u l d b e b a n n
e d i n a l l p u b l i c p l a c e s l i k e t h e a t r e s , c i n e m a s a n d r e s t a u r a n t s . G r e a t e
f f o r t s s h o u l d b e m a d
e t o i n
2021年英语四级成绩查询f o r m y o u n
g p e o p l e e s p e c i a l l y o f t
h e d
i r e c o n s e q u e n c e s o f t a k i n g u p t h e h a b i t . A h o r r i
f i c w a r n i n
g s a y , a p i c t u r e o f a d e a t
h s h e a d s h o u l d b e
i n c l u d e d i n e v e r y p a c k e t o f c i g a r e t t e s t h a t i s s o l d . A s i n d i v i d u a l s , w e a
r e c e r t a i n l y w e a k , b u t i f g o v e r n m e n t s a c t e d h o n e s t l y a n d c o u r a g e o u s l y , t h e y c o u l d p r o t e c t u s f r o m o u r s e l v e s . / p > p > 0 0 1 . W h y d o a f e w g o v e r n m e n t s t
a k e t i m i d m e a s u r e s t o w a r d s m o k i n g ? / p > p > 0 0 [ A ]
b e
c a u s e t h e y a r e a f r a i
d o f p
e o p l e . / p > p >
0 0 [ B ] B e c a u s e d i s e a s e s c o s t a l o t . / p > p > 0 0 [ C ] B e c a u s e t h e y a r e a f r a i d o f t h e c u t t i n g d o w n o f t h e i r r e v e n u e . / p > p > 0 0 [ D ] B e c a u s e t h e y a r e a f r a i d o f m a n u f a c t u r e r s . / p > p > 0 0 2 . T h e t o n
e o
f t h i s p a s s a
g e i s / p > p > 0 0 [ A ] c r i t i c a l . / p > p > 0 0 [ B ] i r o n i c a l . / p > p > 0 0 [ C ] d i s t a s t e . / p > p > 0
0 [ D ] a m u s i n g . / p > p > 0 0 3 . W h a t d o e s t h e s e n t e n c e &q u o t ; b e c a u s e y o u a r e i n g o o d c o m p a n y &q u o t ; m e a n ? / p > p > 0 0 [ A ] y o u a r e b a c k e d b y t h e g o v e r n m e n t . / p > p > 0 0 [ B ] Y o u a r e n o t a l o n e . / p > p > 0 0 [ C ] Y o u h a v e g o o d c o l l e a g u e s . / p > p > 0 0 [ D ] G o v e r n m e n t s a r e b l i n d t o e v i l s o f s m o k i n g t o o . / p > p > 0 0 4 . W h a t i s t h e b e s t t i t l e o f t h i s p a s s a g e ? / p > p > 0 0 [ A ] W o r l d G o v e r n m e n t s s h o u l d c o n d u c t s e r i o u s c a m p a i g n s a g a i n s t s m o k i n g . / p > p > 0 0 [ B ] W o r l d g o v e r n m e n t s t a k e t i m i d m e a s u r e s a g a i n s t s m o k i n g . / p > p > 0 0 [ C ] s m o k i n g i s t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t s o u r c e o f i n c o m e t o m a n y c o u n t r i e s . / p > p > 0 0 [ D ] t o b a c c o i n d u s t r y s p e n d s a l a r g e s u m o f m o n e y o n m e d i c a l r e s e a r c h . / p > p > 0 0 V o c a b u l a r y / p >