学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1. No conclusion has been ______ yet.
A.ached C.attained D.arrived
2. ______ your homework and make sure that you don't ______ any mistakes.
A.Do; do B.Make; make C.Make; do D.Do; make
3.I wondered what difficulty he had _________ the plan? carry out
B.carrying out
C.carried out
D.with carrying out
4. I can never forget ______ the famous actress during her visit to our school.
A.having been have ing2021年英语四级成绩查询
5. Thank you for the ______you did me. to move the sofa upstairs.
A.d D.kindness
6. Finally he got time for a glance______this report.
7._______ many times, he finally understood the problem.
A.Told B.Telling C.Having told D.Having been told
8.The scientists all agreed that rules of physics, ______ we are all familiar, govern the world which C.which D.with which
9.Helen always helps her grandmother even though going to school ____ most of her day.
A.takes up B.make up up D.put up sunlight for too much time, as the doctors say, will do harm to one ‘s skin.
A.Being exposed
B.Having exposed
D.After being exposed
11. Not only I but also Tom and Mary ______fond of collecting stamps. B.will C.are D.have
12. We were overjoyed at the news of China__________ another man-made satel1ite.
A.starting B.1aunching C.fighting D.shouting
13.I noticed his eyes ______, because they were very large. particular B.with particular special D.with special
14.- Between the two possible plans, I ‘m bound _____the second one
A. favour C.for favouring
15.12.It was the training _______ he had at school _______ made him a good jumper .
A.what; what B.that; that C.what; that D.that; had
16.Tom was about to close the windows _______ his attention was caught by a bird
A.when B.suddenly C.and D.till
17.The problem was settled to the complete of them, so they didn ‘t complain.
A.amazement B.satisfaction C.disappointment D.attraction
18. She's fainted. Throw some water on her face and she may______.
Ae round Be back Ce again De out
19. ______ you may be right, I can't altogether agree.
A.While B.As C.if D.Since
20.After all this time you‘d think he‘d have forgotten, ________ ?
A.should you B.wouldn"t you C.don"t you you
21.Balloons float in the air_________ boats do on the sea.
A.just as B.when C.that D.where
22.Mary, _________ here——everybody else, stay where you are.
Ae come Ding
23.Not until he left his home _______ to know how important the family was for him.
A.did he begin B.had he begun C.he began D.he has begun
24.The novel written by the author _______ well, but five years agro no one could have imagined how great a role he _______ in the literary world
A.sells; was to play
B.selling; was playing
C.sold; had played
D.sell; is playing
25.New typewriters cost about________price of the second—hand ones.
A.three times the
B.a three times
C.the three times
D.three times a
26. — This is my new dogHis name is Wisdom— That' s interestingWhy ______did you give him such a name? the earth the world
27.Little_________that their plan has beenDiscovered.
A.did they suspect the suspect they suspect
D.they suspect
28.We must __ early in the morning so as to catch the first train.
A.set up
B.set out
C.set about
D.set aside
29. Sickness deprived me ______ the pleasure of seeing you.
A.from B.of C.out of D.with
30. I wonder how much ______ .
A.that car was B.was that car that car D.that car is
31. (总的来说) women prefer brighter colors than men do.
32. 为了解决这些问题,我们需要依靠双方共同的诚意。
34. 警察已着手对这个案子进行细致、全面的调查。
35. 这项协议完全符合我们双方的需求和利益。
36. 他的威信与自信使他成为一个杰出的领导。
37. 他告诉我们的事是如此感人以至于我忍不住流下了眼泪。
38. (给我印象最深的) was that a middle school student had made the great invention.
39. 许多人抱怨现代生活节奏快。
40. Isaac will not invite his parents to his wedding, (也不想请他的亲朋好友).
41. 随着人们对更方便的电话通讯的需求不断增长,移动电话应运而生。
42. (面对艰巨的任务), we had better act on the suggestions made at the meeting.