  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 mimites to write an essay based on the chart below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the chart and comment on China5 s achievements in poverty alleviation. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
  The bar chart above explicitly demonstrates the great achievements China has made in poverty alleviation. In 2012, there are over 80 million rural people in poverty, which takes up almost 10% of the rural population. However, the following nine years witness the continuous decline in this figure, and in 2020, all the Chinese rural people are alleviated from poverty.
  The achievements, however, can not be completely reflected by this figure. Firstly, Chinese rural people have become increasingly wealthier. More families possess their own automobiles, more rural people have access to high-tech devices, and their living conditions have also improved markedly. Moreover, the literate rate of rural population has greatly increased, too. Primary schools are so popular in rural area that almost every
child can receive education, which will surely in turn propel the development of rural areas in the future. Besides, more rural people go to bigger cities to realize their Chinese dreams, and they have contributed a lot to the prosperity of our great country.
  In all, China5 s achievements in alleviating poverty have attracted worldwide attention. I am very proud of being a Chinese citizen, and I believe our great country will become better, stronger, and more beautiful.
Part III
Reading Comprehension (40minutes)
Section A
Directions:in this setion, there is apassage wtih ten banks. You are required to select one words for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passag
e.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choices in the bank is identified by a letter.Plaease mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
  I'm always baffled when I walk into a pharmacy and see shelves bursting with various vitamins ,extracts and other supplements ,all promising to accelerate or promote weight loss .Aisles of marketing genius belie(掩饰)the fact that, ____26____, weight loss is dictated by the laws of artithmetic. Economistes Jessica Trcine wrote a book about how she used math to help her lose more than 18 kilograms.If calrics taken in are less than calories ____27____, weight shall be lost, and so it is with money .
 Despite the ___28___of financial products, service and solutions geared towards accumulateing wealth, it all begins with the same __29___:getting ahead financially requires a reduction of spengding,so that income is greater than expenses,i was reminded of this again recently listenning to an interview with nicole haddow the author of
samshed avocado,explaining how she cracked the property market at 31, it was quite a ____30____,given where she had been two years carlier.
  Nicole didn't celebrate her 30th birthday as she had_31.She was sobbing at the diner table with her parens, wth whom she had just moved back in.She had no stable income S12000 in credi-card debt and no pan, but to her_32, her father, an accountant told her that her financial 33_wasn't as badasshe thought. He said, on her income, with some changes, she would be able to buy an investment unit within two years, which she did.
  Nicole admitted she was fortunate, as she was able to live with her parents and 34 her spending-and life- to get herself on track financally. Creating a gap between her income and spending required a paradigm shift and 35 sacrifice and commitment but by going into financial lockdown, Nicole gained f nancial independence .
  A) abundance I) impetus
  B) astonishment J) overhaul
C) entailed K) permanently
D) envisaged L) plight
E) equation M) prosper
F) expended N) shatter
G) feat 0) ultimately
H) fiscally
  At 43, I've reached the stage where women are warned to watch out for
  26 .H) fragility
  27 .E) diminished
  28 .J) obscurity
  29 .B) authentic
  30 30.0) suppress
  31 31 .F) drowned
  32 .M) purchasable
  33 .G) embark
  34 .A) adversity
  35 .D) depictions
  What Are the Ethics of CGI Actors-And Will They Replace Real Ones?
  36 .[G] Legally, a person's rights to control the commercial use of their name and image beyond their death differ between and even within countries.
  37 .[C] The James Dean film is a way to keep the actor's image relevant for younger generations, says Mark Roesler of CMG Worldwide, the firm that represents Dean's estate.
  38 .[J] This refers to the idea that when objects trying to resemble humans aren,t quite perfect, they can make viewers feel uneasy because they fall somewhere between obviously non-human and fully human.
  39 .[A] Digital humans are coming to a screen near you.
  40 .[F] A hidden hazard of digitally recreating a deceased (已故 的)celebrity is the risk of damaging their legacy.
  41 .[L] Webber expects that we will see more digital humans on screen.
  42 .[B] Late in 2019, it was announced that US actor James Dean, who died in 1955, will star in a Vietnam War film scheduled for release later this year.