【 导语】有时候,你必须一个人走,这不是孤独,而是选择。我们时时刻刻都在选择,你选择过什么样的生活就需要付出什么样的代价。以下是为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
From 2006, the index of Shanghai stock market rocketed from 2600 to 6000, and the stockprice of many companies increased several-fold, and even dozens-fold.
This has attracted thousands of Chinese to rush into stock market one after another.
Some relatives and friends of my family have followed the suit as well.
Why so many people swarmed into stock market?
The reasons are various.
Firstly, the benefit has huge power:if you buy at the price of 5 a share and sell at 8 twomonths later,what a big money!
Secondly, people are extraordinarily confident and optimistic about Chinese economy,so arethey about the stock market, an important showcase of economic development.
Thirdly, people know more about investment and they want to put their knowledge into practiceand try their fortune.
With the stock hot, many people withdraw money from their bank accounts and invest in thestock market, neglecting their study, jobs and even family life.
However, bubbles appear in some industries, which make quite a lot of people go bankrupt.
Therefore, it’s really urgent to cultivate a rational view about investment in the stockmarket.
Moonlite is a term referring to those people who exhaust their earnings every month withoutany savings.
With the acceleration of globalization, it seems that the availability of various commoditieshas put more and more people into the category of moonlite.
And these people are even proud of this unique life style.
The moonlite brag their behaviors as a fashionable way to live a life.
But we have to admit that problems exist in both their beliefs and behaviors.
Firstly, industrious and economical concept has been Chinese traditional moralexcellence.
And moonlite has violated the belief seriously.
六级查分2021时间Secondly, no savings will place themselves in a difficult position in case of possibly unexpectedexpenses.
Thirdly, this immoderate consumption habit may subconsciously infect their self-controlabilities, which can result in serious consequences.
In my view, though the moonlite may acquire temporary satisfaction from immoderateconsumption, in the long term, it will deteriorate their personal financial levels.
For majority of people, their income is limited and unnecessary expenses should be avoided.
We should always bear this sentence in mind: “Live within your means and save for a rainy day. ”
Internet is playing a more important role in our life.
We work with it, giving and receiving orders; we communicate with it, through e-mail, on-line phone, or MSN; we entertain with it, playing games, watching movies, and enjoying music; we study with it, looking for and exchanging information; we live with it, doing shopping and banking.
Besides, we can log on to the Internet on campus, in a bar, at home, or in a hotel, almostanywhere anytime.
However, if we want to enjoy the service, we have to register with many websites, typing in our name, age, gender, address, andtelephone number.
And these become part of contents stored on-line.
With the “professional” hackers, despiteful and harmless, as well as irresponsible websiteadministrators, the information might be stolen and made open and even sold.
A case in point is the junk mails.
A better example is the privacy of pop stars.
As a result, while enjoying the great convenience and speed of Internet, we are called sometimes by strangers, visited by promotions and junk ads, and cheated bysomeone unexpectedly.
Therefore, think twice before deciding to register on-line.
With the advent of Internet, we have stepped into an era of information and technology.
As a result, there are more channels for secondhand goods transactions.
For instance, various kinds of websites can provide information platform for the transactions.
In fact, attitudes towards secondhand goods transactions vary from person to person.
Some believe that these transactions obviously have many advantages.
It’s a win-win situation for both buyers and sellers.
For buyers, they can purchase commodities at much lower price than brand new ones.