考试是按照确定的标准科学地评价考试对象,基于不同维度将考试对象进行分类或排序,为考试需求方提供进一步评价的依据。因此,通过考试持续提升考试对象的素质与能力,使其更好地达到设定的标准,是考试机构生存发展的必由之路。以教育考试为例,英国高中A-Level 考
试是对学生的高中课程水平进行评价,也是英国大学入学的统一测试,负责该考试的剑桥大学考试委员会多年来通过不断增设考试科目,为学生提供更多的自我认知和发展机会,也使得大学可以更为全面地考查和评价学生。同样,美国SAT 考试也是学生申请大学的依据,为了整体提升学生接受大学教育的能力和水平,组织此项考试的美国大学理事会又开发了大学先修课程考试,以推动学生更好地适应大学教育。因此,考试机构的专业化还体现在能否结合行业特点进行考试开发,就教育考试机构来说,需要根据人才培养规律和培养目标不断进行考试项目的开发。
Journal of China Examinations 2021年第2期No.2,2021
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Conversation by Writing on the Development of Educational Examination
in the 14th Five-Year Plan Period
ZHONG Binglin 1,LIU Haifeng 2,XIN Tao 1,MA Luting 3,BAO Lei 4,HUANG Tengjiao 5,
ZHENG Fangxian 6,HAU Kit-Tai 7,RICH SUN Changhua 8,LIU Hongyun 1,YUAN Jianlin 9,LUO Guanzhong 10,HUANG Ronghuai 1,WU Xiaoru 11
(1.Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China;2.Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;3.Education Development Research Center of Ministry of Education,Beijing 100816,China;4.Ohio State University,Columbus,Ohio 43210,USA;5.Chongqing Municipal Educational Examinations Authority,
Chongqing 401147,China;6.Shanghai Municipal Educational Examinations Authority,Shanghai 200433,China;7.The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong 999077,China;8.ACT,Inc.,Iowa City,Iowa 52246,USA;9.Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China;10.Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang
330022,China;11.IFLYTEK Co.,Ltd.,Hefei 230001,China )
Abstract:This issue includes 13articles in the form of conversation by writing,which provide suggestions on the development of educational examination in the 14th Five-Year Plan period from the perspectives of ideology,system,technology and so on.Zhong Binglin suggests enhancing the concept of system and advancing the reform of the system of examination and enrollment on the levels of system design,ideological change,resource input and complementary reform.Liu Haifeng stresses the need to perfect the reform of Gaokao subjects to ensure that the reform of educational examination is fair and scientific.Meanwhile,it is important to prioritize research to lead educational examination to a new phase and quicken the steps of modernizing China ’s educational examination.According to Xin Tao,the reform of educational assessment is the key to the revolution of student cultivation.It is necessary for assessment to play its guiding role from such aspects as assessment goals,assessment content,assessment process and assessment outcome.It is necessary to set moral education as the core of education quality.It is necessary to abandon uni-dimensional assessment indices and strengthen assessment of comprehensive qualities.It is necessary to explore and utilize the
significance and value behind test data and establish a student cultivation system featuring assessm
ent,feedback and improvement.Ma Luting suggests strengthening the guidance of examination on students ’
physical and mental health growth and improvement of thinking ability,weakening the function of selection of
Gaokao,and guiding students to make their choices of universities according to their characteristics.In Bao Lei ’s view,in order to advocate effective learning and avoid test-oriented education,it is necessary to expand and deepen Gaokao ’s test content and guide students to formulate test plans and study plans according to their own needs.In this way,ineffective learning for the sake of tests can be turned into effective knowledge and
concrete abilities.According to Huang Tengjiao,it is imperative to perfect the multi-dimensional enrollment mechanism to deepen the comprehensive reform of Gaokao.In addition,it is important to promote the
governance modernization of educational examination by establishing test standards and formulating laws of tests.It is also important to fully promote the intelligence development of educational examination with the
application of information technology and artificial intelligence.Zheng Fangxian points out that educational examination agencies should take the reform of educational assessment in the new era as an opportunity to improve their capacity in an all-round way in terms of work content,team building and professional services.Hau Kit-Tai takes Hong Kong ’s inclusion of school-based assessment scores in college entrance examination scores as an example,concluding that the practice is not applicable to Gaokao which usually places great
importance on scores.To resolve the issue of “single-log bridge ”of Gaokao,the government and the society need to create more professional opportunities and career paths for students.In Rich Sun Changhua ’s article,ACT Holistic Framework is taken as an example to illustrate the necessity of formulating assessment standards
easy for the public to understand and accept on the national level,given the fact that holistic assessment is an important part of the current comprehensive reform of Gaokao.Liu Hongyun and Yuan Jianlin point out that
the assessment of complex skills should be regarded as the priority of the future development of educational examination to make it more scientific and effective in order to help realize the educational goal of cultivating
students in an all-round way.According to Luo Guanzhong,the most urgent issue for China ’s educational examination is to explore the appropriate application of educational psychology theories and measurement techniques and tools on the basis of them.Meanwhile,it is equally important to develop measurement theories,techniques and tools with Chinese characteristics.Huang Ronghuai argues that the utilization of modern information technology for student assessment should be regarded as one important way to promote the reform
and development of education in the 14th Five-Year Plan period,which necessitates the construction of an
intelligent educational assessment system.According to Wu Xiaoru,given the progress made in the a
pplication of artificial intelligence in assessment,the holistic assessment of student ’s morality,intelligence,sports,
aesthetics and labour by artificial intelligence can be regarded as the development direction of educational examination during the 14th Five-Year Plan period.
Keywords:educational examination;14th Five-Year Plan;examination and enrollment system reform;educational assessment reform;modernization of educational examination;assessment of complex skills;professional development of examination agencies;modernized intelligent examination;application of information technology in educational examination