132、对于试图开展更快速的动态项⽬的机构⽽⾔,敏捷思维对于管理⾓⾊⾄关重要。 尤其是在混合管理中,决策、⾏动、⽅向和愿景通常来⾃管理层。 当⼀个组织考虑应⽤ Scrum 时,他们不应该只期待团队⼯作⽅式发⽣变化,他们还应该开始考虑管理团队打算如何运作。由谁来确保⼯作按照领导层的指⽰⽅向和产品的愿景展开?
An Agile mindset is crucial in management roles for organizations that are trying to undertake more quick and dynamic projects. Decisions, actions, directions, and vision often come from the management level, especially in the hybrid world. When an organization thinks about applying Scrum, they shouldn’t expect only changes in how teams work but also, they should start considering how the management team intends to operate. Who ensures that work is aligned with leadership's direction and Product Vision?
A:产品负责⼈ The Product Owner
B:Scrum 主管 The Scrum Master
C:团队 The Team
D:敏捷教练 The Agile Coach
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
The agile team has been provided with limited wall space to indicate the project status or progress. The team members are confused about whether they should use a software tool for which the company has an unlimited license or use the whole space to display the index cards with notes on what they are currently working on. Which of the following is recommended for the agile team to do use?
A:索引卡和张贴在墙上的笔记,因为这将为利益相关⽅提供项⽬状态的实时更新 Index cards and posted notes as it will offer stakeholders real-time updates on the project status
B:“使⽤软件,因为该公司有永久使⽤许可,不存在成本问题” The software tool as the company has
unlimited user license so there is no issue regarding the cost
C:“遵循其他敏捷团队使⽤的⽅法来展⽰公司的项⽬状态或进度” Follow the same practices as used by other agile teams to indicate the project status or progress in the company
D:“使⽤信息发射源,因为发射源⽐⾼科技解决⽅案更好” Use information radiators as they are better than high tech solutions
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
解析:使⽤索引卡和贴在墙上的笔记,因为它将为利益相关⽅提供有关项⽬状态的实时更新。 敏捷团队应该使⽤整个空间来张贴索引卡或便利贴,来展⽰项⽬任务的当前状态。
134、对于产品负责⼈来说,新数据库的要求⾮常模糊。 在与客户进⾏了长时间的讨论后,你发现你对产品或构建产品的过程没有⾜够的了解,难以继续推进。 作为敏捷实践者,接下来应该怎么做?
The requirements for the new database are very vague to the product owner. After lengthy discussions with the customer, you discovered that you don’t have enough knowledge about the product or the process of building the product to move forward. As an agile practitioner, what should you do next?
A:开始创建你的第⼀个⽤户故事,要求最终会发展清晰 Start creating your first user stories and requirements will eventually evolve
B:“由于项⽬中的技术不确定性,开始刺探以理清当前的风险 Start a spike to clarify the current risk due to the technical uncertainty within the project #25.
C:“继续细化待办事项列表,并将情况告知⾼级利益相关⽅” Carry on with backlog refinement and inform senior stakeholders about the situation
D:“从零开始冲刺,你可以在其中完成项⽬设置、基础设施配置、项⽬⽂档存储库的设置、⼯具标准化和团队建设” Start a sprint Zero where you complete project setup, infrastructure provisioning, setting up of project document repository, standardizing tools, and building your team
正确答案:B 你的答案:C
135、你是⼀名项⽬经理,被分配到⼀个更换防⽕墙的项⽬,在该项⽬中,这个⾮专业的跨职能团队将在两到四周时间内设计、构建和配置完成防⽕墙的安全特性。 你认为该项⽬的最佳交付⽅式是什么?
You’re a project manager who has been assigned to a firewall replacement project where security features can be designed, built, and configured by one non-specialized, cross-functional team in a time frame ranging from two to four weeks. What do you think is the best delivery approach for this project?
A:Scrum; 产品可以在 1 个⽉或更短的时间盒内交付,并具有⼀致的持续时间,其中产⽣了潜在的可发布的产品增量。 Scrum; The product could be delivered in time-boxes of 1 month or less with consistent durations where a potentially releasable increment of product is produced.
B:看板; 我们只与⼀个团队合作,我们需要限制在制品 (WIP) 以优化⼯作流程并缩短前置时间。 Kanban; we’re operating with one team only, and we need to limit the work in progress (WIP) to optimize workflow and reduce lead time.
C:瀑布; 考虑到解决⽅案的敏感性,我们需要⼀个专门的团队来⽀持这个产品,还需要⼀个更连续的⼯艺流程。 Pure waterfall; we need a specialized team to support this product and a more sequential process flow considering the sensitive nature of the solution.
D:以上都不对 None of the above
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:冲刺描述了 Scrum 中的有时间盒限制的迭代,其中产⽣了潜在的可发布的产品增量。
136、过去⼏年你⼀直在管理敏捷项⽬。 根据你的经验,个⼈互动和⼈际交往能⼒对于组建你的团队来说是最重要的。 你知道训练和指导成员是提⾼团队成员技能的最佳⽅法之⼀。 作为团队教练,你对团队成员的个⼈⽬标和个⼈动机应该持什么态度?
You have been managing Agile projects for the past few years. Based on your experience, personal interaction and interpersonal skills are the most important in building your team. You know that coaching and mentoring is one of the best ways to improve your team member’s skills. As a team coach, what should be your attitude toward your team members’individual goals and personal motivations?
A:“忽略它们;个⼈问题与实现项⽬⽬标⽆关。” Ignore them; personal issues have no bearing on reaching the project goals.为什么不建议考pmp
B:“培养他们;个⼈⽬标是⼈们希望在⼯作中取得成功的重要原因。” Cultivate them; personal goals are an important reason why people want to be successful at work.
C:“理解它们;尝试将个⼈动机与团队实现项⽬⽬标的进展保持⼀致。” Understand them; try to align personal motivations with the team’s progress toward the project goals.
D:“利⽤他们;⽤个⼈⽬标说服团队成员提⾼他们的绩效⽔平” Leverage them; use individual goals to persuade team members to raise their performance level
正确答案:C 你的答案:B
解析:敏捷领导者尝试将团队成员的个⼈⽬标和个⼈动机与团队实现项⽬⽬标的进度保持⼀致。 要做到这⼀点,有必要先学会理解这些动机。 忽视、沉迷或利⽤个⼈⽬标来操纵他⼈并没有那么有效。 我们只是希望将个⼈动机与团队实现项⽬⽬标的进展保持⼀致。
137、你的项⽬团队刚刚完成了搜索功能的冲刺计划,汇总了故事点,并创建了接下来 4 周的迭代燃尽图。 以下关于迭代燃尽图的说法中错误的是:
Your project team has just completed sprint planning for the search function and has totaled up the story points and created an iteration burndown chart for the next 3 weeks. All of the following are true about an iteration burndown chart except:
A:它跟踪迭代中剩余的⼯作。 It tracks work remaining in the iteration.
B:它描述了迭代中计划的⼯作。 It depicts work planned in the iteration.
C:它描述了迭代中预计剩余⼯作。 It depicts forecasted remaining work in the iteration.
D:它跟踪当前版本中剩余的⼯作。 It tracks work left in the current release.
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
One of the agile practitioners on your team had to take an emergency unplanned leave. This caused the team pressure since he had loads of work to finish. What would you do in this situation?
A:让团队⽆视压⼒,继续尽其所能推进项⽬ Explain to the team to work on the items without pressure and deliver what they can
B:要求团队做好每天加班的计划,以便完成这项⼯作 Request for the team to plan to spend extra hours each day so that they finish this work
C:请⼈⼒资源经理⽴即补充可以从事此⼯作的⼈⼿ Ask the resource manager to provide another resource immediately who can take up this work
D:通知产品负责⼈,推迟发布⽇期 Inform the product owner and move the release date
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
139、 你的敏捷团队正在召开第⼀次冲刺计划会议。他们正在讨论使⽤适当的⼯具和技术识别风险。以下⼯具和技术不合适的是:
Your Agile team is having its first sprint planning meeting. They are discussing the use of appropriate tools and techniques to identify risks. The following tools and techniques are all appropriate except:
A:根本原因分析 Root cause analysis
B:清单 Checklists
C:提⽰列表 Prompt lists
D:上下⽂图 Context diagrams
正确答案:D 你的答案:A
You, as a Scrum Master have observed that there are too many questions about the project and its progress, coming from one of the senior executives, causing multiple team members spending considerable time to answer. What should be your next step?
A:请团队成员把所有咨询转交给Scrum主管答复 Ask the team members to divert all his queries to the Scrum Master
B:告诉团队,未经你的许可,不回答任何问题 Tell the team that no question will be answered without your permission
队成员 Talk to the senior executive and clearly tell that in the future he should be able to understand the project status from the information radiators and
must not bother anyone
D:向⾼级主管解释敏捷⼯作⽅式,并请他向Scrum主管咨询所有问题 Explain to the senior executive about agile ways of working and ask him to address all the questions to the Scrum Master
正确答案:D 你的答案:C
What is the best approach in handling the Product Backlog if you are working on the project with multiple Scrum teams?
A:为每个团队创建不同内容的产品待办列表 Create component-specific Product Backlogs for each team
B:使⽤同⼀个产品待办列表,扩展整理范围,并考虑在待办事项列表中提供不同团队的视图 Employ one Product Backlog, extend the grooming horizon, and consider providing team-specific views into the backlog
C:偏好组件团队⽽⾮特性团队,并为每个团队设置单独的空⽩产品待办事项列表 Prefer component teams to feature teams and empty separate Product Backlog for each team
D:没有最好的⽅法,以上任何⼀个都可以 There is no best approach, it is possible to go with any of them
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
解析:每当开展⼤型 Scrum项⽬时,请确保有⼀个产品待办事项列表包含将产品变为现实所需要完成的⼯作。避免根据团队或组件设置不同的待办事项列表,将产品需求切分为⼦系统需求或组件需求。使⽤同⼀个产品待办事项,扩展整理范围,并考虑在待办事项列表中提供不同团队的视图。
During the sprint meeting for a software development project, the project manager was taking votes f
or a decision, and one team member held his fist closed. What does this mean?
A:他没有兴趣参与 He is not interested to participate
B:他对这个决定没意见 He is fine with the decision
C:他不同意这个决定 He disagrees with the decision
D:他完全⽀持这个决定 He fully supports the decision
正确答案:C 你的答案:D
A product owner has set up a room with five laptops and invited four different end-users to test the ca
pabilities of a new system. The developers from the project team have been invited in the room to observe the users take notes and answer
the basic questions. Which of the following agile techniques and tools has been described in the scenario?
A:可⽤性测试 Usability testing
B:⾃动化测试 Automated testing
C:脚本测试 Scripted tests
D:探索性测试 Testing exploratory testing
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
The daily Scrum in your project has turned out to be a problem-solving activity and a status meeting. Your team decided to talk about problems during the daily Scrum, and the 15- minutes time slot is no longer viable. Going forward, who must attend this meeting?
A:Scrum主管、产品负责⼈和开发团队。 The scrum master, the product owner, and the development team.
B:只有开发团队和Scrum主管。 The development team and the scrum master only.
C:仅开发团队和产品负责⼈。 The development team and the product owner only.
D:开发团队,Scrum主管可选择参加。 The development team with the scrum master as an optional attendee.
正确答案:D 你的答案:A
调已经遇到的或预计会遇到的障碍。我们应该⿎励团队成员⽽不是 项⽬经理或领导者来推进每⽇站会,确保每⽇站会不会变成状态更新会议,⽽是作为团队⾃我组织和相互作出承诺的会议。
Lisa, who works as a product owner in an e commerce platform, possesses excellent technical skills in technical writing, and broad skills in other relevant areas, such as testing and user experience design. She is also very supportive of her team and can work adequately outside of her specialty when the need arises to help avoid bottlenecks. Lisa’s curiosity to learn is derived by which of the following?
A:对在职业⽣涯后期加⼊⼀个专业的职能团队的渴望 The desire to move to a specialized functional team later in her career
B:极具挑战的⼯作⾓⾊和⼯作环境 The highly challenging role and work environment
C:希望在⾃我组织的团队中⼯作的意愿 The willingness to work in a self-organizing team
D:长期的潜在回报与成为Scrum主管的机会 Long-term potential benefits and the opportunity to become a Scrum master
正确答案:C 你的答案:B
146、 “开发⼈员刚刚完成了产品增量的构建,明天将在演⽰中向 Sara 展⽰。Sara 可能接受增量或要求对其进⾏更改。Sara 在该项⽬中最有可能扮演什么⾓⾊?”
The developers have just finished building a product increment and will present it to Sara in a demonstration tomorrow. Sara may either accept the increment or request changes to it. What is Sara’s most likely role on the project?
A:产品负责⼈ Product owner
B:发起者 Sponsor
C:Scrum主管 Scrum Master
D:项⽬经理 Project manager
正确答案:A 你的答案:B