Part 1  Listening(第一部分  听力  共25分)
Ⅰ. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共25分)
A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你所听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共5分)
1. ________  2. ________  3. ________  4. ________  5. ________
B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案):(共8分)
6. A. He is in.                B. Yes, he is out.            C. He is out.                D. No. he is out.
7. A. At school.            B. At home.                C. On the way home.        D. In the bookshop.
8.A. At 6:30.                B. At 6:00.                C. At 7:00.                D. At 6:15.
9. A. By plane.                B. By train.                C. By ship.                D. By car.
10.A. Hotel.                B. Traffic.                C. Weather.                D. Food.
11. A. Bob’ s father.            B. Bob’s brother.            C. Bob’s uncle.            D. Bob’s grandfather.
12. A. 350 yuan.            B. 700 yuan.                C. 315 yuan.                D. 630 yuan.
13. A. Because it’s easy to guide a group of tourists.
B. Because she likes the beautiful mountains and rivers.
C. Because she thinks it’s exciting to travel around.
D. Because she likes to make more friends from different places.
C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断
(  )14. Before Christmas people buy too many things.
(  )15. “ Buy Nothing Day” means “No shopping” on that day.
(  )16. Ads (广告) in newspapers and tv programs tell people how to choose what they want.
(  )17. The idea for “Buy nothing Day” started from some people in America.
2020年四六级考试时间(  )18. In New Mexico, high school students made posters to tell people how to buy good gifts.
(  )19. Most people liked the new idea of buying nothing on that day every year.
D. Listen to the passage and complete the sentences(听短文,完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):(共6分)
20. Lucy does well in cooking, but Lily is ________ ________ washing and cleaning.
21. They have breakfast in the ________. After that, her husband goes to work at ________ o’clock.
22. At five o’clock, they have ________ ________ with fruits bread and small cakes.
Part 2  Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分  词汇和语法  共41分)
Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示填入空格内):(18分)
(  )23. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?
A. pity                    B. ingredient                C. icing                    D. if
(  )24. Which of the following is the correct pronunciation of the word “balloon”?
A. /bʌˈlu:n/                B./ bəˈla:n/                C. /bəˈlu:n/                D. /bəˈlun/
(  )25. My father used to have ______ walk in my neighborhood after ______ supper.
A. a, a                    B. an, the                    C. the, /                    D.a, /
(  )26. What happened ______ a cold winter morning?
A. on                    B. in                        C. at                        D. for
(  )27. Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower is one of ______ in the world.
A. tallest TV tower            B. the tallest TV tower        C. tallest TV towers        D. the tallest TV towers
(  )28. It’s raining hard outside, so I had better ______ at home.
A. stay                    B. to stay                    C. staying                D. stayed
(  )29. I used not to like this book, but now I ______ it very much.
A. liked                    B. like                    C. was liking                D. have liked
(  )30. John didn’t come to school and ______.
A. so did his brother                                B. so didnt his brother
C. neither did his brother                            D. neither didnt his brother
(  )31. -- ______ will it take to get all the things ready?
-- About half an hour.
A. How much                B. How soon                C. How fast                D. How long
(  )32. They can go to the Century Park ______ underground.
A. take                    B. by                    C. in                        D. on
(  )33. The old man couldn’t walk any more in the end. The underlined part means ______.
A. each other                B. at last                    C. over there                D. just
(  )34. Don’t be late for school next time, ______?
A. shall we                B. will you                C. don’t you                D. won’t you
(  )35. It is ______ to make such toys you can learn to make it soon.
A. difficult                B. easy                    C. boring                    D. impossible
(  )36. The firemen ______ the fire and rescued the old woman.
A. put away                B. put off                    C. put out                    D. put
(  )37. The mother looks ______ at her child. The child is very beautiful.
A. happy                    B. happily                C. angry                    D. angrily
(  )38. Teachers often tell us ______ in the street.
A. not play                B. not to play                C. to not play                D. don’t play
(  )39. -- Let’s have a food festival this weekend.
-- ______.
A. That’s a good idea        B. Yes, I will                C. That’s all right            D. No thanks
(  )40. -- Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?
-- ______.
A. Coffee, please                                    B. Yes. I like coffee
C. No, I don’t like tea                                D. Yes, please